He is coordinator of the Italian Academy of Law and Migration (Accademia di Diritto e Migrazioni – ADiM), an academic network which involves more than 300 scholars and promotes advanced research activities on migration. He is member of the Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law, where he has been conducting research in the fields of the law of the sea and climate change law. Master Droit de l'entreprise et des affaires No description available in English Le parcours "Droit de l'entreprise et des affaires" est la formation la plus généraliste en droit des affaires (associant droit commercial, droit civil et fiscalité des sociétés notamment), combinée à un DU de juriste conseil en entreprise et un certificat de spécialité passé à Montpellier. He has published many articles and essays in collected volumes and peer-reviewed journals. L’Université Catholique de Lille organise le jeudi 31 mars de 11h à 17h, 60 boulevard Vauban (Aula Maxima), un Forum des Masters, de la poursuite d’études et de l’alternance. Her field of research focuses on business and human rights. • Non-State Actors and International Law Annual Masterclass « Global Actors for Peace » with distinguished scholars and practitioners, Educational Trips Since professionals translate exclusively into their native language, the majority of the courses concentrate on translation into French (version), with focus on a variety of domains (legal, administrative, IT, medical, scientific, financial, technical). “Master Droit, Economie, Gestion He currently continues to work on hate crimes and mob violence in India, discrimination in the urban space, and minority rights. L’annuaire de toutes les formations de type Master à Lille (Nord ). • Legal English Le Master Droit de l’entreprise a vocation à former des juristes travaillant au contact des entreprises dans différents secteurs d’activité. Droit de la Responsabilité Médicale - Universite Catholique de Lille in Lille, Frankreich Delphine Dogot is an Associate Professor of Law and New Technologies at Lille Catholic University (Paris campus). Conditions d'accès. From 2015 to 2017, she was a Legal Counsel at Avocats sans Frontières (ASF), where she provided for technical assistance in International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice projects in various countries. She is co-founder and co-director of the Summer School ‘Business and Human Rights’. • International Trade Law, • Advanced International Law Clinic Trained both in law and political science at Sciences Po (Paris) and The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University, USA), she holds a PhD from Utrecht University on the civilian dimension of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy, for which she was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society. L’objectif de cette thèse est de comparer l’appréciation par la Cour européenne des Droits de l’Homme et par la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne des personnes désignées comme « vulnérables » et des effets juridiques de cette désignation sur les droits fondamentaux. Elle est membre du Global Legal Network (GLN) qui travaille sur les risques en droit européen. Vous pouvez aussi faire une licence dans un autre domaine (histoire, sciences politiques, etc.) Since 2017, students from the Master 2 programme organise each year the Masterclass « Global Actors for Peace », which analyses the role of global non-state actors in building a long-lasting international peace. • International Protection of Minorities, • Séminaire de recherche fondamentale He is currently member of the Editorial Committee of QIL-Questions of International Law and acts as reviewer and referee for a number of academic journals. A Greek national, Sofia Tzortzi is fluent in English and in French and also speaks Italian and Spanish. Il est membre fondateur du Global Legal Network (GLN). College & University At least two educational trips per academic year to European institutions and/or International Tribunals and organizations, International Conferences Graduate in International Humanitarian Law from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France and the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in San Remo, Italy (2012), she was admitted as a qualified lawyer (barrister) at the Timis Bar Association in 2006. Il enseigne en European Legal Proccedings, European Integration, en droit public allemand. She holds a PhD in Law from Sciences Po Paris, and a Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Law from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, along with a Master’s Degree in Sociology and Bachelor’s in Philosophy from Paris-Sorbonne University. Marco Odello has worked and co-operated with international institutions, such as the Italian Committee for UNICEF (Rome), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (Rome), the Institute for University Cooperation (Rome), the College universitaire Henry Dunant (Geneva) and the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (San Remo). Melde dich jetzt an. Master 2 Droit des affaires et de l'entreprise, La Rochelle (La Rochelle, France). It is a two year interdisciplinary master program in Economics and Management. She furthermore founded and runs Rights as Usual, a well-respected blog on business and human rights which provides early-career and more established researchers with the opportunity to share their ideas. He additionally is an Alternate Member of the Enforcement Branch to the Compliance Committee of the Kyoto Protocol (elected as representative of the Asia-Pacific group), where he will serve until 31 December 2021. In December 2017, she was awarded with a PhD in European Law from King’s College London. • Fight Against Terrorism and the Rule of Law The Master prepares students for entering into the world of international organisations, specialised national and international institutions, research centres, NGOs or international law firms active in the human rights field. His areas of expertise include International Arbitration, International Investment Law, global economic governance, sustainable development, Business and Human Rights as well as International Legal Theories. Nicola Sibona holds an LL.M. Such entities include the University of Padua, the Municipality and the Provincial Administrations of Padua, the Italian Committee for UNICEF, Save the Children Italy and Amnesty International. Aurélia Lamiroy est assistante doctorante en droit européen au sein de la Faculté de Droit de l’Université Catholique de Lille, en co-direction avec l’Université de Namur depuis octobre 2019. She has moreover been a visiting researcher at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, an exchange doctoral researcher at the Harvard Law School and a researcher at the Perelman Centre of the Free University of Brussels. He has a strong record of publishing articles in peer reviewed journals and is currently the editor of several journals and portals in his fields of specialisation. Les autres étudiants sont sélectionnés par dossier de candidature. Inscription. • Global Governance Principal Associate in International Arbitration and Dispute Settlement, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer’s offices, Vienna (Austria). Teaches Architecture juridique du système international | Head of Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg (Germany). in Franco-German & European Business Law (vocational programme), LL.M. • International Arbitration, • Philosophy of International Law Adjunct lecturer of the Irish Centre for Human Rights (National University of Ireland, Galway) and visiting researcher at Middlesex University School of Law in London, she has held teachings positions in five different institutions in four countries across Europe, in the past two decades. Armando Rocha is Professor of International Law at Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Associate Dean of Católica Global School of Law. Silvia Bartolini is a Post-doctoral Researcher at Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles and a visiting lecturer at the University of Kent. in International Business and Law (double degree – IESEG), LL.M. Between 2000 and 2003 he was an expert consultant for the University of Bologna in the EU Tempus Project ‘Towards a European Model Judge’. Lawyer specialised in Foreigners’ Law, Lille Legal Law firm, Lille (France). Interesse? Graduate from Loyola University in Maryland with a B.B.A. Valentina a effectué ses études de droit en Italie, en France et aux États-Unis. November 2020, Public Administration (Special Emphasis: European Studies), Political Science and Public Administration. Chiara Macchi is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Researcher at Wageningen University – Law Group and an associate member of the Essex Business and Human Rights Project Ph.D. in International Law from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies with a thesis on the protection of human rights in the supply chains of transnational corporations. Programme Coordinator, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France) - Former Lawyer and Consultant in Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France). (au sens de l'article 714-1 du code de l'éducation) Service commun de documentation Service universitaire d’activités physiques et sportives Service commun des affaires sociales Service universitaire de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santé Centre des langues de l'Université de Lille … • International Humanitarian Law He is a Principal Associate at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer’s Dispute Resolution Group based in Frankfurt. MASTER AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Masterstudium. Language: French Bienvenue a la faculté libre de droit de Lille et Paris, étudiant ou futur étudiant, suivez nos formations en droit : Licence droit, Master 1,2 en droit international, droit européen, droit social et autres matières, à Lille … La Faculté de Droit des Facultés de l’Université Catholique de Lille (FLD), anciennement la Faculté Libre de Droit propose sur ses 2 campus situés à Lille et à Paris (Issy-les-Moulineaux) des formations universitaires en droit (Licence de Droit, Masters 1 et Masters 2 de Droit), des formations en alternance et de la formation continue. Ana-Maria Telbis has also worked at the European Court of Human Rights (2007-2012), where she processed cases against Romania and was involved in other related activities such as conducting research and making presentations on the role of the Court. formation,LMD,licence,Master,Doctorat. Consulter le programme complet du Master en Gestion de Patrimoine et l'ensemble des informations nécessaires sur cette formation à la FGES Lille. Diplôme en convention avec l'Université Toulouse I. Parcours Droit et Gestion des Ressources Humaines. Il intervient en tant qu’expert à l’Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA) et à l’Institut d’Etudes Humanitaires Internationales d’Aix Marseille Université. Additionally, she has worked for the OHCHR in Geneva, the UNHCR in New York and for the Legal Advisory section of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in the Hague. Valentina Volpe est Maître de conférences en droit international public et co-directrice du LL.M. She more particularly focuses on issues relating to the participation, rights, control and electoral behaviour within the framework of the surveillance of citizens and data collection activities. (NYU) Rechtsanwalt | Principal Associate - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP. • Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, • Situation des personnes en période de conflit armé Droit de l'immobilier, droit pénal et financier, droit social... de plus en plus de masters proposent la formule de l'alternance. Prior to joining Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, she worked as an associate at Schellenberg Wittmer’s Zurich office and as a case lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Il est maître de conférences permanent à la faculté depuis 2009, assesseur au doyen en charge du développement international, responsable pédagogique de la licence européenne de droit, co-directeur de l’International and European Law School (IELS), responsable de la PrepAvocat et membre du C3RD. Ses matières de spécialisation sont le droit international public, le droit international et européen des droits de l’Homme, le droit international humanitaire, le droit des réfugiés. Since 2017 she has been also teaching university graduate and post-graduate students on EU institutional law, environmental law, sustainable tourism, EU external action and the rights of migrants and asylum seekers in Europe. – mention Droit international Angelina M. Petti is Legal Counsel at Segesser Law Offices in Zürich (Switzerland) and a Visiting Professor of International Commercial Arbitration at Lille Catholic University. MASTER AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Masterstudium. Get info about scholarships and LLM tuition and discuss with other applicants • Architecture juridique du système international Maître de conférences - Directeur de l'International & European Law School (IELS), responsable de la licence européenne de droit campus Lille, directeur du master de droit international et européen 100% en anglais. Teaches Global Governance | Assistant Professor of International Public Law, Tuscia University, Viterbo (Italy), Alessandro Bufalini is currently an Assistant Professor of Public International Law at the Tuscia University, Viterbo, where he was also a Research Fellow in International Law (2017-2019). master droit de l'entreprise - UFR de droit et de science politique, Université Picardie Jules Verne Amiens (Amiens) All degrees are recognized by the State in agreement with the Toulouse 1 University. She has also published two edited books and over 20 journal articles and book chapters. He holds a degree in law (cum laude) from the University of Bologna and a PhD from the University of Macerata. digiSchool Orientation a trouvé pour vous 0 Master Droit, économie, gestion mention droit spécialité ingénierie juridique de l'entreprise et développement durable à Lille. Weitere Portale zur Studien- und Karriereplanung, Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik, Starte den internationalen MBA in Kempten, Antwerp Management School – Try Out day – fall edition December 2, 2020, Entdecke Radboud University - Virtual Open Day am 19. Her interests and experience revolve around EU public law, human rights and environmental law/sustainable development. Ass. : 0681 / 302-6628 . She currently holds the position of Human Rights and Protection of Lawyers’ coordinator at the Union Internationale des Avocats where she also chairs the International Criminal Defence Commission. Indeed, the Master welcomes every year numerous visiting professors from prestigious international institutions, allowing students to experience innovative teaching methods, while acquiring a global vision in the field of international legal studies. Language: French 2 likes. en Droits de l’Homme, Sécurité, et Développement à la Faculté de Droit de l’Université Catholique de Lille. She also lectures at other Universities, including at the University of Leiden. Lecturer in International Law, King's College, London (United Kingdom). Possibility of customised conditions for international students. Renseignez-vous ci-dessous sur l'établissement à Lille qui mène à ce diplôme. • International Criminal Law Her book, Business and Human Rights – History Law and Policy, Bridging the Accountability Gap (Routledge, 2017) is one of the first, comprehensive books ever published in the area, and her second sole-authored monograph. at Yale Law School. La fac de droit de l'université catholique de Lille propose plusieurs masters en lien avec le droit de l'entreprise : Master 1 droit des affaires et vie de l'entreprise; Master 1 droit fiscal et vie de l'entreprise; Master droit des affaires et management des risques de l'entreprise Il est accessible après une licence en droit. She has worked in Brussels at the cabinet of a former Commissioner for the environment, as the coordinator of COREPER I (deputy Mertens) at the Council of the EU for the Cyprus Presidency and as a consultant for private undertakings in the area of EU environmental law. Teaches International Humanitarian Law | Reader in International Humanitarian Law, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth (United Kingdom), Marco Odello is a Reader in Law at the Department of Law & Criminology, Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom), where he teaches International Law, International Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law and Comparative Public Law in Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes. Lucas Sánchez is a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, where his work mainly focuses on International Human Rights Law and Latin American Constitutionalism. • German / Spanish / French as foreign language, • Traineeship / Stage + rapport Faculté des sciences juridiques politiques et sociales, université de Lille, capacité en Droit, Licences, Masters, Doctorat, Préparation aux concours, Droit, AES, Science Politique, enseignement à distance, formations tout le long de la vie, formation professionnelle, insertion professionnelle Le master est accessible après avoir validé une licence à la Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences de Lille ou en admission parallèle. • German / Spanish / French as foreign language, • Research Seminar la mention"Droit des affaires et vie de l'entreprise" permet aux étudiants d’approfondir et de compléter leurs connaissances en droit des affaires afin de répondre aux besoins de l'entreprise. Possibility of earning a double degree (France/USA) and to pass the American Bar exam spending the 2nd semester of our Master 2 in the USA. with distinction from Hofstra University School of Law in 2006 and obtained an LL.M. Intégrer la formation Master Droit, économie, gestion mention droit de l'entreprise spécialité droit des affaires à Lille dans l'établissement Faculté de droit ? Afficher toutes les infos. Le master est accessible après avoir validé une licence à la Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Siences de Lille ou en admission parallèle. The LL.M. She has ever since extensive experience in Civil, Commercial and Criminal Law and has furthermore worked with NGOs, namely for the International Bar Association (2008), where she was involved in outreach and monitoring activities with the IBA-ICC (International Criminal Court) Programme in The Hague (the Netherlands). The Faculté de Droit of Lille Catholic University (FLD) offers on its two campuses located in Lille and Paris (Issy-les-Moulineaux) university courses in law (Law Degree , Masters 1 and Masters 2 of Law), alternating training and continuing education. Catherine Denis is a Programme Manager in Reconciliation and Culture at the European Commission (DG NEAR) and a former lawyer specialised in International Criminal and Transitional Justice. Capacitée d'accueil : 50. Andra COTIGA est docteur en droit privé depuis 2010. Entretien. Master Traduction Spécialisée Multilingue - Master 2 The principal aim of the second year of the Masters is to turn students into genuine professionals by simulating a business context. Module 1 and Module 2 enable students to acquire advanced skills in specialised translation. Participation of scholars and practitioners from leading national and international institutions (e.g. Mohsin Alam Bhat is an Assistant Professor of Law and the Executive-Director of the Center for Public Interest Law at the Jindal Global Law School in Delhi (India). Les masters de droit sont des cursus généralement assez sélectifs. Jetzt anmelden, Eintritt sparen und Messe-Besuch planen! Elle est également coach pour le concours Cassin préparé par les étudiants de M2 Droits de l’Homme, Sécurité et Développement. Since 2013, she is a Delegate of the Défenseur des Droits, where she defends the rights and freedoms of individuals in the context of relations with public authorities and promotes the best interest and rights of children in France. Melde dich jetzt an und empfange unseren Newsletter! She holds a PhD in International Criminal Law from the Irish Centre for Human Rights in Galway, Ireland and two LLM degrees in International and Comparative Law, one from Tulane University, School of Law and one from New York University, School of Law. He was one of the Principal Investigators in the EU sponsored Research Project on Parental Rights in Child Education. see year and publisher, Teaches Law of International Organisations | Legal Officer, International Court of Justice, The Hague (Netherlands) Work on contemporary questions related to international litigation and negotiations. Database of fields of study in Europe. Graduate in law from the Sapienza University, Silvia Bartolini holds a MA in International and European Law from Université Catholique de Louvain, a MA in European Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Europe. La Faculté de Droit des Facultés de l’Université Catholique de Lille (FLD), anciennement la Faculté Libre de Droit propose sur ses 2 campus situés à Lille et à Paris (Issy-les-Moulineaux) des formations universitaires en droit (Licence de Droit, Masters 1 et Masters 2 de Droit), des formations en alternance et de la formation continue. She holds a Ph.D. in European Law with honours (2011) and an LL.M in European Law (1999) from the University of Rennes. Associate Professor of Public Law, Lille Catholic University, Lille (France) - Delegate of the Défenseur des Droits, Paris (France). In 2019, she was awarded a EU-funded Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship to carry out a two-year research project on business and human rights focusing on EU policies (2019–2021). She is regularly writing for the think-tank on Serbia’s EU integration ‘European Policy Centre’ and she is underway preparing publications in edited volumes. Objectifs. Se documenter, 60, Boulevard Vauban, CS 40109, 59016 LilleTél : 03 20 13 41 00, 35 rue Gabriel Péri, 92130 Issy-les-MoulineauxTél : 01 78 16 20 00. • European Legal Proceedings Conferences and workshops on contemporary issues of international, comparative and human rights law, Internships • Organisation of an International Workshop or Humanitarian Action Il existe d’autres masters en droit spécialisé : master en droit public, fiscalité , en droit social , etc. parcours Droit et économie des ressources humaines He holds a Master Degree in Sociology of Law from Paris II Panthéon Assas University (2004) and is conducting a PhD research focusing on access to justice and social development at Catholic University of Louvain (ongoing, since 2015). Welcome to the official website of the master "Management of European Affairs" at Lille University, France. John Baptist Onama is a bona fide Doctoral Fellow in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy at the University of Bucharest and the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) of Berlin. Poitiers-Centre Ville; Nous contacter. Faire le choix de l’alternance consiste à mettre en relation les connaissances théoriques acquises pendant les études à la pratique dans le monde de l’entreprise : les étudiants deviennent salariés à temps partiel. He is mostly interested in combining multiple methodologies, particularly ethnographic methods, in the study of Law. He has previously worked in Freshfields’ offices in Hamburg, Hong Kong, Paris, and Vienna. Le master 1 est ouvert de droit aux titulaires d’une licence de droit. Yannick Radi is a Professor of Public International Law at the Catholic University of Louvain. Ce master s’adresse aux étudiants, juristes, collaborateurs d’entreprise d’assurance… Il propose en 1ère année de solides bases en droit des affaires et, à partir de la 2e année une approche dualiste entre le droit des affaires et le droit des assurances, tout en mettant en avant la logique d’insertion professionnelle par l’alternance Her published work has appeared in renowned international Law reviews such as Common Market Law Review, European Human Rights Law Review, European Public Law Review and Journal de Droit Européen. • Professional integration Previously she worked at the European Court of Justice as a référendaire. Weitere Informationen. She teaches about the Actors and parliamentary institutions in the European Union at IEP of Lille, and she is on of the head of the Law and Political Science Bachelor’s program at the the the Lille Catholic University. • International Responsibility & Litigation He has published on the international right to education, on parental rights, and on constitutional law in Israel. Proficiency in English and French (C1 according to the Common European Framework). Elle est également chercheuse principale affiliée et ancienne chercheuse principale à l’Institut Max Planck en Droit public comparé et en Droit International à Heidelberg, ainsi que professeure adjointe à SciencesPo Paris, à l’Université LUISS Guido Carli à Rome, et à l’Université de Los Andes à Bogota. In addition, she has been coaching teams for moot court competitions in the areas of human rights and international law. Droit de l'entreprise - secteur financier (banque, assurance, finance) Master's. Thèmes choisis (Paris, Pedone, 2012) with Jean d’Aspremont. iur. He holds a Ph.D from Aix-Marseille University and conducted his doctoral thesis under the supervision of a jurist (Sandrine Maljean Dubois) and an ecologist (Wolfgang Cramer). He regularly supervises PhD and LLM thesis and dissertations. Moritz works as counsel on international commercial arbitration matters with a particular focus on corporate disputes; sales, supply, and distribution contracts; as well as joint ventures. Droit de l'entreprise. Bilingual Program (English/French) + knowledge of a third language (Spanish or German), Global Visiting Professors