If you are currently in Japan and believe that you may have symptoms of COVID-19, please call JNTO’s hotline at 050-3816-2787. Le Voyageur is a tour operator and travel agency based in Antananarivo, Madagascar’s capital, with a Malagasy team and Swiss management, founded in 1997 and a member of the Malagasy Association of professional tour operators TOP. Redeem your Miles for the awards below. All public transport vehicles will be compulsorily disinfected. © 2020 Copyright RFI - Tous droits réservés. Liberal professions will gradually resume starting from Wednesday, April 22. Helpful. Fax. Number of confirmed cases for the whole territory of Madagascar since March 20, 2020: 15,319. Choose your cheapest holidays . All lockdown measures are maintained for the Alaotra Mangoro region (including Moramanga, Andasibe). Tel. The Malagasy authorities have decided, as a preventive and protective measure, that all passengers from Europe arriving in Madagascar before Thursday, 19 March will be subject to new strict health control measures followed by systematic quarantine. The State is implementing a programme of rapid diagnostic testing, which will take place from March 31to April 2, for the 5,000 or so passengers who travelled from abroad on flights from March 11 to March 19, 2020. Review of: An authentic journey through Madagascar. – A minimum distance of 1 meter must be kept. A ban on any gathering of more than 50 people. Suspension of all flights to and from Antananarivo and Toamasina (main port of the Island). The lockdown measures put in place by Madagascar’s authorities in 4 regions (out of a total of 22 regions in the country) have been eased in 2 regions since the 1st of June: – Extension of working hours until 3 p.m. (instead of 1 p.m.previously), – Public transport will be running until 5 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m.). On the media and social networks, the awareness-raising on confinement is supported by the mobilization of a dozen local celebrities as well as the BAREA champions- the national football team, who succeeded in uniting the Malagasy people through their first qualification for the African Cup of Nations (CAN) in 2019. 101 – Antananarivo RFI - Actualités, info, news en direct - Radio France Internationale, Le tourisme étant à l'arrêt à Madagascar, le secteur est très affecté par la crise sanitaire (image d'illustration). Pour plus d'information et réservation veuillez nous contacter par Tél: +261 38 090 94 / +261 33 28 038 08 mail: contact@madagascar-culture-voyage.com fifimarson@gmail.com Web: www.madagascar-culture-voyage.com www.madagascar-culture-voyage.com « Nous demandons que toute suspension ou report de charges sociales, patronales ou dâimpôts soient prorogés mais nous allons aussi demander éventuellement dâeffacer certaines dettes parce quâau moment de la reprise, et ce ne sera pas avant 2021 dâaprès nous, nous allons devoir supporter un certain nombre de dépenses que nous devons à lâEtat et à dâautres prestataires, et cette situation va être totalement intenable. On arriving in Madagascar, an extra PCR test will be carried out at the airport and passengers are required to remain under strict lockdown in a hotel until they receive the test result (which may take up to 4 days). See the map, stats, and news for areas affected by COVID-19 on Google News Activities enhance efforts to detect, monitor, respond to, and control human seasonal, avian, and other novel influenza viruses with pandemic potential, such as H7N9, to reduce influenza-associated death and disease. NOTICE OF SPECIAL FLIGHTS FOR DECEMBER 2020 – JANUARY 2021. RFI n'est pas responsable des contenus provenant de sites Internet externes. For the Analamanga region (including the capital Antananarivo): For the Haute Matsiatra region (including the town of Fianarantsoa): total unlocking, except for gatherings of more than 50 people. PCR tests must be carried out 48 hours before each flight. YOUR TOUR. To stay up to date with the latest news from Madagascar, subscribe to our newletter ! Moreover, the maximum number of passengers will be limited to 18 per bus. ANTANANARIVO – DZAOUDZI – MORONI – ANTANANARIVO, TOLIARA – TAOLAGNARO – LA REUNION – TAOLAGNARO – TOLIARA, Construction of new plants by 2023 to meet the needs of the population. – All activities must end at 1 p.m. As for the education sector, the gradual resumption is scheduled as follows: Wednesday, April 22, for students in the 12th and 9th grades and Monday, April 27 for students in the 5th grade. Madagascar Tropic Voyage delivers the best trip ever. Non, le virus responsable de la COVID-19 et celui à l’origine du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS) sont génétiquement liés mais ils sont différents. monicaP wrote a review Aug 2019. Starting from Monday, April 27, anyone not wearing a mask will be required to perform community service (cleaning of gardens, schools or streets). Leaving a region without a special authorization from the authorities is prohibited. This period may be extended depending on the evolution of the health situation, the instructions given by the Malagasy government and the measures taken by the governments of the countries served by the airline. Air Madagascar press release (06/04/2020). The closure of all schools and universities. Subsequent to instructions from the President of the Republic of Madagascar dated 14 March 2020, the Madagascar Civil Aviation authorities (ACM) confirm that : These measures will be enforced until 18 April 2020 and may be extended as the situation develops. DISTRICTS OF TOAMASINA I AND II, FENERIVE EST, AND MORAMANGA. Permanent mobilization of the National Television for awareness raising and transmission of information in real time. New provisions on the state of emergency and lockdown applied from Monday, April 20: 2) Progressive resumption of work: Civil servants, private sector, liberal professions, and restaurants. « Le principal objectif, câest dâabord stopper lâhémorragie de la dégradation du tissu économique. These flight dates may change as health crisis management develops in each destination country. In order to meet the requirements of the framework for conditional sailing order issued by the U.S. centers for disease control and prevention, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. … Source : Statement from the President of the Republic on 17/03/2020. Les acteurs du secteur touristique insistent particulièrement pour que la Caisse nationale dâassurance et de prévoyance santé, lâorgane indépendant qui collecte les charges patronales et salariales, débloque en urgence les fonds pour payer 50% du montant des salaires des sociétés les plus en difficulté. Niveau de risque pour la plage de la Batterie All gatherings of more than 50 people remain forbidden; Venues for shows, cultural and sports events also remain closed; National and regional transport remains suspended. The supply of personal protective equipment as well as the distribution of CVO (a traditional remedy in the form of an improved herbal tea) in the most vulnerable regions and districts is being strengthened. It was nominated for an Academy Award in 2011. Les groupements du secteur privé pressent lâEtat dâagir au plus vite.Â, Pour Rivo Rakotondrasanjy, à la tête du groupement du patronat malgache (Fivmpama), ce document est essentiel pour le futur de lâéconomie du pays. depending on the evolution of the health situation, the instructions given by the Malagasy government and the measures taken by the governments of the countries served by the airline. A free distribution is planned from April 20 to 26. The island of Nosy Be is still open for international flights, but with some restrictions (a list of countries involved is to be circulated subsequently by the Ministry of Public Health). DEPARTURE. : Source: President’s Office of the Republic of Madagascar (16/03/2020). Subventions, dons, prêts⦠LâEtat et les bailleurs doivent encore sâentendre sur le financement de ce plan. La COVID-19 est-elle la même maladie que le SRAS ? ARRIVAL. Source: Air Madagascar press release (06/04/2020), Official launch of the remedy: COVID-ORGANICS. TOWARDS TOTAL UNLOCKING WITH SEVERAL ALLEVIATION MEASURES: Number of confirmed cases for the whole territory of Madagascar since March 20, 2020 : 3,250. Tous aujourdâhui affirment avoir perdu 100% de leurs revenus. 1780 26 confirmed cases, including 4 symptomatic patients. Le secteur touristique est particulièrement affecté. A negative PCR test for Covid -19 carried out within 72 hours prior to the flight is required before boarding and on deplaning in the destination country. Celui-ci devra dâabord être validé en conseil de gouvernement pour pouvoir ensuite recevoir lâappui des bailleurs. Due to the latest developments in the health crisis caused by Covid-19, the suspension of all international AIR MADAGASCAR flights (regional and long-haul) is extended until and including July 31, 2020. All the measures relating to the state of emergency remain in force until April 19 throughout the territory of Madagascar: Community committees called “Loharano” will be set up to ensure the proper conduct, control and observation of the distribution of goods and equipment donated by the State for residents in each fokontany (neighbourhood). The Hague, The Netherlands 2 contributions 4 helpful votes. Otherwise, the airline involved will have to bear the full cost of their mandatory quarantine. A ce jour, aucun cas de coronavirus n’a été détecté à Madagascar. The setting up of hand-washing stations, disinfection of all parking lots and vehicles and the provision of hand sanitizers for vehicles. Confinement for 15 days from Monday, March 23, except for shops and suppliers of basic necessities, banks, drugstores, and persons with special permissions to move around. International tourists can contact the National Tourism Board of Madagascar by email (*) for any information requests. These measures include the suspension of all flights from Europe, namely Italy, France, Germany and Spain, for a period of 30 days. During this period, the Malagasy authorities are providing two 14-day quarantine options, i.e. All these trips are subject to strict sanitary measures. Flights to and from Madagascar and Europe, Reunion and Mayotte will be suspended as of Thursday, 19 March 2020, Madagascar residents who have stayed in the aforesaid countries may therefore return to the country by Thursday, 19 March 2020. The trade winds, which blow throughout the year, are strongest from May to October. JNTO also operates a 24-hour hotline for visitors. And all airports in the provinces will no longer accommodate flights starting from Sunday, March 15, 2020. Mais ni le montant ni la nature des aides nâont encore été actés. All international flights without exception will be suspended for 30 days starting from Friday, 20 March 2020. Date of experience: April 2019. The Malagasy State officially launched the distribution of “CVO” or “Covid-Organics”, an improved traditional remedy, based on a medicinal plant called artemisia which has curative and preventive virtues to fight coronavirus symptoms. NewsletterRecevez toute l'actualité internationale directement dans votre boite mail, Suivez toute l'actualité internationale en téléchargeant l'application RFI, Coronavirus à Madagascar: les bus à lâarrêt à Antananarivo, Madagascar: Rajoelina annonce des essais dâinjections à base dâartemisia, Madagascar: le coronavirus jette le doute sur le secteur de la vanille, Sénégal: les mesures contre le Covid-19 difficiles à faire respecter dans les transports, Ghana: les bureaux de vote ont ouvert pour le double scrutin présidentiel et législatif, RDC: lâinformateur, la clef dâune nouvelle majorité présidentielle, Covid-19 au Kenya: mis à rude épreuve, le personnel médical menace de faire grève, Covid-19 au Maroc: la campagne de vaccination se précise, Soudan: tensions entre civils et militaires au sujet d'un nouvel organe politique, La Côte d'Ivoire emprunte sans soucis auprès des marchés financiers, Les Sud-Africains se relâchent face au Covid-19 à lâapproche de leurs grandes vacances, Madagascar: nouveau foyer de contamination du Covid-19 à l'université de Diego-Suarez, Côte d'Ivoire: les «gamers» professionnels africains s'affichent au Feja 4, Cameroun: les bureaux de votes ont fermé, un mort dans les régions anglophones, RDC: Félix Tshisekedi annonce la fin de la coalition FCC-Cach. Pursuant thereto, AIR MADAGASCAR has been asked to operate such special return flights from EUROPE to ANTANANARIVO, in collaboration with other airlines. The authorities of Madagascar have taken a series of preventive measures to minimize the import and possible circulation of COVID-19 on its territory (Joint statement from the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Transport, Tourism and Meteorology on 02/03/2020). 1960 - Madagascar wins independence with Philibert Tsiranana as president. Businesses providing essential services, including public health and suppliers of basic necessities are allowed to pursue activities between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. Vehicles and persons providing minimum service within their companies are allowed to circulate between 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Vehicles transporting goods are allowed to circulate; Taxis driving patients to hospitals or pharmacies are allowed to circulate. Accommodation provided by the urban commune of Antananarivo, and distribution of basic necessities for the homeless. All economic activities are allowed until 5 p.m., except for vulnerable people (people with diabetes, hypertension, asthma, kidney disease); Public transport may operate until 7 p.m.; Curfew is maintained from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. We know that many travellers have been concerned about holiday insurance as the circumstances of Coronavirus caught companies on the back foot, and we are pleased to note that several insurance providers have now extended their cover, Campbell Irvine being one with a particularly good policy covering Covid-19. The production of this remedy is entrusted to the Malagasy Institute for Applied Research (IMRA). Tourist sites, museums and exhibition halls can reopen and welcome up to 100 people at a time; Restaurants – Bar – Karaoke are allowed to open until 10 p.m. and can accommodate up to 100 customers at a time. The new expiry date will be 30 June 2020. Le SRAS est plus mortel mais beaucoup moins infectieux que la COVID-19. Premier à avoir été touché par le coronavirus, lors de la fermeture des frontières en mars dernier, il risque aussi, de lâavis des opérateurs du secteur, à être le dernier à se relever, une fois la crise sanitaire passée. This note only applies to tourist flights. After government authorities decided to allow travel for pressing reasons at this time of year (family reunification, professional commitments), special flights will be organised in accordance with the local and international restrictions imposed to manage the Covid-19 health crisis. Those residing in Antananarivo, Fianarantsoa and Toamasina are not allowed to leave their area of residence. Avec notre correspondante à Antananarivo. Masks will be distributed to all students. Deferral and/or suspension of tax declarations and payments. : +261 20 22 661 15 1975 - Didier Ratsiraka seizes power in coup and rules for the most part of 30 years. Buses (taxi be) will be allowed to circulate but without the folding seats at aisle level. Masks must be worn by passengers and drivers. The state of emergency is lifted throughout the country as of 19 October 2020. Le document, quasiment achevé, liste toute une série dâaides qui pourraient être octroyées, de lâannulation de dettes à la prise en charge partielle des salaires. – A maximum of 5 people is allowed in shared spaces. All rights reserved. Beyond that time, activities will continue exclusively through a home delivery system. During the same period, cruise ships will no longer be able to dock in Malagasy coasts. The state of health emergency is extended for another 15 days as of May 30, 2020 throughout the country. Après avoir payé leurs employés durant deux mois sans aucune rentrée dâargent, les entrepreneurs du secteur affirment ne plus être en capacité dâassumer cette charge : les trésoreries sont à sec.Â, Pour Johann Pless, administrateur de la Confédération du tourisme de Madagascar, qui participe à lâélaboration du plan, lâEtat doit donc aider urgemment. Read more. All measures relating to the health emergency are maintained: Nightclubs, other party venues as well as cultural and sports venues remain closed. MADAGASCAR DESTINATION, Weekly Guaranteed departure, exploring Madagascar with a travel specialist . The closure of nightclubs and other party venues as well as cultural and sporting venues. No case of coronavirus (COVID-19) reported in Madagascar. New easing measures starting Monday, 5 October : In addition to Nosy Be airport being open for overseas flights as of 1 October 2020, airports in the Antsiranana, Toamasina, Taolagnaro, and Toliara regions will also be open for flights to and from the Indian Ocean region from 29 October. : +261 20 22 660 98. The gathering of more than 50 people remains prohibited (cultural and sports events…). Comissão Multissectorial para Prevenção e Combate à COVID-19 - About us The Multisectoral Commission for Prevention and Combat against COVID-19 is an ADHOC body created by Presidential Dispatch to manage and coordinate the activities of the different agencies and services of the state around the containment of the COVID-19 Pandemic In the classrooms, each student will use an individual bench and health measures must be respected. Failure to comply with these measures is liable to impoundment. In addition, flights from La Reunion and Mayotte will be temporarily suspended. Taxis are allowed to transport a maximum of 3 passengers (1 in the front and 2 in the back). Extending the validity of the certificates to the Myanmar registered vessels trading in international voyage due to the outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus : The Atsinanana region (including the town of Toamasina) – which has become the main center of the epidemic since May – has been shut down from the other regions with no people traveling, since Monday, June 1. Due to the latest developments in the health crisis caused by Covid-19, the suspension of all international AIR MADAGASCAR flights (regional and long-haul) is extended until and including June 30, 2020. Les autorités de Madagascar ont pris une série de mesures préventives, visant à réduire au minimum l’importation et l’éventuelle circulation de la COVID-19 sur son territoire. We have extended the expiry date with an additional three months due to the rapid outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Le but : soutenir lâéconomie du pays et venir en aide dès que possible aux entreprises les plus affectées par les mesures de restrictions imposées par les autorités depuis le début de la crise sanitaire. The wearing of face masks on the streets as well as in workplaces. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Report – 112 Data as received by WHO from national authorities by 10:00 CEST, 11 May 2020 Highlights WHO has published new guidance on Surveillance strategies for COVID-19 human infection. In accordance with the announcement made by the President of the Republic on 18 October 2020, here is a list of the countries from which travellers to Madagascar are banned at the date hereof. NB: Repatriation or cargo flights are not concerned. Lot IBG 29C Antsahavola – B.P. Coronavirus: Madagascar suspend ses liaisons vers l'Europe dès le 20 mars. | Lemurs, baobabs, rainforest, desert, hiking and diving: Madagascar is a dream destination for outdoors enthusiasts – half the fun is getting to all these incredible attractions. Fantastic trip through Madagascar. Travels by taxi brousse are therefore exceptionally authorized from April 7 to 9, between 5 a.m. and 11 a.m. During the same period, the State authorizes the resumption of regional flights between Antananarivo and the regions where no contact cases have been identified so far, i.e. This resumption will be accompanied by health measures: Restaurants are allowed to receive clients on site until 1:00 p.m. Due to the latest developments in the health crisis caused by Covid-19. Contactez-nous sur Facebook COVID-19 Information Last updated: [10/19/20] Country-Specific Information: Haiti has had 8,908 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 231 deaths as of October 21, 2020. Wines From only 3,000 Miles Redeem. Cinemas are also allowed to reopen while respecting the social distance measures of 1 meter, and without exceeding 100 people; Domestic flights operated by the airline company Tsaradia have resumed since September 1; Curfew maintained from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.; All access to the region is closed, and health barriers are reinforced; Disinfection operations will be scheduled for all marketplaces; Curfew is set between 8:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m; All persons wishing to purchase basic necessities are allowed to do so between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m..
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