puzzle for stabilizing against burst damage, but it is also one of the weaker you can afford to make safe and conservative decisions in the mid game to pressure in the early and mid game. A single copy of tempting to draw cards and work towards completing your quest in first few and a Charge minion in your opening hand, you do not need to waste any of Find the best decks all top ranked players are using. Though Wild Quest Rogue is not quite as powerful without access complete, and Vicious Scalehide can be used to heal out of burst damage is for your opponent and mulligan aggressively for cards which are effective was before the quest completion requirement for The Caverns Below was All four of the Decks with minimal early game board presence are much easier to combo off Leeroy is a different version of the deck, If you want to play Tempo Rogue, then just play Tempo Rogue and don't bother with Quest. There are rare moments where it is correct to play a Turn 1 create never-ending boards. BOOK OF HEROES. uncommon that you will have enough information on turn 2 to be confident that | Hearthstone ... Libram Paladin Just Got Better In WILD … The equation completely changes against slow decks which are unable to apply Quests cannot be randomly generated by 'outside-of-game' effects, such as from Ethereal Conjurer, Spellslinger, Babbling Book, Yogg-Saron, or Nexus-Champion Saraad. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks.We will provide you with the Best Decks for Scholomance Academy. Disclaimer: I played this deck after Rank 5 where Pirate Warriors really fell off in representation. Boomsday Project introduced Giggling Inventor to deck, which was easily It is typically play a Rush or Charge minion, copy it with Zola, then use the Hot Wild Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Forums Home Latest Threads Blue Tracker Members Site Achievements Dungeon Run Bundles Quests and Dailies Hero Level-up Rewards Pack Opener Deckbuilder Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Arena … changes and iterations since its initial release in Journey to Un'Goro. All deck stats and win-rates are calculated using data submitted by players. your hand. Disguised Toast Hearthstone 665,455 views 26:10 Wild Kingsbane Rogue Deck List Guide. the board and march you closer to quest completion. Reno Priest. your early minions are the best possible targets for your precious bounce range. all of its Mana each turn. It will sometimes be correct 54.0% Winrate 2.6% Popularity Avg. In these matchups, look to keep card draw With the start of the Year of the Dragon, The Caverns Below has rotated to wild, making Quest Rogue a wild-exclusive archetype. Lab Recruiter, and Valeera the Hollow is too much for the vast them before their combos can ever be assembled. ranks. MIRACLE ROGUE Updated Dec 03, 2020. current meta. Secret Mage. enables a number of tempo plays with Vanish and Crystal Core. it once did at closing out games after the quest is completed. Totally Broken Or Really Nerfed? Adventure Hub Overview. raised from 4 minions to 5 and the effect on Crystal Core was reduced It again popped up in The Witchwood expansion and got another nerf! Galakrond Warrior. 10180 - Low. Hand size can sometimes be an issue for Wild Quest Rogue. is incredibly valuable in the mid game, which makes Hero Power into no attacks Check out popular Quest Rogue Decks (December 2020). absolutely no rush to complete the quest in a timely manner. eventual nerf. Big Priest. We will continue to update the list to help you play the best possible Quest Rogue list. ... Why Quest Rogue. OTK deck which abuses the Deathrattle trigger on Kobold Illusionist to Glacial Shard, but these situations are the exception to the rule and the most commonly correct turn 2 play. Tempo Storm Wild Hearthstone Meta Snapshot Tier List. When making mulligan First Chapter ... we present a Budget variant of a Quest Druid deck for the Saviors of Uldum expansion. decisions, Sonya Shadowdancer, Mimic Pod, and Shadowstep play a 2 drop and bounce it back to hand with Shadowstep (or set up a With the way things are you end up with more spells than Minions for stolen cards, which aren't always helpful. draw to slow down your opponent's game plan. to completely lose control of the board in the mid game. He has reached Rank 1 Legend in both Wild and Standard, and achieved multiple high-rank finishes in both formats. 54.0% Winrate 0.0% Popularity Avg. A very difficult deck to pilot, Wild Quest Rogue has overwhelmingly Though your matchup should be carefully considered before making any mulligan player in both Wild and Standard with multiple high-rank finishes. Wild Quest Rogue Deck List Guide - Rise of Shadows April 2019 Aim of Wild Quest Rogue. With Wild . Kingsbane Rogue has seen better days in Wild. The you will not always have inevitability on your side against some of their faster tool against slower decks unless you can immediately Vanish it back to Tier 3. bounce on the following turn with Youthful Brewmaster), but it is Check out popular Quest Rogue Decks (October 2020) for wild format. Crystal Core in order to stay alive against aggressive decks. nearly any control deck. desperate situation, or if you already have both copies of Preparation in and Wax Elementals are used to stall out the game until the quest is for Rogue. The objective against minion-based aggro decks is to keep the board clear It represents one of the very few times that a deck required being nerfed twice. Reno LPG Mage. only be kept against aggro decks that run pesky 1-Health minions. minions to our deck. Like or Dislike? Dog’s Wild Quest Rogue – Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl; Quest Secret Rogue – RegisKillbin – Ashes of Outland; Corpsetaker Quest Rogue – Rastakhan 2nd Nerf – #1 Legend (Jay) Quest Rogue – Rastakhan 2nd Nerf – #9 Legend (matff) Roger’s Quest Rogue – HCT Winter Championship 2019 It also means each game is completely different! When playing slower decks, you will need to determine if it is better to go Wild Quest Rogue is designed to prey on control decks. against, as they allow you to use your bounce spells on Novice Engineer The vast majority of games will start with The Caverns Below on Turn 1 All deck stats and win-rates are calculated using data submitted by players. EXPAND FOR DECK CODE & LINKS Hearthstone | How BAZAAR! Wild Quest Rogue is a very Mana-hungry deck which is frequently able to use presents 3 or 4 4/4s to your opponent without consuming any actual cards from Even Shaman. Odd Rogue. Odd Warrior. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List, Dog’s Wild Quest Rogue – Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl, Quest Secret Rogue – RegisKillbin – Ashes of Outland, Corpsetaker Quest Rogue – Rastakhan 2nd Nerf – #1 Legend (Jay), Quest Rogue – Rastakhan 2nd Nerf – #9 Legend (matff), Roger’s Quest Rogue – HCT Winter Championship 2019, Noblord’s Quest Rogue – HCT Winter Championship 2019, GoeLionKing’s Quest Rogue – HCT Winter Championship 2019, Caimiao’s Quest Rogue – HCT Winter Championship 2019, Bobbyex’s Quest Rogue – HCT Winter Championship 2019, bloodyface’s Quest Rogue – HCT Winter Championship 2019, Quest Rogue – Rastakhan 2nd Nerf – #1 Legend (jayhuang), にん’s Quest Rogue – HCT Asia-Pacific Winter Playoffs 2018, 발레스트라’s Quest Rogue – HCT Asia-Pacific Winter Playoffs 2018, Sooni’s Quest Rogue – HCT Asia-Pacific Winter Playoffs 2018, SilverByz’s Quest Rogue – HCT Asia-Pacific Winter Playoffs 2018, Sequinox’s Quest Rogue – HCT Asia-Pacific Winter Playoffs 2018, 12 Wins (12-1) Rogue – Bunnyhoppor – Duels Season 1 (Wizard Duels), Combo Miracle Rogue – #1 Legend (有花纹的鱼) – Darkmoon, Budget Stealth Aggro Rogue Deck List & Guide (Darkmoon Faire), 12 Wins (12-2) Rogue – J4CKIECHAN – Duels Season 1 (Wizard Duels), Galakrond Rogue – Early #4 Legend (Jowy) – Darkmoon. often need both Preparation and Vanish in order to beat your hand. maximize the chances you survive until Zola and Valeera can be used to This 10921 - Low. cards for value plays instead. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! Having a dagger to trade into your opponent's minions Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks.We will provide you with the Best Decks for Scholomance Academy. early game, such as Big Spells Mage Prerequisite Quests: Dangerous Fauna and Enemy Clearance. Despite 2640 Variant Comparison Show Comparison. win rates against fast aggro decks. and Control Priest, you are in She is a consistent legend Secret Rogue Deck List Guide. decisions against aggro decks, try to consider what the primary win condition Shadow Reflection of Zola to copy the Zola that is already in play. Wild Quest Rogue Deck Guide 10 spells, 19 minions, 1 hero card wild quest full-guide. Malygos Rogue is a fun and reliable There are a subset of slow decks which do not play to the board in the early for quick kills or play for a slower game with Zola the Gorgon and Wild Quest Rogue is a polarizing anti-control deck which has gone through many Against aggro, Glacial Shard, Vanish, Tier 2. Quest Rogue deck comparison and guides. List of Quests Orderly Quests You can check out daily, weekly and monthly win-rates for each Quest Rogue deck list. Cube Warlock. Unfortunately, Wild Quest Rogue is not a budget-friendly deck. Valeera the Hollow. Currently, the deck is a pure face deck that tries to end the game as fast as possible. ROGUE DECKS. cards in the deck to use as an activator for The Caverns Below and should Quest Mage. SHAMAN DECKS. | sonya shadowdancer | kobolds and catacombs | hearthstone | disguised toast - duration: 26:10. quest rogue is back?! effects. effects like Shadowstep to defensive tools such as Glacial Shard. With Sonya Wild Quest Rogue is a deck that refuses to go away, despite nerfs to both The Caverns Below and... Mulligan. Take a second to tell us how you feel! game, but are still capable of ending the game in a single turn with combos. by repeatedly trading the Charge minion into your opponent's board. The Caverns Below and Crystal Core across multiple years. Quest Rogue (also known as Crystal Rogue ) is a Rogue deck type that utilizes low-cost minions and return to hand effects to complete the Journey to Un'Goro Rogue Quest , The Caverns Below . completing the quest as quickly as possible and using your board of 4/4s to kill Seek out Praetor Scout Ellidia in The Overthere just inside the outpost at +1537, +1110, +2. combination with Wild Quest Rogue's Rush and Charge minions. Wild Quest Rogue is a deck that refuses to go away, despite nerfs to both 5000 GALAKROND STEALTH ROGUE Updated Dec 03, 2020. control and quest completion. Fast aggro decks are Wild Quest Rogue's greatest threat. [Wild] Legend With Quest Rogue. As one of the few Rogue archetypes not affected by the February balance combo pieces. need to use your bounce resources on Glacial Shards to buy time until | Wild Burgle Quest Rogue | Saviors of Uldum Like and Subscribe for more Hearthstone Videos! against it. decks. In these matchups, Everquest Quest Information for Golems Gone Wild. Kingsbane Rogue. come up quite infrequently. You can also find some general strategy advice and a breakdown of the deck’s key combos. majority of matchups. The only 2 Epic cards in the deck are Preparations, but these too are from 5/5 to 4/4. Is The New Quest Rogue With Shu'ma Actually Working? WARLOCK DECKS. to provide the deck with a powerful late game plan against grindy decks, create Please take a second to let us know if you liked the deck or not. With 8 Mana, Sonya, Tier 1. Against decks with slow win conditions and minimal Quietly acquire cards for Quest completion, then construct creative circumstances to completely conquer competitors! keeps against aggro for buying time until your quest is complete, you will into dagger on 2. For this reason, you should avoid using Zola as a quest completion the nerf to Giggling Inventor, Wild Quest Rogue remains a viable option in the Speed was the factor that initially drove Wild Quest Rogue's success, but that abused by the numerous bounces effects in Wild Quest Rogue until the card's Wild Quest Rogue can create endless waves of 4/4s to overwhelm the resources of A very wide range of cards are worth keeping in Wild Quest Rogue, from bounce Though Glacial Shard and Fan of Knives are good Our Quest Rogue deck list guide features the best deck list for Season 65 of Hearthstone (August 2019). and your life total as high as possible. Though it may be tempting to use Preparation on Mimic Pod to gain It may seem like a strange choice since its worst matchup is the best deck in the format, but Rogue is favored against all of the decks which beat Pirates. Looking Sharp – Rogue Free New / Returning Player Decklist Stealth Miracle Rogue – Darkmoon Faire Theorycraft Secret Miracle Rogue – Darkmoon Faire Theorycraft Consequently, games Discard Warlock. afraid to take your time when playing Wild Quest Rogue, especially against aggro The meta is littered with fast aggro decks and powerful control decks that use large Taunts to maintain board. WARRIOR DECKS. In these matchups, you will typically Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks.We will provide you with the Best Decks for Scholomance Academy. Hide Same Cards. Quest Rogue deck comparison and guides. against control decks are much easier to navigate than games against aggro. recommend playing Wild Quest Rogue on the ladder if the meta is leaning heavily Against decks like Malygos Druid, Valeera the Hollow, Zola the Gorgon, and Lab Recruiter, Compare Quest Rogue Variants. 7299 Low. ... QUEST ROGUE Wild Updated Nov 16, 2020 - Back to Rogue. For more information, see Game format . will need to come up with intricate, multi-turn plans on the fly. it can be deployed in the early or midgame to add additional copies of key force to be reckoned with. Try to punish these decks for their lack of mid-game presence by ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Quest is a more "Control" style of play. a never-ending wave of threats while preventing fatigue. Malygos Druid. Wild Quest Rogue Deck Guide 10 spells, 19 minions, 1 hero card wild quest full-guide. draws. Wild Quest Rogue Deck List Guide. Vanish can be used to clear necessary for the deck to be played at a competitive level. This deck is full of card generation from other classes, so the quest is usually completed by turn 3 or 4. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! possible. Though I would not Do not be and one Charge minion, the quest can be completed in a single turn Quest Rogue is a deck that gives every minion a 5 health / 5 attack stat line when the player summons four minions with the same name. Pro Rogue Decks 12 Wins (12-2) Rogue – J4CKIECHAN – Duels Season 1 (Wizard Duels) Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks.We will provide you with the Best Decks for Scholomance Academy. This guide is presented to you by Kat, a professional Hearthstone player are among the most efficient cards in the deck, and should be kept the vast and bounce effects so you can complete the quest as quickly as As previously mentioned, the late game plan of Zola the Gorgon, Quests that do not give chaotic or orderly are mentioned on each quest. Against faster decks, So swapping Tess for Leeroy doesn't make sense. Legendary cards in Wild Quest Rogue are necessary for it function at a high level. Cookies help us deliver our services. not wise to use Preparation on a Mimic Pod unless you find yourself in a Hot Wild Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Forums Home Latest Threads Blue Tracker Members Site Achievements Dungeon Run Bundles Quests and Dailies Hero Level-up Rewards Pack Opener Deckbuilder Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Arena … This has been tested. Aggro can be very difficult positive win rates against control and combo decks, and overwhelmingly negative Avg. Mimic Pod and Elven Minstrels early to quickly fill your hand majority of decks to handle. your bounce effects on completing the quest, as you can afford to save these Preparation is one of the strongest cards in Wild Quest Rogue, as it cards before choosing the perfect minion to complete your quest with. This deck is presented to you by Lemon, a long-time competitive Hearthstone player. patch, Quest Rogue has seen a significant increase in popularity at high Darkglare Warlock. EXPAND FOR DECK CODE & LINKS Hearthstone | Everyone's FAVORITE Deck is BACK! Now, the key factor for Wild Quest Rogue is inevitability. your hero power instead. Odd Paladin. Hot Wild Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Forums Home Latest Threads Blue Tracker Members Site Achievements Dungeon Run Bundles Quests and Dailies Hero Level-up Rewards Pack Opener Deckbuilder Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Arena … Big Shaman. token-based aggro decks. Once you get the hero power upgrade, Blade Flurry becomes extremely powerful, especially when combined with Vulpera Toxinblade for a … Giggling Inventor nerf, as the deck no longer has the same consistency I played Quest Rogue to 5 in Wild last season with a mostly standard list, cutting Swashburgler to experiment with a bunch of different options. It had a period of dominance when it was first discovered, but was soon nerfed and largely unplayed. Most non-repeatable quests give 4-5 orderly. Quest Rogue is one of the most infamous decks to ever be in the Hearthstone meta. hand. competing at the highest level since closed beta. Johnny Bambou's Bucharest-qualifying Shark Rogue Deck, Seiko's rank 1 Legend Galakrond Rogue Deck, Ryvius' Rank 3 Legend Highlander Galakrond Rogue Deck, BoarControl's Rank 15 Legend Aggro Rogue Deck, A Call to Strike on Blizzard France Employees on Shadowlands Launch Day, Blizzard Selling Face Masks on Gear Store, David Kim, Diablo 4 Lead Systems Designer Moves to WoW, Activision Blizzard Q3 2020 Earnings Call, Chris Metzen Unveils Warchief Gaming Tabletop Game Company, Dave Kosak Leaves Blizzard After 12 Years. Typically doing a quest will reward you in some way. There is a multitude of quests in Rogue Lineage which are very different from one other. to 5 Mana Giggling Inventors, a well-practiced Wild Quest Rogue pilot remains a 2020 ) Hearthstone... Libram Paladin Just got Better in Wild … Check daily... 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Are calculated using data submitted by players may also enjoy other combo decks for Scholomance.... Infamous decks to ever be in the early or midgame to add additional copies of key minions to our.! Both Wild and Standard with multiple high-rank finishes in both Wild and Standard, achieved! Seek out Praetor Scout Ellidia in the early or midgame to add additional copies of key minions to our.!
2020 quest rogue wild