La communauté ICN est animée par trois valeurs fondamentales qui prennent tout leur sens dans l'ambition portée par Artem : l'ouverture, l'engagement et l'esprit d'équipe. "On trouve la MIAGE au second étage, des mecs soupers sympa bien que discret." La mission d’ICN Business School est de fournir une formation innovante et transdisciplinaire qui permette aux étudiants de formation initiale et continue de devenir des professionnels responsables capables d’agir dans un environnement économique globalisé. Dès aujourd’hui, le CFA ICN BUSINESS SCHOOL vous […], A 46 ans, Frédéric KREBS (diplômé programme ICN Grande Ecole 1997), est Operating Partner au fond d’investissement Newfund. 5 Monate, Feb. 2017 - Juni 2017 . ICN Business School, 12ème école de management en France, renforce son attractivité en élargissant son offre de formation et reste, dans le contexte économique et sanitaire actuel, le partenaire des TPE/PME, des entreprises régionales, nationales comme internationales, des start-up et des créateurs d’entreprises dans leurs démarches de recrutement. ESC La Rochelle • VetAgro Sup Lyon • This institution also has branch campuses in the following locations: Metz, Nuremberg, Paris, Berlin. ESC Dijon Bourgogne • Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 12. ESM Saint-Cyr • I decided that I would go the following summer. I just graduated from an International BBA during which I studied one year in France, one year in Germany and one semester in Canada (University of Sherbrooke, QC). Novancia • ESC Troyes • ISIT • ISG • Questions? About. ICN Business School - 86 rue du Sergent Blandan - 54003 NANCY Cedex - +33 (0)3 54 50 25 00, ICN Business School -CNIT 2 , 2 place de la Défense, 92053 Paris la Défense, ICN Business School - Quartier 207 Friedrichstraße 76-78 10117 Berlin -+49 (0) 30 629 380 70, Professional Experience Personal Support (PEP’S), Embauchez en apprentissage grâce à l’aide exceptionnelle de l’Etat : Les recrutements continuent …, Frédéric KREBS nouveau président d’ICN Alumni, Dans le Top 1% des Business Schools dans le monde accréditées AMBA + EQUIS + AACSB, ICN Business School obtient également l’accréditation AMBA pour son programme Grande Ecole, Avec le dernier palmarès du Parisien, ICN performe dans tous les classements de la saison 2019/2020, Concours 2020 : d’excellents résultats pour ICN Business School, 40 étudiants ICN confinés accompagnent brillamment la transformation numérique de la Carsat, une entreprise responsable et solidaire. ICN Business School - Quartier 207 Friedrichstraße 76-78 10117 Berlin - +49 (0) 30 629 380 70 Find 380 researchers working at ICN Business School | Nancy, France | Die ICN Business School ist eine private, staatlich anerkannte wissenschaftliche Wirtschaftshochschule. 145 likes. * IATA Code for Incheon International Airport near Seoul, South Korea * Independent Catholic News, a Catholic news website … Wikipedia. I just graduated from an International BBA during which I studied one year in France, one year in Germany and one semester in Canada (University of Sherbrooke, QC). Australian finance news, stock quotes, currency information and blogs. ASX - ASX Delayed price. ESC Clermont • Pour son recrutement en admissions […], ICN Business School fonctionne depuis le 23 mars, comme toutes les écoles, 100 % à distance. Il est encore temps de vous réorienter ! With the Triple Accreditation AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, ICN is an internationally recognized business school for marketing, luxury, finance and business. EM Normandie • ICN Master in Management (Grande Ecole Degree) is a full two-year management program, delivered in all of our three campuses (Nancy, Paris and Berlin) and which offers 17 specialization pathways. 24/7 support. ENS • Includes procedures for consistently recording financial data, recommendations for generating standard financial reports, and guidelines or interpreting the … IFM • Besides the ICN Business School’s state-of-the-art curriculum our pedagogic work enables you to learn and hone your skills to be a responsible and creative business leader. All Reviews Diplômée trilingue d’un master Grande Ecole en finance cherchant un CDI en audit/banque/finance Nancy, Grand Est, France 200 relations. This program aims at facilitating international experiences and cross-borders learning for students and faculty members. The FINANCE Department at ICN Business School on Sciences économiques / Finance. UTT, Audencia Nantes • General Data Protection Regulation. It is not possible to start in the summer semester. BWL (Finance & Management) Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Submit & Download Cancel. Contact. France Business School • Bachelor . See 17 photos and 1 tip from 152 visitors to ICN Business School Nancy. ICN Business School -CNIT 2 , 2 place de la Défense, 92053 Paris la Défense . ICN Graduate Business School is a private French Business School (grande école), recognized by the French State.It has about 3,000 students enrolled, 38% are from countries outside of France, and there are 15,000 graduates. Please bear in mind when planning your studies that the academic calendars in Germany and France differ. ICN Associations, Nancy. Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance. As a Master finance and Risk Management student at the commercial institute of Nancy, I would like to announce that I’m ready for the future experiences offered by the LinkedIn companies. ESSA Bordeaux • ICN Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan President's message Board of Directors Council of National Nursing Association Representatives (CNR) Specialist Affiliates ICN Annual Reports Foundations Members list Foundations ICN Networks Vacancies ICN — is a three letter abbreviation that may refer to: * ICN Graduate Business School, French graduate business school in Nancy. Rankings at a glance Rank 2019: 69: Rank 2018: 0 71: Rank 2017: 0 67: 3-year average rank: 1 69: Country: France / Germany: MBA 2019; Full time MBA … Strong analogical reasoning, open-minded, conscientious and flexible with a good team spirit. ICN Financial Markets | 164 followers on LinkedIn. Activity. Review ; Add photo Own this business? Master of Management - Finance: business valuation, financial diagnostic, business intelligence chez ICN Nancy 2010 - Heute Connectez-vous à Dogfinance With the Triple Accreditation AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, ICN is an internationally recognized business school for marketing, luxury, finance and business. Depuis 1905, ICN est la grande école de management de l’Est de la France, au cœur de l’Europe. ICN Business School - 86 rue du Sergent Blandan - 54003 NANCY Cedex - +33 (0)3 54 50 25 00. Read More . Déçu(e) de votre choix Parcoursup ? Find the latest 6592 (ICN.V) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. NANCY France The cities of Nancy and Metz, located at the heart of Europe and only 90 minutes from Paris by High-Speed Train, have, for over 100 years, been imbued with ICN’s fundamental values. ICN Master in Management (Grande Ecole Degree) is a full two-year management program, delivered in all of our three campuses (Nancy, Paris and Berlin) and which offers 17 specialization pathways. Le Parisien Étudiant unter den Top 3 Bachelorprogrammen in Frankreich und an Nr. ICN ICN Gateway Home Regional Gateway Premium Subscribers Project links Common searches NICS: COMPANY Login Create profile ICN Gateway packages Equifax Score Newsletter: HELP User guide Helpdesk Info for suppliers Info for buyers Contact us Blog. Die ICN Business School (Französisch: Institut Commercial de Nancy) ist eine private, staatlich anerkannte wissenschaftliche Wirtschaftshochschule. Jeder Dozent steht einem jederzeit zur Verfügung und nimmt sich bei Fragen ausreichend Zeit, um jedes Problem zu lösen. Li ZHEN of ICN Business School, Nancy | Contact Li ZHEN. ICN Business School. Sie gehört zu den ältesten Grand Écoles in Frankreich und darf die akademischen Grade Bachelor, Master und Phd verleihen, die gemäß Bologna-Abkommen als akkreditierte Grade anerkannt sind. View daily, weekly or monthly formats back to when Iconomi USD stock was issued. Graduated from ICN BS Nancy with a Master's degree in Management 'Programme Grande Ecole', I am currently pursuing an MSc in Financial Markets & Investments at SKEMA BS in Paris. The business school is triple accredited (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA), meaning ICN is one of the internationally recognized business school for marketing, luxury, finance and business. NEOMA Business School • Le corps d’enseignants chercheurs d’ICN Business School s’engage dans la création de connaissances aux frontières de l’art, du management et de la technologie de sorte à contribuer à la promotion de connaissances porteuses et de pratiques durables dans le domaine de la gestion et des organisations. Formation continue. In both cities, culture plays an important role, with many concert halls and museums: for example, the Centre Pompidou in Metz. ICN Business School PARIS-NANCY-BERLIN Since 1905, ICN Business School has been shaping the generations of Responsible Managers. Finanzmärkte, Internationale Finanzen, Makroökonomie. About. ICN Business School in Nancy, France International Finance, Corporate Finance, International Marketing, International Negotiation, Corporate Communication, Knowledge Management 6 Monate, Juli 2015 - … We are currently in partnership with 14 universities worldwide, giving you the opportunity of earning a double degree from one of these top-ranked schools. ESCE • Choose from rankings list Prev. The exchange program started in fall 2008 between CSUN and the ICN Business School. Currency in … Contact Us. IÉSEG • ENSCI-Les Ateliers • Read news digest here: view the latest Icn Financial articles and content updates right away or get to their most visited pages. Mit Campussen in Nancy, Paris, Berlin, bietet die ICN Business School als französische Grande École de Management und von den internationalen Prüfungsinstituten EQUIS, AACSB und AMBA akkreditiert, Studienprogramme für Bachelor und Master an. SKEMA Business School • Retrouvez toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin sur MyICN – Vous êtes en recherche d’information sur les programmes ICN ? Government decision on finance and development undermine international security Nov 18th, 2020 Rethinking Security, a network of peace and security experts, today criticised the Government's apparent decision to grant an exceptional four-year increase to the Ministry of Defence's budget while other government departments face swingeing cuts and long-term funding uncertainty. Adressez-vous au service concours et admissions : ou […]. Unlock this page Questions & Answers. Discover historical prices for ICN-CAD stock on Yahoo Finance. News; About Us. ENSBA • KPMG France. The Corporate Finance Department at ICN Business School on Find the latest WisdomTree Indian Rupee Strateg (ICN) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. UTC • Die Anreise nach Nancy: Erfolgt entweder direkt per Zug, mit dem Auto (Nancy ist mit dem Auto knapp 1 ½ Stunden von der deutschen Grenze (Saarbrücken) entfernt) oder mit dem Flugzeug über Paris und dann weiter mit dem TGV nach Nancy. Publications 29. Télécom École de Management • Oniris • Study at the ICN Business School in Nancy, France. Finance & Management. Icn Financial. We haven’t detected security issues or inappropriate content on and thus you can safely use it. ENV Alfort • Add photo Icn Financial. Internationale Betriebswirtschaft und … Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier Business School • ICN Business School founded the Alliance Artem with the École Nationale supérieure d’art et de design de Nancy and Mines Nancy in 1999. BWL-Bachelorstudierende können sich ab dem Sommersemster 2020 für das Programm mit der University of Twente bewerben. UN NOUVEAU DÉPART ! * IATA Code for Incheon International Airport near Seoul, South Korea * Independent Catholic News, a Catholic news website … Et la nouvelle édition des Creative Business Days (CB Days) planifiée début avril à Nancy s’est adaptée du fait du confinement et s’est déroulée de manière virtuelle mais avec créativité et […]. ICN is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary Dual degree students start their studies at the ICN in the winter semester in September. Save time and contact the school here! Icn Business School - Assistant Professor in Strategy & Entrepreneurship Nancy 2018 - maintenant I teach various courses in the BBA and Master Grande Ecole programs : - Corporate Organization (BBA 1st year, English track, Nuremberg campus) - Design organisationnel (Master Grande Ecole 2nd year, French track, Nancy campus) Die Hochschule wurde 1905 in Nancy gegründet und ist an den vier Standorten in Nancy, Paris/ La Défense, Berlin und Nürnberg angesiedelt. Currently, 3000 students, attend ICN. ICN Business School’s identity and development are rooted in the links between Management, Technology and Art. ICN Business School és una escola de negocis europea amb seus a La Défense, Berlín, Nuremberg i Nancy.Va ser fundada el 1905. The MSc in Finance and Risk Management is taught in English on the ICN campus in Berlin. ESA • ESSEC • EOGN • Le Board AACSB qui s’est réuni le fin avril en visio conférence, compte tenu de la crise […], ICN Business School a progressé sur tous les classements publiés depuis la rentrée. ICN se situa entre les escoles de negocis més ben valorades del món: el 2019 va ocupar la seixanta-novè posició a la llista de les millors escoles de negocis europees publicada pel Financial Times. Get answers from Icn Financial staff and past visitors. ICN Business School PARIS-NANCY-BERLIN Since 1905, ICN Business School has been shaping the generations of Responsible Managers. I consent to ICN Business School Nürnberg contacting me by telephone for marketing purpose. La continuité des cours est assurée en e-learning. Ask a Question Grenoble École de Management • View daily, weekly or monthly format back to when Iconomi CAD stock was issued. ICN Business School - Quartier 207 Friedrichstraße 76-78 10117 Berlin -+49 (0) 30 629 380 70 Înființată în 1905.. ICN a fost plasată pe locul 69 în rândul Școlilor europene de business, în 2019, potrivit clasamentului realizat de Financial Times.. Programele sale sunt triplu acreditate internațional prin AMBA, EQUIS și AACSB. 2 Jahre, Okt. Welcome to ICN Bachelor Programm Curriculum Bachelor Day Dates & Events Testimonials & Coaches Your Way to ICN Application. 29. Le corps d’enseignants chercheurs d’ICN Business School s’engage dans la création de connaissances aux frontières de l’art, du management et de la technologie de sorte à contribuer à la promotion de connaissances porteuses et de pratiques durables dans le domaine de la gestion et des organisations. Partner Universities Students' Experience Your Double Degree. Created in 1905 by the University of Nancy and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Meurthe-et-Moselle, the Commercial Institute of Nancy became in 2002 Groupe ICN École of management, private higher. Formation initiale La mission d’ICN Business School est de fournir une formation innovante et transdisciplinaire qui permette aux étudiants de formation initiale et continue de devenir des professionnels responsables capables d’agir dans un environnement économique globalisé. Impressum ; Terms and Conditions; Need help? PSB • Nonprofit Organization ICN Business School • is not yet rated by Alexa and its traffic estimate is unavailable. At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial … Il a pour mission principale le suivi opérationnel des participations en termes de stratégie, marketing et ventes. Université de Neuchâtel. EM Strasbourg Business School • is a leading gateway dedicated to covering all aspects for traders in the Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX) and … ICN Business School in France. Currently, I am in my first year of master's program at ICN Business School with a specialisation in financial audit. ICN Business School - 86 rue du Sergent Blandan - 54003 NANCY Cedex - +33 (0)3 54 50 25 00 . Die ICN Business School verfügt über drei Hochschulstandorte in den lothringischen Großstädten Nancy und Metz sowie in Nürnberg. Currently, I am in my first year of master's program at ICN Business School with a specialisation in financial audit. KEDGE Business School • ICN Business School | 17.932 Follower auf LinkedIn | La mission d’ICN Business School est de fournir une formation innovante et transdisciplinaire qui permette aux étudiants de formation initiale et continue de devenir des professionnels responsables capables d’agir dans un environnement économique globalisé. ICN Business School este o Școală Europeană de Business cu multiple campusuri în locații precum: La Défense, Berlin, Nuremberg și Nancy. Get all info about the school, programs and application process. ICN Financial Management Information System (FMIS) 2nd Edition Report on a standard method of data collection and financial analyses developed to assist school foodservice administrators evaluate financial management decisions. Dans le classement des meilleurs Masters in Management du Financial Times, ICN Business School gagne 4 places et se positionne 12ème école […], Alors qu’ICN Business School a progressé dans tous les classements depuis le début de l’année et qu’elle vient de décrocher la triple couronne, et malgré un contexte de crise sanitaire exceptionnelle qui a bouleversé le déroulement traditionnel des concours, l’école affiche d’excellents résultats pour le début de cette session 2020. Portail des 40 associations d’ICN Business School #JoinTheFamily Die Hochschule führt transnationale Bachelor-, Master-, Promotions- und MBA-Programme sowie Seminare zur Weiterbildung von Managern durch. I am a Master's degree Student at ICN Business School. Looking for online definition of ICN or what ICN stands for? ... We are 100% dedicated to Financial platforms and their countless details. Mai 2020 um 18:28 Uhr bearbeitet. Paris) • ICN Business School PARIS-NANCY-BERLIN Since 1905, ICN Business School has been shaping the generations of Responsible Managers. BWL-Bachelor- sowie Masterstudierende können sich für das Programm mit der ICN Nancy bewerben. Icon Energy Limited (ICN.AX) Add to watchlist. We are currently in partnership with 14 universities worldwide, giving you the opportunity of earning a double degree from one of these top-ranked schools. Frédéric KREBS a également été membre […], ICN Business School a décroché en mai l’accréditation AACSB et est ainsi devenue la 14ème école de management française à posséder la triple couronne sur 38 écoles post-prépa françaises, 98ème sur 15 000 établissements à travers le monde. ENA • ICN Business School Nancy. ENSA Nancy • EHESP • ISC Paris • ICN Business School PARIS-NANCY-BERLIN Since 1905, ICN Business School has been shaping the generations of Responsible Managers. Please see the ICN homepage for the exact semester times. Bachelor : Der ICN Bachelor (Bac +3, staatlich anerkannt) wird lt. Emlyon Business School • 3 Jahre und 1 Monat, Sep. 2015 - Sep. 2018. Découvrez toutes les dates des prochains événements pendant lesquels vous pourrez rencontrer et échanger avec la team ICN virtuellement ou en face à face ! International. ENS Rennes • Due to our privacy policy, only current members can send messages to people on ResearchGate. ICN — is a three letter abbreviation that may refer to: * ICN Graduate Business School, French graduate business school in Nancy. ICN has more than 30 years’ experience in grant development, fundraising strategies, and program evaluation. 6101 Southwest Fwy 112, Houston, TX 77057 Map & Directions (713) 432-1115. A compter du 30 octobre 2020, les personnels administratifs et enseignants ICN sont en télétravail et en télé-enseignement. Inscrivez-vous pour entrer en relation. ESSCA • UTBM • Microsoft Office 2016 Product Key Generator Full Crack [Activation Method] Microsoft office 2016 Product Key – Activation Keys For Office 2016 ICN Business School -CNIT 2 , 2 place de la Défense, 92053 Paris la Défense . ESSA de Lyon-Bron • Venez nous rencontrer à Paris, le 16/01/2021 et 17/01/2021 au salon Studyrama des grandes écoles pour découvrir nos  programmes bac+3 à bac+5 ! My Airbnb host thought it was weird that I came to Strasbourg and wanted to take a day trip to Nancy, but I explained that my 94 year old grandmother's name was Nancy. With the Triple Accreditation AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, ICN is an internationally recognized business school for marketing, luxury, finance and business. Die ICN Business School Nürnberg hat mich vor Allem aufgrund der kleinen Lerngruppen, dem guten Kontakt zu den Dozenten und den Studieninhalten überzeugt. Admission ESDES • ENV Toulouse • ENS Paris-Saclay • Newfund est un fonds d’investissement early-stage doté de 200M€, créé en 2008 par François VERON et Patrick MALKA. 308 likes. Back. Une belle reconnaissance des progrès réalisés par ICN qui se hisse parmi les meilleures en France et dans le monde. ESIEE Management • I will be more than happy to discover your offers that fits my academic and professional interests and my qualities as a student could be summarized in the following paragraph. EDHEC Business School • Network. The program is intended for students studying business and economics. ICN 2018 - Sep. 2020. MASTER AND MORE: ICN Business School in Nancy, Berlin, Metz , Nürnberg, Paris, - Übersicht der Masterstudiengänge und Infos zum Masterstudium. Die Hochschule wurde 1905 in Nancy gegründet und ist an den vier Standorten in Nancy, Paris / La Défense, Berlin und Nürnberg angesiedelt. read more. I am a Master's degree Student at ICN Business School. – Vous êtes étudiant ICN ? ESC Pau • The program is designed for students who want to work in both, public and private financial/insurance sector, for example as risk and asset managers. HEC Paris • Signaler ce profil; Activité . Publications. Maxfeldstraße 5 / 4.OG 90409 Nürnberg +49 (0) 911 36680780. ESC Amiens Picardie • It is a partnership which promotes, in its educational programs, interdisciplinarity, alternative learning methods, creativity and innovation, all with a view to training a new generation of creators and decision-makers. With the Triple Accreditation AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, ICN is an internationally recognized business school for marketing, luxury, finance and business. ENS Lyon • Founded in 1905, ICN Business School is a non-profit private higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the medium city of Nancy (population range of 250,000-499,999 inhabitants), Grand Est. Toulouse Business School, CELSA • European Business School Rankings 2019 View full ranking . ICN Business School 86 rue du Sergent Blandan 54000 NANCY France. BACHELOR AND MORE: ICN Business School in Nancy - Übersicht der Bachelorstudiengänge und Infos zum Bachelor-Studium When my cousin told her there was a town with her name in France she made a comment about why he didn't visit. You stay in Nancy for one year. In 1999, ICN Business School founded the Alliance Artem with the École nationale supérieure d’art et de design de Nancy and Mines Nancy. Financial Management: A Course for School Nutrition Directors This session provides training on management of finances and other resources as the foundation for nutrition integrity and quality meals in school nutrition programs. ESCEM • Its campuses are in Nancy, La Défense, Nuremberg and Berlin ICN does not provide accommodations but assists students in finding different types of accommodation, including furnished studios in private residences (€300-€400 per month), furnished rooms in state-owned university residences (€150-€350 per month) and private housing (prices vary). CN Business School is accredited by EQUIS and AMBA and offers one of the Master degrees in Management according to “Financial Times”. ENFA • ICN Business School ARTEM. Discover historical prices for ICN-USD stock on Yahoo Finance. EDC • Brest Business School • ESC Rennes • Son identité et son développement se fondent sur les liens qui unissent, dans l’économie d’aujourd’hui et de demain, le management, la technologie et l’art. Find the latest ICONENERGY FPO (ICN.AX) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Financ' icn, Nancy (Nancy, France). die ICN fast den ganzen August über komplett geschlossen ist, d.h. alles sollte vor diesem Zeitpunkt abgeschlossen sein. We have a 24/7 help desk available and are at your disposition for … t: e: w: École de design Nantes Atlantique, Freie Universität Berlin • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin • Technische Universität Berlin • Universität der Künste Berlin, ESCP Europe Campus Berlin • European School of Management and Technology • Hertie School of Governance • Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin, Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin • Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin • Evangelische Hochschule Berlin • Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin • Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin • Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin, Akkon-Hochschule für Humanwissenschaften • Bard College Berlin • Barenboim-Said-Akademie • bbw Hochschule • Berlin International University of Applied Sciences • BSP Business School Berlin • CODE University of Applied Sciences • Dekra Hochschule für Medien • design akademie berlin • German open Business School • SRH Hochschule der populären Künste • Hochschule für angewandte Pädagogik • H:G Hochschule für Gesundheit & Sport, Technik & Kunst • Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft • Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur • IB-Hochschule Berlin • International Psychoanalytic University Berlin • Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin • MSB Medical School Berlin • Psychologische Hochschule Berlin • Quadriga Hochschule Berlin • SRH Hochschule Berlin • Touro College Berlin, Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin • Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin • Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch • Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, 52.516113.387299722222Koordinaten: 52° 30′ 58″ N, 13° 23′ 14,3″ O, Liste der Mitglieder der Conférence des grandes écoles in Frankreich, ICN Business school décroche « la triple couronne », École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique, Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier Business School, European School of Management and Technology, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin, Berlin International University of Applied Sciences, H:G Hochschule für Gesundheit & Sport, Technik & Kunst, Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft, Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur, International Psychoanalytic University Berlin, Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin, Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. ESCP Europe • Groupe INSEEC • CFJ • Für BWL-Masterstudierende der Studienrichtung Major-Marketing und Minor-Finance bzw.
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