We'd never have known, would we? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The easiest way to answer a tag question clearly is by repeating the tag, and reversing it. Practice different kinds of tag questions: adding tag questions to sentences with the verb BE, sentences in the simple present tense, and sentences with modal verbs (positive and negative sentences). So how do we appropriately answer tag questions? We use the same auxiliary verb in the tag as in the main sentence. Answers 1. Oh you think so, do you? Have two volunteers come to the front of the class and give each student a marker or piece of chalk. Open a window, will you? To recap all I have said so far, let me use this four sentences to buttress the point I am making: Are you confused? 5. Copyright © 2008 - 2020 Dragon Systems Software Limited (DssW). Answer a tag question according to the truth of the situation. I do know you, don’t I? Answering Tag Questions When you answer a tag questions, often you can just say 'yes' or 'no'. + You are going to Paris, aren't you? Oh you do, do you? If you take a look at my posts lately, they have been around issues of questions in English. Answering Tag Questions In English, tag questions are answered in a different way than some other languages, so they can be a source of challenge for English-learners. Hello there! 2. We are not all stupid, are we? I am late, aren’t I? When you disagree, it is common to add more information to your response. Check out the list and sharing details about you to the audience There are specific numbers of types. Yes I am! The above answer is wrong because it is incongruous: positive with a negative. If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative. Then, a partial Tag Question, such as, 'I am a student, and he...' s='you' + aux='are' + v='going' ... + , + aux+not='aren't' + pronoun='you'. But you'll tell me if she calls, won't you? If you don’t, then send this post to or share with a thousand people and a thousand dollars will be in your account! The right tag question for this would be: wasn’t he? Hi, Barbara, you've reminded me the questions I really want to ask. Published by Dragon Systems Software Limited, 5 Bank Street, Malvern, WR14 2JG, United Kingdom. Sometimes, the statement will not have an auxiliary or a modal. I’d say start with your house address, but your stalkers already have that information. Let us take some more examples: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In addition, users of English as a second language often make mistakes in answering the following questions: What most people reply is often the opposite of what they mean. Procedure: Give each student a copy of the worksheet. All rights reserved. ‘Awesome’! If the main clause has be, this is also used in the question tag. We usually use them to confirm information or someone's opinion. You answer tag questions according to the truth of the situation. The question tag and response are both positive. Q: They didn't have a good time, did they? - You aren't going to Paris, are you? Yes you will! How to Answer Tag Questions with Examples, Positive Answers Take Positive Tags and Vice Versa. Here is a list of examples of tag questions in different contexts. Nobody knows, do they? 3. YouTube tags is the super cool and easiest way to get your viewers know about the person whose videos they watch and follow. Thank you, Kabiru. When you say you mind something, then it means it is a bother to you, it is somewhat a problem to you and, in effect, you are saying, ‘no’ you don’t want it! You think the party is at 3:00. The nature of the sentence determines the type of question we ask. yes he was. This tag is made of 50+ Q&A random questions that your friends or followers don’t know about you. We are leaving at 3:00, aren't we? That is the time to use a tag question in English. Tag questions are made using an auxiliary verb (for example: be or have) and a subject pronoun (for example: I, you, she). Thank you. When answering, you will want to answer all the parts of the question. 6. Many users of English of get it wrong when it comes to answering tag question. Divide the students into groups of three and give each student a question prompt card. Now, if the statement contains a negative, and you agree, your answer should contain a negative, that is ‘no’. The weather's bad, isn't it? Your email address will not be published. what’s the right answer? Am I sure? How awkward! 2.1. I hope you understand this. The statement can be positive or negative. If you agree with the statement, it must show in the way you answer that you agree. Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have ... must), the question tag has the same auxiliary. To give the full answer, you use the same auxiliary or modal verb that was used in the question. http://www.engvid.com/ Tag questions can be difficult, can't they? is it correct answer “he was”? 1.1. The person responding agrees that it is warm. For ESL learners. The question tag for let’s is shall we? It was you who gave the wrong answer! Answer key is a good reference to learn how question tags are used... Several examples and exercises online auxiliary verb + subject 1. e.g past tenses; I knew you. Your answer reflects the real facts, not (necessarily) the question. Why Is Get To Know Me Tag Popular? Thanks, Kabiru. Tag questions are common in spoken English. Statement= 'The party is at 3:00'. The question tag uses the negative 'shouldn't'. Next, divide the class into two teams. KIndly note that when you use DID, he verb that follows must be in the present tense. No, you are not! If there is no auxiliary verb in the main sentence, we use do in the tag. After a negative imperative, we use will you?. Question tags can also change meaning based on how you pronounce the tag at the end of the sentence. Divide students into groups of 3 - 4 and have them complete the gap-fill exercise. No, it's not. I understood the question tag so much. How did you feel? Don’t forget, will you? The question tag uses the positive 'are'. When the statement is positive, the question tag is negative. Yes, of course, it is! Back to what we said earlier, if you agree with the statement, your answer must reflect the agreement, bearing in mind whether the sentence is positive or negative. Yes, we are! However, you can say: He was responsible for the death of my father. Are you ready to stand out among the audience and answer all this tag questions? The statement 'You aren't going to Paris' uses the negative auxiliary 'aren't'. The statement, question tag, and response all use the same auxiliary 'are'. Give each group the sentence halves (which you have cut into strips prior to the lesson) and ask them to match them. Looking at your question, there is a presupposition that you KNOW someone and you still KNOW them. I didn’t know you, “did I know you? Given the foregoing, do you mind if I give you a thousand dollars? If you agree, the response is in the same form as the statement. Online quiz to test your understanding of English tag questions. When someone asks a tag question and the question tag has falling intonation, the person who asks the questions is fairly sure that the statement before the tag ending is correct. If you raise your voice on the question tag you are asking if the information you just stated is indeed correct. Break the question down into smaller pieces. A question tag is something added to the end of a statement to make it a question.A man like you cannot do this is a statement.A man like you cannot do this, can he? A: Yes, they did. You are checking this is correct. 3. Find a question that you think you can answer well. You live in Spain, don’t you? No, we're not. s='you' + aux+not='aren't' + v='going' ... + , + aux='are' + pronoun='you'. / No, there isn't. The statement only has a main verb 'play'. It's not cold outside, is it? so I really appreciated with this topic. The following questions are the most usually asked to any new Youtuber. Give me a hand, would you? We're leaving at 2:00. Tag questions turn a statement into a question by adding a short question tag at the end. Let me demonstrate this to you: Remember that any sentence that is asterisked in English is ungrammatical. There are different reasons for using tag questions, but usually it’s because you have an idea of what the answer might be. I don’t know you, do I? You can learn more about the different forms of VERBS. For instance: I did CARRY them along before I posted the image. But you don't really love her, do you? Explain the usage of question tags to students and when they are more preferable than direct questions. Required fields are marked *. In order to correctly answer a tag question, you must first ask if you agree with the statement or not. For sentences or statements with auxiliary verbs, the verbs determine the tag. So when next you do come across these ‘do you mind…’ and ‘do you care…’ questions, how do you tackle them? A: Yes, there is. Using question tags in this manner helps to make sure that you are doing something correctly, or understand a situation accurately. Your sister sings well, doesn’t she? The advice is that you should answer a tag question based on the truth of the situation in which your answer shows the real facts and not necessarily the question. I always recommend making your own video unique, but it doesn’t hurt to take a look at how other popular YouTubers did it and get inspiration. We are leaving at 3:00, aren't we? 4. Kindly subscribe. It is simple! Don’t ask me how that will be! We always use contractions for negative question tags. The question tag uses the negative 'aren't'. OR These question tags exercises with answers will help to make your answers … If the statement is positive, the tag is usually negative and vice versa. Now that you got a huge list of TMI tag questions you can use, pick the best ones, get your equipment and start recording the challenge! The statement uses the positive modal 'should'. In the example above, the truth of the situation is that Obama is the President of the United States. Then if the questions are in the negative, are the following answers still OK? But if you do not mind, then, it means you want it and it is not a bother to you and you are saying ‘yes, give it to me!’. Cousin tag questions – Some really wonderful questions that are great to ask your cousin in tag regardless of whether they are a girl or a guy. However, if you are one of those lucky people that have a brother or sister, grab them and make them participate in the sibling question tag … Ask these 30 questions. Sometimes, we answer yes or no (See Types of Questions in English) to tag questions and at other times, we repeat the tag and reverse it as we have in: In order to correctly answer a tag question, you must first ask if you agree with the statement or not. 2. Have you found yourself in such situation before, when you really wanted a cup of tea and you answered ‘Yes, I do’ and you did not get a cup of tea? 9. Tag questions. You’re Spanish, aren’t you? In the activity, students ask and answer questions and then check how much information they remember by asking tag questions. B. For these statements we use the auxiliary 'do' to make the question tag. It would just an appropriate thing to takes a look at the post Tag Questions in English, if you have not already done so. When the statement is negative, the question tag is positive. They are often used for checking information that we think we know is true. If you agree with the statement, it must show in the way you answer that you agree. Is it possible to ask questions or send in my comments? / No, he can't. See you around! Samuel passed the test, didn’t he? 2. 10. The question tag for I am is aren’t I?. I guess with this brief article, you have known how to answer tag questions correctly. The person responding disagrees with the statement it's not cold. (NOT …amn’t I?) Yes, it is. To form the two-word tag questions, you must follow the rules below: The subject in the statement matches the subject in the tag. For example, You don’t know them, do you? We use 'don't' to make the question tag. Sibling Tag questions or brother/sister question tag are like the most amazing thing to do with your siblings. The tag includes a pronoun and its matching form of the verb be, or auxiliary verb. You should wear a coat. To give the full answer, you use the same auxiliary or modal verb that was used in … If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative. Most language answer either '(positive response word)' to signal that the implied answer is correct, or '(negative response word)' when it's incorrect.English expects an answer of the form 'Yes, it is' or 'No, it isn't', the first word matching the following phrase in negativity rather than telling you you are correct or not. 8. Boyfriend tag questions – Wanna have fun with your boyfriend and find out how well he knows about you? It's not cold outside, is it? When you answer a tag questions, often you can just say 'yes' or 'no'. Learn what they are and how to use them properly in this grammar lesson. Explain that the students are going to conduct a questionnaire using tag questions, but first they need to complete the questions : on their worksheet with positive and negative tags. Will you share this post? Unlike ‘do you mind question’ if you care for something, it means you want it and you are saying: ‘yes, give it to me!’ On the other hand, if you do not want it, you simply respond: ‘no, I don’t care’. The statement and response are both positive. Let’s dig in and see, shall we? Add appropriate tags or short answers to the given statements. The question is a classic ESL problem. This tag can go viral on social media platforms, especially YouTube, as you will see at the end of this article, many YouTube stars get hundreds of thousands of views for simply doing a challenge . This'll work, won't it? A: Yes, he can. so could I say; I did knew you instead up I did.” , did I not know you?, didn’t I know you?. Did I hear you say? Notice that some are \"normal\" and others seem to break all the rules: 1. Learn more about contractions. The statement and response are both negative. The aim of the about me question tag is to give your stalkers more information about you so that they can finally stop tailing your car. Q: John can't swim, can he? You can’t possibly undo the knowing, as it were. No, we aren’t! Yes I did. We are not all stupid, are we? It is wrong and ungrammatical to begin your answer to a tag question with ‘yes’ and then add negation or begin your answer with ‘no’ and then add a positive statement. Also, prepare a list of Tag Questions (or use the questions in the above quiz'). The auxiliary verb or verb to be in the statement matches the verb used in the tag. 11. However, if the statement is positive and you do agree with it, your answer must begin with ‘yes’. You felt the individual did not understand simple English; Poor you! In another vein, has someone asked you if you cared for a plate of rice and you said ‘No, I don’t’ and the individual passed the plate of rice over you? Now, if the statement contains a negative, and you agree, your answer should contain a negative, that is ‘no’. didn’t I? If you are the only child, you would totally get what I mean. Here in this blog, you can read tag questions with answers and can know about tag questions. If the main clause does not have an auxiliary verb (or be), do is used in the question-tag. 3.1. If you disagree, the response is in the same format at the question tag. A tag question starts out as a statement and then becomes a question at the end. Your sentence, ‘he was a suicide of my father’, is not grammatically correct. Q: There isn't any apple, is there? Tag questions are made up of two parts: a statement and a question tag. As easy as you might think answering tag questions look, many people still answer tag questions wrongly. 7. Keep quiet, can’t you? The answer in A disagrees with the statement while the answer in B agrees with the statement. The person responding agrees that it is not cold. A tag question is a short question added to a statement. please let me know the right answer in this sentence. Correct the sentence matching as a class. I have discussed Wh Questions, Types of Questions in English, Tag Questions and now following up on Tag Questions, I wish to show you How to Answer Tag Questions with Examples. But till now, I need more explanation about tag question e.g he was a suicide of my father, wasn’t he? Yes, we are. The form of your answer depends on whether you agree or disagree with the question. I think (but am not sure) that answering the tag is the right way to think about it; but the tag is just a reversal of the statement to which it's attached; so it seems to be the same thing. For sentences without auxiliary verbs, the non-modal auxiliary, DO comes handy. How many types are there in question tags ? So your answer remains Yes in both cases. You’re not Spanish, are you? to ask and answer tag questions. So start with your full name and a couple of other basic things about yourself. There are two correct possible answers to this statement and they are: A. Well, I couldn't help it, could I? To make the question tag, you use the same auxiliary or modal verb in the statement and change it to a negative. It would give you a good background to this post, How to Answer Tag Questions with Examples. Your email address will not be published. To make the question tag, you use the same auxiliary or modal verb in the statement and change it to a positive. Imperatives can be followed by will you / would you / can you / can’t you / could you?. You won't be late, will you? However, if you do mind getting a thousand dollars, then tell someone else to share this post with a thousand people and a thousand dollars will be in their accounts! Often discussion questions can run long and may actually be multiple questions in one. Check your answers automatically! This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. Do it first. Tag questions (or question tags) turn a statement into a question. Look for conjunctions, such as the word “and,” that may be breaking the question into multiple thoughts. Question tag= 'isn't it'. That’s It. So, you can rather say: Click on the title of the question you want to … The statement 'You are going to Paris' uses the positive auxiliary 'are'. The question tag always goes after the statement, and we put a comma between the statement and the question tag. If you also want to give the answers smartly, practice with tag questions exercises with the answer for your competitive exams. so what up he wasn’t? Here is an intriguing tags questions speaking activity that helps students to practice mixed question and answer forms and tag questions. Checking information that we think we know is true he knows about you to the )! 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2020 how to answer tag questions