At the cellular and molecular level living things are remarkably similar to each other. Lectures will highlight basic knowledge of cellular processes with the basis for human diseases, particularly cancer. The types of living organisms from which the departmental faculty draws its working materials are as diverse as its disciplinary concentrations, ranging from viruses and microbes through plants, roundworms, annelids, arthropods, and mollusks, to fish, amphibia, and mammals. In our laboratory, we study the molecular mechanisms of nutrient sensing and growth control. UC Berkeley & Berkeley Lab Selected Faculty Profiles Innovation/Entrepreneurship Overview Highlights ... neurobiology, optometry, vision science, cell and molecular biology of the retina in normal and diseased states. Individual research under the supervision of a staff member. The course will also include some aspects of bacterial genetics and physiology, immune response to infection, and the cell biology of host-parasite interactions. Intro to CRISPR: From Basic Biology to Genome Editing Technology: Intro to CRISPR Lab: From Basic Biology to Genome Editing Technology, Terms offered: Summer 2019 3 Week Session, cover the essential programs and analyses used in the genome editing field. Single molecule biophysics, molecular motors, telomeres.Research Profile, Qiang Zhou, Professor. ; … Browse our best resources, organized by subject. Programmed cell death during thymocyte differentiation. Research Review in Genetics and Development: Chromosome Structure and Integrity, Genome Evolution: Read More [+], Research Review in Genetics and Development: Chromosome Structure and Integrity, Genome Evolution: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019 Research Review in Neurobiology: Sensory Processing and Plasticity in Cerebral Cortex: Read More [+], Research Review in Neurobiology: Sensory Processing and Plasticity in Cerebral Cortex: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020 Transduction of cellular sequences and genetic regulation of transformation by oncogenic retroviruses as models for natural carcinogenesis, including a critical review of the current research. The topics covered will be chosen from the following: protein structure; protein-protein interactions; enzyme kinetics and mechanism; enzyme design. This course offers an introduction to the field of biotechnology and will cover the history of the field, its impact on medicine and society, key methodologies, important therapeutic areas, and the range of career options available in the biopharmaceutical industry. Present their research in an approved forum, such as an MCB symposium, the Undergraduate Poster Session, or other scientific meeting. The Cancer Karyotype: What it is and What it Does: of physical properties of cells (dimensions, concepts of free energy, diffusion, biophysical properties). Students should see a staff adviser for the following: Staff advisers are available for drop-in advising and for scheduled appointments for specific services. Introduction to Research: Read More [+]. Once the declaration form has been processed, students will receive an email with instructions to schedule an appointment to meet with a staff advisor. This is a comprehensive introduction to the exciting field of contemporary neuroscience for students of all backgrounds and interests, including those from the humanities and social sciences, as well as physical and biological sciences. This 3 week lab course will focus on applications of CRISPR technology as a platform for genome editing and functional genomics. Contact. Evolution of Genomes, Cells, and Development, Terms offered: Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Fall 2014. Research Review in Neurobiology: Neural Activity Affecting the Assembly of Neural Circuits: Selected Topics in Molecular and Cell Biology, Terms offered: Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Spring 2010. Final exam required. Topics include genomics and computational biology, molecular evolution, neurons and synapses, microbi ology and immunology, macromolecular structure and function, and scientific writing. Advanced Developmental and Stem Cell Biology: study advanced physiological topics, including: presentations by the faculty; problem sets; discussion of the primary literature and of reviews; two presentations by each student on topics in current physiological research. The course will begin with an introduction of the general concepts of enzyme catalysis which will be followed by detailed examples that will examine the chemistry behind the reactions and the three-dimensional structures that carry out the transformations. There will be an emphasis on experimental approaches. 5) Berkeley Study Abroad is currently offering virtual services. Two units of credit for those with 50% teaching appointment; one unit of credit for those with 25% teaching appointment. at UC Santa Barbara, Berkeley was in her final two choices, narrowed not for the usual … resolution microscopy of critical cellular structures, to genetic dissection of essential signaling networks in cells and developmental pathways in multicellular organisms. Research Review in Genetics and Development: Developmental and Molecular Genetics of C. elegans: Read More [+], Research Review in Genetics and Development: Developmental and Molecular Genetics of C. elegans: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020 PhD Candidate in Molecular and Cellular Biology at UC Berkeley Graduate Student at University of California, Berkeley University of California, Berkeley In these cases, you should make an appointment to meet an adviser to determine how you can meet the Senior Residence Requirement. Research Review in Genetics and Development: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Microtubule Cytoskeleton: Read More [+], Research Review in Genetics and Development: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Microtubule Cytoskeleton: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020 Chemical Biology III - Contemporary Topics in Chemical Biology: Protein Chemistry, Enzymology, and Bio-organic Chemistry, Terms offered: Spring 2020, Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013. A collection of approaches, and a focus on critical thinking and problem solving, will be used to show how fundamental, highly-significant biological problems are "cracked open." Freshman Seminars: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1 hour of seminar per week. Congratulations to MCB Professor David Schaffer on receiving the American Institute of Chemical Engineers' (AIChE) 2020 Andreas Acrivos Professional Progress Award! For information regarding residency requirements and unit requirements, please see the College Requirements tab. This course requires concurrent enrollment in a lecture component (MCELLBI N184), where lecturers will address topics in genome editing and CRISPR-Cas9 research. The use of genome engineering to study cellular signaling (especially ubiquitin-mediated signals) and develop potential new therapeutics and diagnostics will be covered in research reports and reviews of the current literature and in discussion of current experiments in the field. Genetics and genomic methods used to dissect metabolic and development processes in bacteria, archaea, and selected microbial eukaryotes. Berkeley, CA 94720-3200. This course is focused on the molecular basis for the cellular remodeling accompanying meiosis, the highly conserved process by which gametes are produced. Comprehensive introductory survey of cellular and molecular neuroscience, including cellular neurophysiology, ion channel function, synaptic function and plasticity, sensory transduction, and brain development. Finally we will analyze data on clinical trials of cancer immunotherapy to define the correlates of success in curing the disease. Students in this course will critically examine modern methods of biological investigations and their social implications. Most of the experiments In order to provide a solid foundation in reading, writing, and critical thinking the College requires two semesters of lower division work in composition in sequence. Of the 120 units, 36 must be upper division units. UGSIs will work under supervision of instructor and/or GSI. Regulation of gene expression. Cancer, genomics, apoptosis, innate immunity and infectious diseases, cell cycle, signal transduction, immune tolerance.Research Profile, Ahmet Yildiz, Assistant Professor. with difficult situations that may come up during the semester. The Regulation of Immune System Development and Function: Research Review in Immunology and Pathogenesis: Specificity of T Lymphocytes, Terms offered: Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018. Evolution of Genomes, Cells, and Development: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019 Biophysics.Research Profile, Gian Garriga, Professor. Techniques employed include computer simulation of neuron properties, electrophysiological recording and stimulation of nerves and cells, digitally enhanced video imaging of outgrowth, fluorescence immunocytochemistry, analysis of sensory: CNS mapping, human-evoked potential recording, sensory psychophysics. Molecular techniques covered include PCR and recombinant DNA procedures such as gene cloning, gene transfer, DNA sequencing, Southern blot, and restriction mapping. and these cells read the program encoded in their DNA in order to become Selected Topics in Molecular and Cell Biology: Terms offered: Spring 2016, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Terms offered: Fall 2016, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Data Science for Molecular and Cell Biology. Vision research projects in molecular and cell biology include investigations into gene therapy for inherited retinal degeneration, neurobiology of photoreceptors, infectious keratitis in contact lens wearers, pathogenesis of bacterial infection of the cornea, photochemistry of visual pigments and bacterial rhodopsin, epithelial … We will learn about the processes that cause cells to become specialized (differentiate) and to give rise to cancer (transform). Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Molecular and Cell Biology/Psychology C64 after taking Molecular and Cell Biology C61/Letters and Science C30W, Molecular and Cell Biology C104, 100A/Chemistry C130, Molecular and Cell Biology 110, 130A, 136, 160, C160/Neuroscience C160, or Integrative Biology 132. Terms offered: Spring 2014, Spring 2012 An introduction for students who do not intend to major in biology but who wish to satisfy their breadth requirement in Biological Sciences. TB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M tuberculosis, genetics, proteomics, transcriptional profiling, host-pathogen interactions, host-directed therapy.Research Profile, Yang Dan, Professor. Gene Editing for Fundamental Biology and Therapeutics: Read More [+], Gene Editing for Fundamental Biology and Therapeutics: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020 Research review in genetics, genomics and development. Research Review in Genetics and Development: Molecular Genetics of Drosophila: Research Review in Genetics and Development: Neuronal Development. Covers aspects of ribosome engineering, organelle imaging and interactions, protein delivery, and cell signaling. + Indicates this faculty member is the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award. Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Telomere Synthesis and Dynamics: Read More [+], Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Telomere Synthesis and Dynamics: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019 Stem Cell Biology, Ethics and Societal Impact: Read More [+]. Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Single Molecule Biophysics: Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Cell Surface Glycoconjugate Interactions, Terms offered: Fall 2020, Spring 2018, Fall 2017. Summer: 6 weeks - 7 hours of web-based lecture and 2.5 hours of web-based discussion per week, Terms offered: Summer 2020 Second 6 Week Session, Summer 2019 Second 6 Week Session, Summer 2018 Second 6 Week Session Research Review in Neurobiology: Neural Activity Affecting the Assembly of Neural Circuits: Read More [+], Research Review in Neurobiology: Neural Activity Affecting the Assembly of Neural Circuits: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019 Big Ideas in Cell Biology: Read More [+]. ... Esther and Wendy Schekman Chair in Basic Cancer Biology, and Professor of Immunology and Pathogenesis ... B cell gene regulation and fate determination. Under the guidance of a faculty member and/or research mentor, undergraduates in the MCB major may have the opportunity to work in a laboratory to gain valuable experience in scientific research. Research Review in Neurobiology: Instructive Cues for Neural Form and Function: Read More [+], Research Review in Neurobiology: Instructive Cues for Neural Form and Function: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020 Grading/Final exam status: Offered for pass/not pass grade only. Several sections covering different topics offered each semester. Molecular mechanisms of immune evasion in viral infection. of Molecular & Cell Biology 142 Weill Hall #3200 Berkeley, CA 94720-3200. : Read More [+], Imaging Single Molecules: Fashion or Game Changer? looking at DNA sequence. Understand biophysical properties of gating particles called ion channels. Biochemical and molecular genetic aspects of eukaryotic messenger RNA splicing and transposition, with an emphasis on as an experimental system. Human evolutionary genetics.Research Profile, John Ngai, Professor Emeritus. Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Critically evaluate data, develop a hypothesis, and design experiments to address an interesting and novel problem. Our knowledge of the domain-specific molecular and cellular attributes of bacterial and eukaryotic organisms is comprehensive. Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018 The goal of this course is to provide graduate-level instruction on molecular and cellular biosciences from a highly-integrated systems perspective, rather than using a more classic, techniques-oriented format. The topics vary from department to department and semester to semester. Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Structural Biology of Signaling and Replication: Read More [+], Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Structural Biology of Signaling and Replication: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020 Molecular and cellular studies of nerve growth, axon guidance, synaptic formation, and synaptic plasticity using electrophysiological and optical imaging techniques. Nervous system, molecular and cellular mechanisms of olfaction, detection of odors, odorant receptors, olfactory neurons, DNA microarray technologies, genome-wide patterns of gene expression.Research Profile, Eva Nogales, Professor. Genetic mechanisms integrated with genomic information to address integration and diversity of microbial processes. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Nutrient Sensing: Read More [+], Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Nutrient Sensing: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020 May be taken concurrently, Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory per week, Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019 A better understanding of these processes will eventually lead to the development of effective tools to control and preserve male fertility, improve the reproductive health of human population worldwide, and advance family planning. Synthetic biology and metabolism.Research Profile, David Schaffer, Professor. Learn how the MCB community has risen to the challenges and unpredictability of 2020 together and read about our responses to the COVID-19 crisis, efforts to address systemic racism, and our many reasons to celebrate. Individual research and thesis preparation under the supervision of a faculty member. Statistical and electrophysiological models of synaptic transmission, Quantitative models for dendritic structure and neuronal morphogenesis. Intended MCB students are not required to have completed the math, physics, or Bio 1B requirements at the time of declaration (though these requirements must be met in order to graduate). Note: Use the UCB-specific URL to see a customized version of PubMed that includes UC-eLinks. Research Review in Neurobiology: Sensory Processing and Plasticity in Cerebral Cortex: Research Review in Neurobiology: Potassium Channels and Synaptic Plasticity. 2) How can we intervene in dysfunction of microglia-mediated immune functions using NRs signaling and transcription? Experiments and demonstrations are designed to amplify and reinforce information presented in 32. Molecular and Cell Biology 161 is recommended, Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1 hour of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory per week, Mammalian Neuroanatomy Lab: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019 Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Gene Regulation at the RNA Level: Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Viruses as Models for Eukaryote Gene Expression and Replication. Freshman Seminars: Genetics and Development: Read More [+], Freshman Seminars: Genetics and Development: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018 For more information: New PubMed guide PubMed Help [NCBI] Exporting citations … Research Review in Neurobiology: Synaptic Transmission and Neuromodulation: Research Review in Neurobiology: Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Plasticity. Supervised Internship: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Consent of MCB Faculty, restricted to MCB majors and prospective majors only. Our lab uses biophysical, biochemical, and molecular genetics methods to study sperm ion channels and transporters that regulate sperm motility, chemotaxis, and the acrosome reaction. Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Molecular and Cell Biology 136 after completing Integrative Biology 132. Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules: Electron Cryo-tomography of Macromolecular Complexes. This includes, but is not limited to, studying (1) how different evolutionary processes such as mutation rate evolve across primates, (2) when key events (such as introgression and adaptations) occurred in human history, and (3) how we can leverage large-scale datasets to identify genetic variants related to human adaptation and disease. Contact Info. You may use a Berkeley Summer Session to satisfy one semester of the Senior Residence requirement, provided that you successfully complete 6 units of course work in the Summer Session and that you have been enrolled previously in the college. We seek applicants studying how communication within and between cells supports physiological function and enables cells, tissues, and organisms to … important scientific skills such as conducting parts of a neurological exam, fluorescent and light microscopy, reading MRI scans and conducting fine dissections. Nerve cell connectivity in developing nervous systems, taste perception in the fruit fly, taste neural circuits, sensory maps in the brain.Research Profile, Bill Sha, Associate Professor. The Neuroscience PhD Program provides broad training at multiple levels of neuroscience. Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Biophysics of Macromolecule Transport Across Membranes: Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Chemical Reactions of Metabolism. Recruitment Period. Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: The Protein Folding Problem: Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules. Specific topics include ribozyme mechanisms, RNA-mediated translation initiation, and protein targeting and secretion. objective of predicting and manipulating developmental programs from just Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Molecular and Cell Biology 55 after completing Molecular and Cell Biology 100, C100A/Chemistry C130,, 100B, 102, 103, C103/Plant and Microbial Biology C103/Public Health C102, 150, or Chemistry 135. Instrumentation in Molecular and Cell Biology: Scanning Electron Microscopy: Read More [+], Instrumentation in Molecular and Cell Biology: Scanning Electron Microscopy: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2006, Spring 2005, Spring 2001 Honor students must complete at least two semesters of research, taking a minimum of 4 units and a maximum of 8 units of H196A-196B. Molecular and Cell Biology 142 Life Sciences Addition #3200 Berkeley, CA 94720-3200 Photo credit: Bonnie Azab Powell Bachelor of Arts Photo credit: Elena Zhukova INTRODUCTION TO THE MAJOR The Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) major focuses on the study of molecular structures and processes of cellular … Microbial Diversity: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Upper-division standing. Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Viruses as Models for Eukaryote Gene Expression and Replication: Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Energy-dependent Proteases and Molecular Machines. Emphasis will be placed on science education literature and proven practical techniques. 4) Genetics and Society: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Primarily for students not specializing in biology. The heart of our curriculum is Fundamentals of Molecular and Cell Biology (aka MCB200) – an immersive, team-taught course - which exposes students to … An introduction to principles and processes of embryonic and post-embryonic development, stressing mechanisms of cell and tissue interactions, morphogenesis and regulation of gene expression. As the foundation of a liberal arts education, breadth courses give students a view into the intellectual life of the University while introducing them to a multitude of perspectives and approaches to research and scholarship. Biochemistry of HIV gene expression, transcriptional elongation, Tat activation, stage of transcriptional elongation, HIV replication, anti-HIV therapy.Research Profile, Roberto Zoncu, Associate Professor. Course emphasizes bacterial and archaeal genetics and comparative genomics. We will discuss macrophage biology and innate immunity in the context of infection with *Mycobacterium tuberculosis* through Molecular biology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their viruses. Freshman Seminars: Cell and Developmental Biology: Freshman Seminars: Genetics and Development, Terms offered: Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2016. Molecular approaches to designing and deploying tools for voltage imaging and brain mapping. Alexander V. Nichols, Professor Emeritus. A deficient grade in MCELLBI 205 may be removed by taking MCELLBI 205, or MCELLBI 205. Final exam not required. Alternative to final exam. Research Review in Neurobiology: Special Topics in Neuroplasticity: Read More [+], Research Review in Neurobiology: Special Topics in Neuroplasticity: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020 Requirements within L&S majors and minors can be satisfied with Passed (P) grades during the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters. Research Review in Genetics and Development: Human Population Genetics and Evolutionary Biology: Read More [+], Research Review in Genetics and Development: Human Population Genetics and Evolutionary Biology: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020 Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Signal Transduction Mechanisms: Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Single Molecule Biophysics. Lectures will be given by internationally recognized biomedical scientists that visit the Molecular and Cell Biology Department and present work currently performed in their laboratories. 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2020 molecular and cellular biology berkeley