n. a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion enginea wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroada conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railwaythe compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plantwhere passengers ride up and down Synonyms: automobile, vehicle , wheels (informal), ride (US, informal), motor (UK, informal), motor vehicle, station wagon … Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Car in English with Spanish translations of every word. A car pool is an arrangement where a group of people take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school. car - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat. A car pool is a number of cars that are owned by a company or organization for the use of its employees or members. As such its definition of parking should be influential in parking cases. EXEMPLES DE SYNONYMES. CAR Abbreviation for: Canadian Association of Radiologists carbohrate carminative Cardiac Ablation Registry cell adhesion regulator Center for Aging Research Find more ways to say cars, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonymes (Autres mots) pour Used-car & Antonymes (Sens opposé) pour Used-car. Learner's definition of CAR. Emissions. The number of cars on the road is increasing all the time. A car boot sale is a sale where people sell things they own and do not want from a little stall or from the back of their car. Apparently they were the only Overton passengers in that car. A car alarm is a device in a car which makes a loud noise if anyone tries to break into the vehicle. The definition of classic car is actually quite similar to that of antique cars. What are synonyms for car racing? English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus. Cameos como personajes secundarios. machine, motor, motorcar, vehicle, wheels, buffet car, cable car, coach, dining car, (railway) carriage, sleeping car, van. Running the car into the shadow of a ruined house, I try to sleep. US (UK truck) a part of a train that is used for carrying goods or animals: … business operating in a "real world" not on the internet : like a department store, a, see : click and mortar : a business that combine new technologies and traditional business, Para rechazar esta entrada, por favor, escriba sus comentarios (mala traducción/ definición, entrada repetida…), Diccionario de informática español inglés, Gratis: Aprenda inglés, francés y otras lenguas, Reverso Documents: traducción documentos en linea, Aprende inglés con tus vídeos favoritos, Todos los sinónimos de nuestro diccionario de inglés. Synonyms: car, railcar, railroad car, railway car. The engine is not included into the drivetrain. A cable car is a vehicle for taking people up mountains or steep hills. View synonyms. car. 4. any wheeled vehicle. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time, The Most Insincere Compliments And What To Say Instead. Sinónimos y antónimos de car. Syn. Definition: a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people. A sports car is a low, fast car, usually with room for only two people. A bumper car is a small electric car with a wide rubber bumper all round. Vous utilisez ici les synonymes de car. He had left his tickets in his car..., They arrived by car. Synonyms. 1 auto (U.S.) automobile, jalopy (informal) machine, motor, motorcar, vehicle, wheels (informal) 2 buffet car, cable car, coach, dining car, (railway) carriage, sleeping car, van. Lea rápidamente todos los sinónimos 14 y encuentre la mejor palabra para usted gratis 4. The part of an airship, such as a balloon or dirigible, which houses the … Join our early testers! ANTONYME. Busque car y muchas más palabras en el diccionario Reverso de sinónimos en inglés . Synonymes partiels (magazine, synonyme de revue, seulement quand ce mot désigne un périodique). Top Synonyme für car (andere Wörter für car) sind vehicle, motorcar und automobile. If a group of people car pool, they take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school. Similar words: wheeled vehicle. They awoke one morning to find the car on a siding at the One Girl mine. What are synonyms for car? It’s defintion of parking comes from Lord Greene’s judgment Ashby v Tolhurst (1937). All rights reserved. Employé comme adverbe. Another word for car. There was a line of parked cars in front of the building. Apply the wax in a circular motion. A patrol car is a police car used for patrolling streets and roads. car | definition: a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine | synonyms: fender, floorboard, station waggon, Model T, automobile horn| antonyms: stay, synchronise, consecrate, falsify, correct, synchronize, head ainsi, conséquemment. Usage: three cars had jumped the rails. Police in an unmarked car had been following the stolen vehicle for several minutes. We Asked, You Answered. A car bomb is a bomb which is inside a car, van, or truck. Sense: Noun: automobile. bubble gum machine, gumball machine. See more. An estate car is a car with a long body, a door at the rear, and space behind the back seats. Synonymes de CAR. pourquoi. A car is a motor vehicle with room for a small number of passengers. Puede completar los sinónimos de car propuestos por el diccionario Reverso de sinónimos en inglés consultando otros diccionarios especializados en sinónimos de palabras en inglés: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase, Merriam Webster, Longman... Diccionario Inglés-Sinónimos: traducir en Sinónimos con nuestros diccionarios en línea. Sinónimos y analogías para "car" en español agrupadas por significado ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. In this article, I’ll help clear up the confusion and set the record straight on what, precisely, is the proper definition of a muscle car is—including which ones qualify and which don’t. The components differ depending on the type of vehicle (manual, automatic transmission, front-wheel or four wheel-drive). car synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'carp',care',char',czar', definition. Synonyms: car, railcar, railroad car, railway car. Be sure the metal of the car has cooled from when you were heating the adhesive. A people shell with four wheels. Types: show 40 types... hide 40 types... ambulance. A sedan is a car with a sloped rear window and separate trunk that has four doors. avec . Définition CAR dans le dictionnaire anglais de définitions de Reverso, synonymes, voir aussi 'car phone',bubble car',cable car',jaunting car', expressions, conjugaison, exemples Mot, syntagme, qui, par le sens, s'oppose directement à un autre. 1 synonym for car racing: auto racing. Synonyme (Andere Wörter) for Car & Antonyme (Entgegengesetzte Bedeutung) für Car. A pickup truck is a truck with a separate cabin and cargo area on a ladder frame. Synonyms for car. car pool (car pools plural & 3rd person present) (car pooling present participle) (car pooled past tense & past participle ), carpool, car-pool 1 n-count A car pool is an arrangement where a group of people take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school. The cargo area is called the "bed". People wear these devices to give themselves super … ‘She was switching standard gauge cars without any kind of idler car on the three rail track.’. WordReference English Thesaurus © 2020. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Dining car definition, a railroad car equipped with tables and chairs, in which meals are served. When he set out he meant to reach the car and go back to town at once. Sinónimos de Car y otras palabras que tienen el mismo significado. 1.1. car Synonyme. All Free. Para mejorar la calidad de los comentarios, debe identificarse. Meaning of car wheel. The most exciting part of riding a Ferris wheel is when your car goes over the top. Encore de de synonymes pour le mot car : Synonymes car dictionnaire-synonymes.com. car | definition: a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine | synonyms: fender, floorboard, station waggon, Model T, automobile horn| antonyms: stay, synchronise, consecrate, falsify, correct, synchronize, head She bought a new car. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Synonyms: auto, automobile, machine, motorcar. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples auto, automobile, bus, horseless carriage, machine, motor, motorcar, motor vehicle, He returned to the airport to find his car alarm going off. Meilleur synonyme de car makers (autre terme pour car makers) sont car manufacturers, automotive manufacturers et automobile manufacturers. He held: You take a car park ticket in order to obtain permission to park your car at a particular place, and parking your car means, I should have thought, leaving your car in the place. [US];[Coll.] Information and translations of car wheel in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. de ce fait peut être employé comme : adverbe, nom masculin singulier, conjonction. ‘Our train consists of six coach class cars, a cafe car, and one business class car.’. Définitions de Autocar, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Autocar, dictionnaire analogique de Autocar (espagnol) US (UK carriage, coach) any of the separate parts of a train in which the passengers sit: a railroad car. in BRIT, usually use patrol car, police car. Find another word for cars. Waxing your car in direct sunlight will result in a worse final product and lackluster shine. A station wagon (estate car in British English) is a hatchback-like car that has a less sloped rear window and more space for passengers and luggage. Sinónimos (Otras palabras) para Car & Antónimos (Significado opuesto) para Car. Nom. Synonyms for car racing in Free Thesaurus. Top synonyms for flying car (other words for flying car) are flying machine, great scott and flying machines. Definition: a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad. Antonyms for car racing. He got into the car and drove away. 1 : a vehicle that has four wheels and an engine and that is used for carrying passengers on roads [count] I'll wait in the car. Diccionario de inglés sinónimos. 1 auto (U.S.) automobile, jalopy (informal) machine, motor, motorcar, vehicle, wheels (informal) 2 buffet car, cable car, coach, dining car, (railway) carriage, sleeping car, van. But presently a man was sent out of the car at the point of Clune's revolver. A sleeping car is a railway carriage containing beds for passengers to sleep in at night. n. 1. an automobile. Synonyms (Other Words) for Automobile & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Automobile. transports, autocar, autobus, patache, pullman, weshmaggle. Mira nuestro tesauro para aprender los sinónimos y antónimos de car en inglés; encuentra las traducciones en español de cada palabra y sus opuestos. The passenger-carrying portion of certain amusement park rides, such as Ferris wheels . A restaurant car is a carriage on a train where passengers can have a meal. car. A car-jacker is someone who attacks and steals from people who are driving their own cars. Ce site vous permet de trouver en un seul endroit, tous les synonymes, antonymes et les règles de conjugaison de la langue française. He acted as grand marshal of a stock car race. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Understand car meaning and enrich your vocabulary Traducción diccionario Collins Inglés Cobuild. race-car | definition: a fast car that competes in races | synonyms: automobile, motorcar, finisher, car, machine, stock car, cockpit, racer, racing car, auto| antonyms: stay in place, nonworker, nondriver Find similar words and phrases with our powerful synonym search engine. Another word for car: vehicle, motor, wheels, auto, automobile | Collins English Thesaurus Railway carriages are called cars when they are used for a particular purpose. Employé comme nom (du coup) coup. Synonyms and Antonyms of Car. Usage: three cars had jumped the rails. car makers synonymes. A car (or automobile) is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation.Most definitions of cars say that they run primarily on roads, seat one to eight people, have four tires, and mainly transport people rather than goods.. Cars came into global use during the 20th century, and developed economies depend on them. Car Ride synonyms. Employé comme conjonction. Snot Rod Es el último integrante de la pandilla quien es un Muscle Car con una potencia desmedida la cual es corroborada por la fuerza de su estornudo, es un Dodge Challenger R/T. cause, parce que, puisque, attendu que, vu que. a vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals. Définition CAR dans le dictionnaire anglais de définitions de Reverso, synonymes, voir aussi 'car phone',bubble car',cable car',jaunting car', expressions, conjugaison, exemples All of the parts of a car that work together to deliver power to the car’s wheels. 9 synonyms of cars from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 46 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Michael Schumacher, hizo un cameo al final de la película, hace a el mismo dando su voz, pero pintado como un coche Ferrari F430. Top synonyms for car ride (other words for car ride) are car journey, road trip and ride in the car. a restaurant / sleeping car. LOOK AT THIS DUDE WHY IS HE LOOKING UP WHAT IS A CAR. Le mot bicyclette eut être considéré comme synonyme de vélo. Another word for cars. Adverbe. Retrouver la définition du mot caravec le Larousse A lire également la définition du terme carsur le ptidico.com What is the meaning of car? Flying Car synonyms. How do you use car in a sentence? Definition of car wheel in the Definitions.net dictionary. Car definition: A car is a motor vehicle with room for a small number of passengers. Find more ways to say car, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for car include automobile, motorcar, auto, vehicle, wheels, convertible, motor, ride, jalopy and sedan. Synonyme de ce fait. Ces synonymes du mot car vous sont proposés à titre indicatif. 3. the part of a conveyance, as an elevator or balloon, that carries the passengers, freight, etc. car peut être employé comme : conjonction, nom Employé comme conjonction en effet , parce que , puisque , vu que , comme , étant donné que , attendu que 9 synonyms of car from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 46 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Dictionnaire-synonyme.com, c'est plus de 44800 synonymes, 15000 antonymes et 8600 conjugaisons disponibles. A car must be at least 20 years old, but not more than 40 years old to be considered a classic car. car. "Thought it might be some of you folks when I saw the car," said Higbee, shaking hands all around. Meaning: car kɑː. It is pulled by a moving cable. Synonyme der car: (noun) auto, automobile, machine, motorcar, motor vehicle, automotive vehicle (noun) railcar, railway car, railroad car, wheeled vehicle (noun) cable car, compartment (noun) gondola, compartment (noun) elevator car, compartment railcar lounge car suspension system passenger car railroad train slip carriage tender coach wheeled vehicle train baggage car handcar cabin car freight car caboose guard's van luggage van van railway car carriage mail car railroad car club car slip coach suspension. A baggage car is a railway carriage, often without windows, which is used to carry luggage, goods, or mail. ‘the first-class cars’. The robbers abandoned their getaway car and ran off. A car port is a shelter for cars which is attached to a house and consists of a flat roof supported on pillars. In American English, car pool is sometimes used to refer simply to people travelling together in a car. I am haunted by the thought that my car may break down when I have a load of wounded. (ˈkɑːr) A wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad. It should again have been repaired and maintained in a way that keeps it true to its original design and specifications. At the same time Allister and Clune jumped from the car and ran. beach waggon, beach wagon, estate car, station waggon, station wagon, waggon, wagon. Definition: a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people. Dictionnaire anglais Collins English synonyme-Thesaurus. She bowed curtly to Grace and Emma as her car whizzed by them. 1 auto (U.S.) automobile, jalopy (informal) machine, motor, motorcar, vehicle, wheels (informal) 2 buffet car, cable car, coach, dining car, (railway) carriage, sleeping car, van. « Chaud » et « froid », « lever » et « baisser » sont des antonymes. 2. a vehicle running on rails, as a streetcar or railroad car. A stock car is an old car which has had changes made to it so that it is suitable for races in which the cars often crash into each other. The driver crashed the stolen car while being chased by the police. A dining car is a carriage on a train where passengers can have a meal. Quelques mots au hasard. People drive bumper cars around a special enclosure at a fairground. car. What does car wheel mean? Beneath the car of this Juggernaut we must flout our judgments and crush our affections. Find another word for car. ‘The car-free village of Bettmeralp which is only accessible by a large-car cableway is located in the immediate vicinity of the impressive Aletsch Glacier.’ ‘On the 26th of November, the balloon, fitted with its network, and having the car attached to it, was sent away from the hall of the Tuileries.’ Definition; CAR: Carriage: CAR: Customer Account Representative: CAR: Center for Automotive Research: CAR: Caribbean: CAR: Climate Action Reserve (Los Angeles, CA) CAR: Central African Republic: CAR: California Association of Realtors: CAR: Computer Assisted Reporting: CAR: Children at Risk: CAR: Carre (French: Square; Canada Post street designation) CAR: Collect And Return: CAR On a train, a freight car is a large container in which goods are transported. Find more ways to say cars, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A car is one of the separate sections of a train. Another word for cars. A company car is a car which an employer gives to an employee to use as their own, usually as a benefit of having a particular job, or because their job involves a lot of travelling. Car : définition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue française. adjectiu: alt, car, costós, dispendiós, elevat, immòdic, onerós. Describe 2020 In Just One Word? A car park is an area or building where people can leave their cars. Diccionario colaborativo     Inglés Tesauro. Sinónimos (Otras palabras) para Cars & Antónimos (Significado opuesto) para Cars. drive/park a car [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples The government says fewer Americans are carpooling to work. Busque CAR y muchas más palabras en el diccionario Reverso de definiciones en inglés. Synonym: carriage. Definition: a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad. More example sentences. Move the car so the portion you are waxing is in a cool, shady space. Similar words: wheeled vehicle. What is the definition of car? A railway carriage. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! noun. He made his way into the dining car for breakfast.
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