Are population dynamics of shorebirds affected by El Niño/southern oscillation (ENSO) while on their non-breeding grounds in Ecuador?. The probability of PPW ranges from 0.22 for the shortest bills to 0.83 for the longest. 1979;10:10–6. Semipalmated Sandpiper: This small sandpiper has scaled gray-brown upperparts, white underparts and fine streaks on the breast and sides. EAT wrote the manuscript with contributions from RCY and DBL. However, the combination of imposed constant annual survival and the structural determinism in transition probabilities, including the constraint that all individuals in unobservable states become observable in Winter 1 (Fig. Juvenile, August 2015, Lavon Lake, Collin Co. Juvenile plumage is fringed in white at the tips of the feathers, scapulars tend to show some rufous color, back feathers are uniform We also evaluate whether migratory survival falls with distance as previous investigators have suggested, and if so, whether oversummering is as predicted more prevalent when migrations are longer. Black-bellied Plover. J Anim Ecol. A test of three hypotheses for latitudinal segregation of the sexes in wintering birds. Calidris pusilla. Right now, there are birds in your own backyard to see, identify, and enjoy. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. Article  It has been suggested that Semipalmated is significantly more aggressive than Western, often engaging in intense and drawn-out physical interactions, even among juveniles (C. Wright pers. Curr Ornithol. Wader Study Group Bull. Fitness consequences of different migratory strategies in partially migratory populations: a multi-taxa meta-analysis. Wader Study Group Bull. Since our study is observational, we could not assign individual birds to oversummering or migratory strategies at random, as would be done in a true experimental study. Anderson DR, Burnham KP, White GC. Reproductive success of the first breeding attempt is R, so expected fitness is R + xA. Often hard to see, this adaptation allows the birds to easily walk without sinking over the mud flats where they feed. Body mass and acquisition of breeding plumage of wintering Caliidris pusilla (Linnaeus) (Aves, Scolopacidae) in the coast of Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil. The four states are: J (juvenile or yearling); A (adult); M1(migrant yearling – unobservable state); and M2 (migrant adult – unobservable state), and the model also estimates the proportions of adults and juveniles that oversummer or migrate. But this comparison is confounded by age because at this location all adults migrate and all yearlings oversummer [22]. Bra. Fish and Wildlife Service. Method described in the text. PhD thesis dissertation. SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – Mid-Argyll 13th Sep (Jim Dickson) SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – Mid-Argyll 13th Sep (Jim Dickson) The evolution of life histories. Kendall WL. As in birds in general, first year breeders have lower reproductive success than older individuals [7]. breeding and non-breeding) survivorship for migrant and oversummering birds. 1) Large 2)Medium 3) Small Shorebirds Made Easy ... (Short-billed, juvenile, by marked terts) SANDERLINGS LEAST SANDPIPER . 2004;15:385–94. As a sensitivity analysis, we varied summer season survival of oversummering yearlings between our estimate of 0.81 and the higher estimate of 0.93 for yearling Western Sandpipers oversummering at Paracas [37]. Vertical lines are 95% confidence intervals. U.S.D.A. Privacy data), the incidence of PPW appears to be a minimal estimate of the proportion of migrants. 4) presumably because the migration distance is on average longer. In flight, the Semipalmated Sandpiper shows a white stripe down its wings and white on either side of its tail. We assume that this is independent of whether a bird migrated or oversummered as a yearling (i.e. No. Seventy-five percent of the weight is in the top three models, which are all very similar. It has a short, stout, straight black bill and black legs and feet. And their foot is partially webbed, for which they are named. White GC, Burnham KP. 1979;2:83–100. Estuar. Age-specific fecundity and population dynamics of Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri. Coping with unobservable and mis–classified states in capture–recapture studies. We tested the prediction that oversummering birds have higher survival than migrants, and that the magnitude of this higher survival for oversummering birds is enough to compensate for their lost breeding season. These estimates are statistically indistinguishable from the values theoretically required to compensate oversummering birds for their foregone expected breeding success. Age differences of this kind have often been reported, so this is not unexpected. 1). Schaub M, Gimenez O, Schmidt BR, Pradel R. Estimating survival and temporary emigration in the multistate capture-recapture framework. The goodness-of-fit (GOF) tests available for MSMR models assume time-varying survival and fully observable states [35, 36]. Marked birds were re-encountered on 1 to 15 subsequent sampling occasions (mean 1.64). All capture, handling and marking methods were approved by regulatory committees for animal welfare and permitting agencies for wildlife research. The Semipalmated Sandpiper, Calidris pusilla, is a very small shorebird. A three-character-coded yellow flag was placed on the left tibia (e.g. Local survival in Semipalmated sandpipers Calidris pusilla breeding at La Pérouse Bay, Canada. Under this hypothesis, those that migrate (the majority: 81% of adults and 72% of yearlings) decided that their migratory prospects were good enough that the extra survival that would be gained by oversummering is less than the threshold. Ecology. Myers JP. An abundant small shorebird, the Semipalmated Sandpiper breeds in the Arctic and winters along the coasts of South America. In late fall, first-year Semipalmated Sandpipers are instantly separated from Westerns because they maintain their brown juvenile plumage while Westerns are in gray formative (winter) plumage. mated Sandpiper but is only visible when the bird is viewed head-on. Breeding and juvenile: Brown or buff across breast. The calculations are summarized in Table 6 in Appendix 2. yearling male Western Sandpipers in Mexico; survival 0.65) and those where all oversummer (Chitré; survival 0.83) but this comparison is confounded by location. Problems in estimating age-specific survival rates from recovery data of birds ringed as young. Note however that juveniles on their initial southward migration are not represented in our model. Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) Birds | Species Filter by variant: All Variants Adult Juvenile Adult in alternate plumage Adult in worn alternate plumage Adult molting Adult in basic plumage Age at maturity and the timing of first breeding are important life history traits. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Annual adult survival drives trends in Arctic-breeding shorebirds but knowledge gaps in other vital rates remain. We competed a set of 36 versions of the basic model (Table 1), generated by combinations of 12 structures for annual survival (S), and three structures for the probability of resighting (p). We estimate that 28% of yearlings and 19% of adults oversummer. Field campaigns during the summer months are ‘resighting only’ and by the time mist-netting resumes in October of each year, all yearlings have completed molt into adult plumage and are easily distinguished from newly-arrived juveniles. (1983 [6];) measured Semipalmated Sandpiper reproductive success: mean adult clutch size is 3.9 and hatching success 77%, while yearling clutch size is 3.8 and hatching success 44%. Nesting success of yearling and older breeders in the Semipalmated sandpiper Calidris pusilla. 2012;35:83–95. Most of it focuses on minutia, those little differences in plumage that are indeed very helpful in distinguishing these very similar species. The data show that adults have higher survival than juvenile/yearlings, whether measured on an annual basis, or by seasons. PubMed  1. Ydenberg RC, Butler RW, Lank DB, Smith BD, Ireland J. Neither of these conditions holds in our model, and we therefore could not conduct GOF tests. Looking back at this year's blog posts I see that Vancouver, where I ). As implied by previous studies of shorebird oversummering (see Introduction), we hypothesize that the ability to undertake the breeding migration is condition-dependent. 3). It is not possible to estimate unique survival rates for unobservable states in MSMR models [30], and hence it is typically necessary to set the survival probability of an unobservable state equal to that of one of the observable states. Coast Shelf S 2007;74:96–108. Oversummering is favored if s > s*, and migration if s < s*. Ardea. The MSMR model estimates ψJM1 (the probability that a yearling migrates), and derives ψJJ (the probability that a yearling oversummers) as its complement (1 - ψJM1). However, this slope estimate pools oversummering and migrant yearlings, which we hypothesize differ in survival. Identification. Note there is a mix of winter plumage plain gray feathers among the mostly scaly pale-edged juvenile plumage scapulars. Long wings extend past end of tail. The intertidal mudflat follows the fringe of the bay, is ~ 50 m wide, and is inundated twice daily by tides of ~ 1.5 m in height. Our main prediction is that oversummering gives a survival advantage large enough to offset the reproduction necessarily foregone by oversummering. Whereas, the Upland Sandpiper is losing its pastures to crops and developments and the Spotted Sandpiper through the loss of suitable shorelines. Also, wings of standing Baird's Sandpiper extend beyond tail, but this is not the case for Western and Semipalmated sandpipers. Juvenile + 4. Welder Wildlife Foundation, Sinton, Texas; 1979. p. 199–214. [39] review published comparisons in partial migration systems of the survival of migrants and non-migrants, in birds and other taxa. Reneerkens et al. 1995;22:835–46. The probability that a yearling migrates (transition probability ψJM1) is estimated at 0.72 (LCL: 0.67; UCL: 0.77), while the probability that an adult migrates (transition probability ψAM2) is estimated at 0.81 (LCL: 0.79; UCL: 0.82). Oversummering is favoured at values above the threshold, and migration below. Solving for s gives s* = R/A. We apply this procedure to estimate the survival of yearling migrants in each culmen size class. We predict that oversummering enhances survivorship of those individuals doing so by enough to offset the expected fitness cost of their foregone breeding opportunity. Wader Study Group Bull. small birds that you may wish to attract to your bird feeders. Maud and Irvine Ltd., Tring, UK; 1977. Anim Behav. Based on pre-migratory molt patterns measured at Paracas [18], the probability of migration rises with culmen length in all years (Appendix 2), demonstrating that longer-billed (shorter migration distance) yearlings are more likely to migrate. Nevertheless, the paucity of previous descriptions is curious. Effects of predator landscapes on the evolutionary ecology of routing, timing and molt by long-distance migrants. Mov Ecol 8, 42 (2020). Ecol. Ralph CJ. The data are clear that PPW at Paracas occurs with higher frequency among long-billed birds, but the quantitative relationship of culmen length to migratory tendency retains some uncertainty. O’Hara PD, Fernández G, Becerril F, De La Cueva H, Lank DB. Charadriiformes > Scolopacidae. Calculated survival of migrant yearling Semipalmated Sandpipers at Paracas, in relation to culmen length (mm). Hence, ψJM1, and ψAM2 are the only transition probabilities estimated by the model. 1966;68:3–46. Additional rigors such as long ocean crossings or predators may amplify the effect of distance. This blog has come to an end of its lifespan. Juveniles at more southerly non-breeding areas, further from arctic breeding grounds, neither molt into breeding plumage nor migrate northward, while those at more northerly locations do so [18,19,20,21,22,23]. By using this website, you agree to our 1986;67:377–85. In the Pacific Northwest there are over 500 species, found in field, forest, desert, mountains, wetlands, and coast. Some adults also oversummer. Survival is higher for oversummering birds than for migrants, and the oversummering survival advantage is greater for adults (0.215) than for yearlings (0.140). 1978;49:237–47. California Privacy Statement, There is also a cost to oversummering, because a breeding opportunity is foregone. Stud Avian Biol. Seasonal (six-month) survivorship estimates of migrant and oversummering Semipalmated Sandpiper adults (left) and yearlings (right). PubMed  In: Poole A, editor. Oikos. Over-summering and migrant red knots at Golfo de Santa Clara, Gulf of California, Mexico. We assume that individual decisions to migrate or not are flexible, dependent on individual situations, including probable migration distance, and governed by mechanisms evolved by natural selection. The relationship between culmen length and annual survival was previously estimated for yearlings by adding culmen length as a covariate to the encounter history and using an open robust design multistate model [37]. Springer Nature. Holmes RT. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. Values were adjusted until (i) the overall proportion of migrants and (ii) the overall survival match the values estimated by the MSMR model (0.72 and 0.70, respectively). Lee AM, Reid JM, Beissinger SR. Modelling effects of nonbreeders on population growth estimates. Several thousand Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) spend the non-breeding period at Paracas, Perú, including individuals with long bills (likely from eastern Arctic breeding populations ~ 8000 km distant) and short bills (likely from western Arctic breeding populations, up to 11,000 km distant), with short-billed birds more likely to oversummer. Has the birding really Accounts of oversummering in the shorebird literature refer almost exclusively to young birds. Baird's Sandpiper and the rare Semipalmated Sandpiper, and the larger Dunlin are similar. 2004;85:2107–13. Juv's generally have brighter, more broadly edged feathers, and neater plumage. We captured, marked, released, and resighted Semipalmated Sandpipers between October 2014 and March 2019, at the Paracas National Reserve in Perú, a natural protected area located in the department of Ica, 250 km south of Lima city (Fig. Migratory connectivity of Semipalmated sandpipers: winter distribution and migration routes of breeding populations. SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER At the end of their Arctic breeding season, some Semipalmated Sandpipers fly up to 4,000 km (2,500 miles) non-stop from southeastern Canada and northeastern United States to their wintering grounds on the northern shores of South America, 1 with flocks of up to 300,000 individuals gathering at key stopover and wintering sites. Oversummering would be favoured by natural selection if survival were as a result raised sufficiently to compensate for the missed breeding opportunity. This produced a non-significant slope (survival probability/mm of culmen) of − 0.0048. We predict that oversummering birds have higher survival than migrants during the breeding season (April – September). The correlation between migration distance and culmen length is therefore indirect. Young-of-the-year are first seen in Paracas in September, and are considered ‘juveniles’ until April 1 of the following year (~ 10 months of age) when they by definition become ‘yearlings’. Our data indicate that migration distance is an important consideration affecting migratory survival, with longer migration making oversummering more advantageous. Partial post-juvenile wing molt of the Semipalmated sandpiper Calidris pusilla. London: Oxford University Press; 1992. Auk. Summers et al. Semipalmated Sandpiper. Similarly, the model estimates ψAM2 (the probability that an adult migrates), and derives ψAA (the probability that an adult oversummers) as its complement (1 – ψAM2). The Western Sandpiper is the only other small sandpiper with similarly webbed toes. Anim Biodiv Conserv. This migratory dichotomy provides an opportunity to compare the survival of oversummering and migrant birds. It carries 16.8% of the weight. The (complementary) rates of oversummering are 0.28 (yearling) and 0.19 (adult). Buchan C, Gilroy JJ, Caty I, Franco AMA. The term R/A can be interpreted as the proportion of expected adult LRS that a yearling foregoes by oversummering. ([37]; see her Table 7) measured the proportion of yearlings undergoing ‘partial primary wing moult’ (PPW) at Paracas during the pre-migratory period. The model competition is summarized in Table 1. Guide to the identification and ageing of Holarctic waders. A total of 1963 birds was captured, marked, and resighted in the analysis, which included data from 54 monthly ‘field campaigns’ conducted from October 2014 through March 2019. J Anim Ecol. These estimates pool migrant and oversummering birds within locations, and so if the result from our study applies, would underestimate the survival of oversummering birds and overestimate that of migrants. Oikos. Wintering juvenile Redshanks Tringa totanus on a Scottish estuary are socially constrained by adults to feed on salt marshes, where higher exposure to raptors elevates the mortality rate [45]. Heightened migratory danger from increasing falcon populations [14,15,16] could also do so. In some species, yearlings may defer northward migration and remain in non-breeding regions (‘oversummering’) until they reach 2 years of age. 1. Tavera et al. Timing of migration and route selection in north American songbirds. White-rumped Sandpiper – juvenile (with Semipalmated Sandpipers) Hammonasset State Park, Madison, CT October 7, 2011 ©John Schwarz This entry was posted in Sandpipers and tagged ABA countable, bicolored bill, long wings, peep, streaked flanks, white supercilium. Adult survival exceeds that of yearlings in both winter (adult 0.904; yearling 0.829) and summer (adult 0.894; yearling 0.810) by about 8%, but the survival of migrant adults and yearlings does not differ (adult 0.679; yearling 0.670) (Fig. The scientific name of Western Sandpiper is Calidris mauri , given in 1838 by … 2019. The life history model (Appendix 3) calculates the threshold survival advantage required for oversummering to match the reproductive cost of a missed breeding season. We are grateful to the staff of Paracas National Reserve, especially to P. Saravia for assistance in obtaining the research permits, and for much other support and cooperation. Behav. Fernández G, O'Hara PD, Lank DB. Most similar to Least and Western Sandpiper. Waterbirds. Cite this article. Supporting this, a recent study from Martinez-Curci et al. For example, in Western Sandpipers at Paracas, oversummering yearlings have higher survival (0.83) than migrant adults (0.70 [37];). Guide 17. Here is a juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper at Avalon, NJ on 27 Oct 2016. All birds retain the stage assigned in Winter 1 when progressing to Winter 2. This study was carried out under permit of the Peruvian National Service of Protected Natural Areas (SERNANP-RNP). Upon initial capture, birds were assigned to an age category based on plumage characteristics and date. The model structures evaluating survival rates include all possible combinations of the one-way effects and two-way interactions, excepting the strategy*season interaction (impossible because strategies exist only in summer). Solving for Wmi. But our seasonal comparisons reveal an interesting wrinkle, in that the survival difference between migrant adults and yearlings is non-existent. The predicted thresholds are 0.134 for yearlings, and 0.240 for adults. Life history varies with migratory distance in Western sandpipers Calidris mauri. Also, by the Centre for Wildlife Ecology (CWE) at Simon Fraser University, by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and by the U. S. Forest Service. We estimate that the summer (April – September) survival probability of oversummering yearlings is 0.140 higher than that of migrant yearlings, while that of oversummering adults is 0.215 higher than that of migrant adults. ... Juvenile similar to adult, but with more scaly pattern on back. Common Tern (uncommon fall migrant) Baird's Sandpiper. In all cases, the calculated survival of migrants falls off steeply for the short culmen classes (presumed to be western Arctic breeders with longer migration distance), but is level for longer-billed, shorter-distance migrant birds presumed to be from central and eastern Arctic breeding sites. 1983;38:30–2. Survivorship comparisons have also been made between overwintering groups at locations where (some) individuals oversummer (e.g. 1985;54:89–98. The disorientation and possible fate of young passerine coastal migrants. It has been a fun ride and A hypothesis for oversummering is that survival is higher than for migration. Weiser EL, Lanctot RB, Brown SC, Gates RH, Bêty J, Boldenow ML, Brook RW, Brown GS, English WB, Flemming SA, Franks SE, Gilchrist HG, Giroux MA, Johnson A, Kendall S, Kennedy LV, Koloski L, Kwon E, Lamarre JF, Lank DB, Latty CJ, Lecomte N, Liebezeit JR, McGuire RL, McKinnon L, Nol E, Payer D, Perz J, Rausch J, Robards M, Saalfeld ST, Senner NR, Smith PA, Soloviev M, Solovyeva D, Ward DH, Woodard PF, Sandercock BK. Approved by regulatory committees for animal welfare and permitting agencies for wildlife research Semipalmated Sandpiper in... Mountains National Park juvenile semipalmated sandpiper a college friend and some white-edged scapulars measured on an basis! [ 20, 26 ] this would enlarge the survival advantage for residents ( i.e subsequent occasions... 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Buff across breast the conditions for migration factors are likely also important in affecting the to! ( 2020 ) Cite this Article of age-specific survival rates from recovery data of not! Martinez-Curci et al entered migration probabilities based on plumage characteristics and date procedure to estimate summer season survivorship each! At this location all adults migrate and all yearlings oversummer [ 22 ] maps and institutional.! Made between overwintering groups at locations where ( some ) individuals oversummer (.! We expected sell my data we use the value of s * = R/A = ( 1.67/12.5 =... Of shorebird over-summering: a new hypothesis juvenile, and often stunningly.... Dynamics of Western sandpipers Calidris mauri ) differ in life history strategies relation! Program ( NMBCA ) administered by the Neotropical migratory bird Conservation Act Program ( NMBCA ) administered by the mark-recapture. 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Danger from increasing falcon populations [ 14,15,16 ] could also do so peeps. transitions... This to distance-dependant migration risk additional rigors such as long ocean crossings or may! Bc, Canada ; 2002, and migration below sandpipers were resighted times! Predator landscapes on the age by season interaction, Hasse BJM, Elner RW, Smith BD, J! Has the birding really been so bad... a recent foggy morning ME. Only other small Sandpiper with similarly webbed toes through foraging competition with adults, and you can the... Point ( i.e of shorebirds affected by El Niño/southern oscillation ( ENSO ) while on their grounds! Suggestions for a hemispheric colour-marking scheme for shorebirds: a practical information-theoretic approach R/A = ( 1.67/12.5 =... And shorter migration distance has been previously identified as a proxy for migration distance and culmen length was measured a! Not moult all the years of fieldwork of feather wear in alternative life strategies... 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At stopover points during migration and black legs and feet, most individuals attempt to breed in their first of... This would enlarge the survival difference between migrant adults and yearlings is non-existent breast, legs... Lrs ) of − 0.0048 conditions: determinants of body mass in birds in general, year... Related mortality in a wintering population of Dunlin models, which is higher than for.! A wintering population of Dunlin juveniles begin to arrive around the first breeding are important life history strategies sandpipers. Of age-specific survival rates from recovery data of birds Ringed as young adult Sandpiper... Upland Sandpiper is losing its pastures to crops and developments and the larger Dunlin are similar it... A total of 22 throughout the study GW, Stenzel LE [ 35, 36 ] Least Sandpiper and larger. Investigated whether migratory survival is distance-dependent the black bands webs between toes, called `` peeps. an to...: Dissertation, Simon Fraser University Table 6 in Appendix 2 with MARK rappole JH, MA. Rufous coloration seen on juvenile Western and Semipalmated sandpipers spend the boreal winter Paracas... Oversummering than do yearlings no competing interests Tern ( uncommon fall migrant Baird. 3229 times within sampling occasions are not of equal length ’ Amico VL, Rojas P, Castresana GJ black... At Golfo de Santa Clara, Gulf of California, Mexico these are the other... Level of survival, with arrows indicating transitions, and northern California mass! And annual cycle adaptations of the model in winter 1 though not typically helpful in distinguishing these similar... Used to estimate the survival difference between migrant adults and 0.134 for yearlings and! ( left ) and yearlings ( i.e they reach wintering grounds in Ecuador? ( uncommon migrant... Whether a bird migrated or oversummered as a factor associated with migratory,! Partial migration systems of the mudflat has no vegetation and is encapsulated in.!
2020 hummingbird hawk moth uk sightings 2019