Via Travel + Leisure. Carven und Nina Ricci waren dafür verantwortlich. Air France. ... SASTRE ROJO DE CARVEN. Firmados por Christian Lacroix son de los más celebrados en la alturas. Air France a prezentat colecția sa de uniforme vintage din anii ’30 și până în prezent. Air France uniforms have been considered the most stylish to grace the skies, and one reason could be that their current uniforms were designed by French designer, Christian Lacroix, pretty sweet! Carven also had great success in the late 1950s and 1960s overseas, in territories such as Egypt, Brazil and particularly the Far East, where her designs represented the epitome of French chic, while providing a better, and conscientiously flattering, fit for smaller proportioned figures. Afin d’obtenir cette diversité de styles, cet uniforme multiforme est confié à trois maisons de couture : Carven, Nina Ricci et Grès. $7.99. "Carven is in default on payments and will on Wednesday be asking to be placed under bankruptcy protection of the Paris commercial court via receivership procedures," a Carven spokesman said. Le bleu et le blanc, couleurs traditionnelles d’Air France, sont « dynamisés » par le rouge. Desde hace más de 70 años, el color de base ha sido el azul marino, que ofrece una imagen de rigor y profesionalidad. The fashion house dressed Air France flight attendants in the 1970s before falling on hard times the following decade, only to rise from the ashes in the first decade of the 21st century. JC Wings 1:200 XX2193 Air France Boeing 747-400 Diecast Aircarft Model F-GEXA. $129.99. 12 Best: Hainan Airlines. Noile uniforme au fost create de către case de modă precum: Gres, Carven si Ricci. Culorile tradiţionale Air France albastru şi alb au fost intensificate de către roşu ‘’Tyrolean’’. Almost gone. 1978 – Rochia Carven Nina Ricci. Creatori de modă renumiți precum Christian Dior, Cristobal Balenciaga și Christian Lacroix și-au adus de-a lungul timpului aportul la crearea unei colecții unice ce reprezintă istoria companiei și a modei secolelor 20 și 21. Desde 2005 os modelos são de Christian Lacroix. 1. Talk about looking regal! AIR FRANCE - Vibrant Old Airline Luggage Label, c. 1955 (Orange Version) $6.99. Almost gone. Keine komplett neue Uniform, sondern eine Kombination aus Air France und Air Inter wurde 1997 angestrebt. Its pink chequer dresses were a hit in the 1950s and it designed uniforms for Air France flight attendants in the 1970s, before it fell on hard times in the following decade. Los uniformes de Air France han evolucionado en el tiempo manteniendo la identidad de la marca y ajustándose a las tendencias de cada época. 1987 Carven. 3 left. Air France dévoile un nouvel uniforme pour les agents commerciaux au sol en 1987. Boneta a fost considerată demodată şi a fost abandonată. 1978 Carven. ... Oi Consuelo Que lindo os uniformes a Air France atavés dos tempos em julho passado ,viajei com os netos que são pequenos o atendimento a bordo foi impecavel. AIR FRANCE - Vibrant Old Airline Luggage Label, 1955 ORIGINAL & MINT CONDITION. Lo cierto es que los uniformes de Air France siempre han sido de los más elegantes (ahí están para probarlo las propuestas de Dior y Balenciaga que llevaron sus azafatas en los sesenta, seguidos por Carven y Nina Ricci en los setenta). In 1978, Air France hostesses wore Carven-designed uniforms.