Didier Guillaume, ministre de l'agriculture était l'invité de Jean-Jacques Bourdin ce mardi sur BFMTV et RMC. Dans le cadre des mesures exceptionnelles prises pour permettre à notre agriculture de fonctionner au mieux, malgré le contexte d’épidémie de Coronavirus Covid-19, le ministère de l’Agriculture et l’Agence de service et de paiements (ASP) se sont mobilisés pour assurer la continuité de la gestion et des paiements des aides de la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC). We note there is enormous potential in agriculture to gain from these technologies, including those already utilized in other sectors. Une demande de déclaration de 30 nouveaux genres aux [...] termes de la loi de 1976 sur les droits d'obtenteur (loi n° 15 de [...] 1976) est envisagée par le ministre de l'agriculture. We propose as our goal completion of the negotiations in 1977. We reiterate the importance of our continuous efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through balanced and multi-sectoral approaches. We expect that our work and the knowledge accumulated through this forum will be a good reference and contribute to all concerned stakeholders, within the G20 and beyond. Pour effectuer votre déclaration en ligne via le site SILLAGE Télédéclaration, vous devez être inscrit auprès du ministère chargé de l’agriculture (compte créé et activé). Didier Guillaume, ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, annonce la possibilité pour les propriétaires de chevaux de se rendre dans les centres équestres pour contribuer à … While respecting applicable legal frameworks for data privacy we emphasize the need to set a foundation for access and use of data by all including those on production and markets as well as with an appropriate digital infrastructure, in order to enhance the potential of ICT and digital technology. Il organise aussi lenseignement et la recherche dans ces domaines. [Indonesian], G20 Information Centre All rights reserved. We recognize that FVCs can also help revitalize rural areas along with other activities such as agro- tourism and promotion of local produce which contribute to increase product value added and income for farmers. We acknowledge that recent progress on technology and other forms of innovation including organizational and financial, make it necessary for farmers to acquire a wider range of knowledge and skills in order to enable them to embrace and responsibly utilize new technologies and innovations. We also note the lessons learned through the G20-initiated analytical framework for improving agriculture productivity and sustainability. upov.int. Berlin Agri­cul­ture Min­is­ters' Con­fer­ence: 72 min­is­ters adopt fi­nal com­mu­niqué (topic: gffa) Released 16. University of Toronto unless otherwise stated. We underline the value of tackling this issue through "One Health" national action plans, including terrestrial and aquatic animals and agriculture throughout the food chain, and we reaffirm the commitments G20 made in 2017 and 2018 in that regard. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? We recognize that ensuring animal and plant health is one of the key issues for a viable and sustainable agro-food sector, food safety and security, ecosystem functions and sustaining all life on Earth. Agriculture has developed along with civilization, from the ancient stone age to the modern era of science. We highlight the importance of encouraging innovation in agriculture, inter alia, through the utilization and access of advanced technologies, such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics among others, in our discussion in Niigata, as it can offer a solution for a wide range of issues. Le Ministre de l'Agriculture est venu apporter quelques précisions quant à la possibilité des centres équestres et écuries de pension d'accueillir les propriétaires de chevaux pour apporter les soins et l'activité physique In this regard, we welcome the work of the Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste. Après de nombreuses heures de discussions, la nouvelle PAC vient d’être définie par le Conseil des Ministres de l’Agriculture : des mesures environnementales pour TOUS les États, une compétition plus juste au sein du marché commun. h޴�[k�0���7J�$�bC)$YB;�tm�eP��&"1�l���~G���&qJ`q��]և�#�D}d�8���d�$�P�@#�]_{�r�� Ministre de l’Agriculture et de l'Alimentation (appellation depuis 2017) Titulaire actuel Julien Denormandie depuis le 6 juillet 2020 Cet article liste les membres du gouvernement français chargés de l'agriculture.Ils dirigent le ministère de l'Agriculture. During the discussion today in Niigata, we confirmed, building on the outcomes in previous meetings, the importance of making the best use of our experiences and knowledge to offer solutions for existing and emerging challenges and to realize the full potential of the agro-food sector in achieving inclusive growth and sustainable development. We call for all G20 members to continue to support these initiatives proactively, including through voluntary financial contributions, especially in those cases most in need, such as AMIS, as well as with timely and reliable information where so required, to ensure their continued work. G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meetings, G20 Agriculture Ministers' Declaration 2019, Source: Official website of the 2019 G20 Niigata Agriculture Ministers' Meeting. This Information System is provided by the, Official website of the 2019 G20 Niigata Agriculture Ministers' Meeting. We acknowledge the role of the agro-food sector in ensuring the "One Health" approach is effective on a global basis. L�7�v�*�l+$|�}S�5� ��I�)X�yV�F�ߗǾ�AM�M�W�Fi�||GI�V�_�-N���x��2�R��O���Wu��ϫBU��7ˋ4J�iigb{w����&Q{�J��P����N�P=s謁�~�GaB���AGQ�tH��$[��8�x�8fe����EY��Q�}(�V���Gu��7�� ��]����,�j We stress the importance of FVCs to be resilient in the event of increasing extreme weather, degradation of natural resources, outbreak of pests and diseases and excessive price volatility. Noting that measures inconsistent with international rules and obligations may undermine the efficient functioning of FVCs, we, G20 Agriculture Ministers, call on all countries to respect their obligations in this area. En France, le ministère de lAgriculture et de l'Alimentation est ladministration chargée de la politique agricole, halieutique, alimentaire et forestière. We acknowledge that agriculture is vulnerable to these challenges, but can contribute to addressing them. sur Québec.ca .ce lien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre.. 13.11.2019 - 15:13. We recognize the importance, in tackling the above-mentioned issues in the agro-food sector, of learning through exchange of good practices including those summarized in Annex 2. '�l�����|�W���t��I �I@�}�b�M��8U%��?�9O��E �mJƏ����I���c>���aqy�~jx���!.�(�@DX?D� �����!0���{��.�-I)ܲ4��$e`�X`�=d�Ɓ]��l�E���Y��F*��ĦP�X�J�OR��Q*E`|@%����da�ʧ��n���,���b,h�x��e( Renseignez en ligne le formulaire électronique Déclaration de détention d’oiseaux dans le cadre d’un foyer de maladie aviaire; Voir les conditions générales d’utilisation du service de dématérialisation des formulaires du ministère de l’agriculture. Plant Health Import Information. h�̓kk�0��J>n�$M���v� �s�"~�5��^$�0����ݼ�>�Ph�ys��==� L�� ˳���m����V,* g��y� In this context, we welcome the 2018 discussion of Trade and Investment Ministers on key factors for G20 policy-making options to support the participation and increase value-addition in agro-food global value chains. Cabinet de la ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire jean-sebastien.comeau@canada.ca 343-549-2326 Relations avec les médias Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada Ottawa (Ontario) 613-773-7972 1-866-345-7972 �A��^�,�-���j�Fu�����8z�+ �&�Zm���ϲ�s��ڣ�=��UwoJ]�M�r����6g�h�gf�uv�s߂���? Modernes Recht und starker Verbraucherschutz. Depuis sa nomination en juillet 2020, le ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, Julien Denormandie, a montré son attachement au dialogue social. We aim to raise awareness of the importance of plant health to all, as stated in Annex 1. 187 0 obj <>stream The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), in cooperation with other organisations is implementing Agricultural Development Projects. On Monday 16th July Stéphane Travert, minister of agriculture and food, and his German counterpart Julia Klöckner, federal minister of food and agriculture, issued a joint declaration on the future CAP, as presented to European agriculture ministers. Didier Guillaume, ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, se félicite de la déclaration commune signée ce jour par l’ensemble de ses homologues, les 27 ministres européens de l’agriculture, à l’adresse de la Commission Agriculture de l’Union européenne, afin d’obtenir la mise en œuvre urgente des mesures de soutien face à l’épidémie de Covid-19. In particular, we intend to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. The Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program is a locally-funded program of the Department of Agriculture (DA) which aims to help alleviate poverty among the marginalized sectors of agriculture and fishery of the thirty (30) priority provinces identified by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) as well as areas covered by Executive Order No. F�j)���8܂O;-,�t�|~Y����;�Y���N8�9���"���:e�q�)3�k�E�|�0�u��a^B�(�&�u�$��H $. provided by the G20 Research Group, G20 Summits • 2019 Osaka Summit Furthermore, we support Japan's effort for hosting the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit 2020 in Tokyo. In particular, we encourage cooperation with civil society and private actors to prevent food loss and waste at the processing, retail and consumer level, and sharing practices and technology regarding the reduction of pre-and post-harvest losses with developing countries. [Portuguesa]  We seek to develop our respective FVCs in an inclusive and equitable manner, to the mutual benefit of all participants including family farmers, smallholders, women and youth, by empowering them to make the most use of innovation and knowledge. %PDF-1.6 %���� Vidéo : > Déclaration de politique générale, d’Édouard Philippe, au Sénat Der Text: > Déclaration de politique générale d’Edouard Philippe, Premier ministre Es war eine “déclaration de politique générale” (gemäß Art 49 der > Verfassung von 1958 ), also eine Regierungserklärung, über die nach der Sitzung abgestimmt wird und der Premierminister bekam ein breite Mehrheit. At the same time, we underline that transparency in food markets can enable farmers to earn better incomes and help mitigate food price volatility. Organisé par le ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, le recensement agricole permet de guider les politiques publiques et d’alimenter des travaux de recherche en donnant une image précise de l’agriculture d’aujourd’hui. Environment and innovation need to be taken into account in agriculture. G20 Ministerials |  We also underline the importance of innovation and skills training for attracting new entrants, especially youth, to the agro-food sector. Agriculture has developed along with civilization, from the ancient stone age to the modern era of science. More We welcome the stocktaking exercise of the initiatives launched by G20 Agriculture Ministers, the outcome of which is presented as Annex 3. This declaration presents the commitments that we intend to respect in our direct relations with you. Publiée le 23/04/2020 Le Ministre de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural, Kobenan Kouassi Along with our continuous efforts for alleviating hunger and malnutrition, we strive to take the leading role in the reduction of food loss and waste along FVCs.
2020 déclaration ministre agriculture