The symbol of the campaign is a slipper. Le président de Région félicite Mme Abela et lui témoigne toute sa confiance pour poursuivre le travail entamé. Blogger Syarhei Tsikhanouski was detained in Hrodna. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 270 citizens are detained. [115][116][117][118], On 8 August, Maryja Maroz (campaign manager of Tsikhanouskaya) and Maryja Kalesnikava (see above) were arrested, but Kalesnikava was freed a few hours later. This detention was considered brutal and carried out by the security forces. Collectivité locale jeune, la région a connu plusieurs types de scrutin. ", "Belarus goes to the polls with longtime leader Lukashenko feeling the heat", "Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь", "Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus, Article 61. She also encouraged her supporters to sign an online petition calling for a recount of the election. [82], On 29 May, Tsikhanouski visited Hrodna to collect signatures for his wife. [139][140], The result of the vote, "as in previous elections, was never in any real doubt" and had a "foregone nature" according to The New York Times, stating that Lukashenko "controls vote counting, [and abused] a vast security apparatus and a noisy state media machine unwavering in its support for him and contempt for his rivals." The action was loudly approved by applause and honking of passing cars. Among them is Tsepkalo, who only had 75,000 signatures out of the required 100,000. Presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya refused to debate on state-wide TV, and she also challenged Alexander Lukashenko to a one-on-one debate. Apparently, this slogan is a reference to the current leadership of Belarus. The song is deemed to be officially illegal in Belarus. [71], The blogger's arrest was due to his trips around the Belarus that covered consequences of the Lukashenko’s 26-year tenure as a president. [123][124], Opinion polling in Belarus requires a government license. Once the votes have been duly counted, polling stations in Belarus write a "Protocol" (report) which sums up the election tallies. 21 July — Presidential candidates Tsikhanouskaya, Anna Kanopatskaya, Sergei Cherechen and Andrei Dmitriyeu appear on national TV channel, "Belarus 1". If no candidate obtains over 50% of the vote, a second round is held with the top two candidates. Les présidents des conseils régionaux sont élus après chaque renouvellement des conseils régionaux.Généralement, le conseil régional se réunit à cet effet le vendredi qui suit l'élection. The remaining five sites in Minsk, where pre-election rallies are allowed, were also booked daily until 8 August for events unrelated to the elections. During the sentencing, Tsikhanouski stated that he had no idea about the money found by the authorities. 10 Aug. Lukashenka Calls Belarus's Next Presidential Election For 2020. [8][9] Numerous countries refused to accept the result of the election, as did the European Union, which imposed sanctions on Belarusian officials deemed to be responsible for "violence, repression and election fraud". Varlamov. 11,109,764. Opposition candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya claimed to have won a decisive first-round victory with at least 60% of the vote, and called on Lukashenko to start negotiations. He was taken to prison after a provocation in Hrodna, before Alexander Lukashenko mentioned that Tsikhanouski was fighting against a police officer and that the authorities found $900,000 in his second house. I'm already looking, they're giving me information, our people have already seen it. Biden served as former President Barack Obama’s vice president from 2008 to 2016. Glaoch the President’s Call. Décaler les élections régionales prévue en mars, tel qu’évoqué par le rapport Debré, qui sera remis vendredi 13 novembre à Jean Castex, « n’est pas une réponse durable », a estimé lundi 9 novembre 2020 le président PS de la région Bretagne Loïg Chesnais-Girard qui demande d’autoriser le vote en ligne au prochain scrutin. Les conseillers régionaux élisent ensuite le président du conseil régional et des vice- présidents pour former la commission permanente composée du président du conseil, de quatre à quinze vice-présidents (sous réserve que le nombre de ceux-ci ne soit pas supérieur à 30 % de l'effectif du conseil), et éventuellement d'un ou plusieurs autres membres. [111][112][113] Meetings with another independent candidate Andrey Dmitriyeu in Liepiel and Polatsk (Viciebsk region) were cancelled at the last moment for similar reasons. Learn about the history of the Irish Presidency since 1938 with archive video, audio and images. 2020. Сколько подписей за неделю собрали за будущих кандидатов в президенты", "До конца сбора подписей осталось две недели. [132], Turnout was said to be 4.98% on 4 August,[129][133] 12.75% on 5 August,[134] 22.47% on 6 August,[135] and 32.24% on 7 August. In many cities across Belarus, including Minsk, protest actions are held, over 250 people are detained, six riot police officers are injured, and 4 are hospitalized. Find the latest news, photos and videos from the 2020 United States presidential election. [citation needed] The queue to the picket in Minsk near Kamarouski market was half a mile long. Syarhei Tsikhanouski was detained in Hrodna. At Pro-Governmental Event In Kiev Square In Minsk", "Adherents of Changes Packed Kievski Park (Video, Online)", "Demonstrations throughout Europe to support Belarusian protests, Amnesty International slams Lukashenko's "purge, "В Беларуси СМИ запретили проводить политические опросы | DW | 2 June 2020", "Authorities in Belarus to charge anti-government protesters with rioting for clashing with police", "Belarus Says Longtime Leader Is Re-elected in Vote Critics Call Rigged", "Выборы Президента Республики Беларусь 9 августа 2020", "ЦИК Белоруссии сообщил о явке почти 5% в первый день досрочного голосования на выборах президента. Belarusian blogger Tikhanovsky got another 45 days of arrest in two days. [2], Incumbent Alexander Lukashenko was reelected to the sixth term in office, with official results crediting him with 80% of the vote. Didier ROBERT a été élu Président du Conseil Régional de La Réunion lors du vote en Assemblée Plénière ce vendredi 18 décembre 2015. ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia secretary of state certifies election results that show state’s voters chose Joe Biden for president. During an interview, Tsepkalo mentioned that his friends in law enforcement agencies warned "an order had gone out for my arrest". During the 2020 election, the authorities and confidants of Lukashenko widely used booking of these sites to prevent independent candidates to meet with people. [70], After his arrest, Tsikhanouski was transported to Homiel, where he was placed in a temporary detention center. Early voting began on 4 August and ran until 8 August. [156], The main opposition candidate, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, said in a news conference that she did not trust the exit poll, saying, "I believe my eyes, and I see that the majority is with us". 45/1 ИК РБ Проведение массовых мероприятий, организуемых кандидатами в Президенты Республики Беларусь, в депутаты, их доверенными лицами Избирательный кодекс Республики Беларусь Статья 45/1 наказание, комментарии 2020", "DJs Turned On "Changes!" 270 to Win. Lukashenka was registered. 10 June — Lukashenko orders that the CEC should be provided with necessary support during the election campaign. New detentions of blogger Tsihanouski's supporters took place in different cities of the country. Tsikhanouski uses the slogan "Stop the cockroach!" La présidente Annick Abela s’engage à travailler aux côtés de l’équipe de Guadeloupe formation pour relever le défi et pour installer solidement la structure à l’avant poste, au service de la formation professionnelle des guadeloupéens. Media outlets are also banned from conducting online polls regarding the election. After his detention, Tsikhanouski has announced on his YouTube channel his intention to run for president of Belarus. There was another guy with him - I do not remember his last name, I will not name it. [citation needed], On 20 May, Tsikhanouski was released from the temporary detention center. 5 June — The first picket in the election campaign takes place and signatures are collected for the nomination of incumbent president Alexander Lukashenko as a candidate. Si aucun d’entre eux n’a été officiellement contacté, le sujet est bien sur la table. Promoting a more inclusive society, characterised by empowerment, diversity and equality. La confirmation de l'élection de Joe Biden comme le nouveau président des États-Unis a été accompagnée d'un soupir de soulagement dans plusieurs secteurs d'activité du … According to this data, incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko enjoyed support of 72.3% of citizens. 6,005,961. The Tsikhanouski trips were popular and gathered hundreds of people who spoke out to him about violations of human rights and economic problems. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus announced that investigators had opened a criminal case for violence against police officers. Many have commented about the protests with more condemning the violence. Sept présidents de départements, majoritairement de la région Grand Est, ont demandé mardi 13 octobre que les élections départementales prévues fin mars soient repoussées de trois mois afin qu'elles n'interfèrent pas dans la gestion de la crise sanitaire et celle du plan de relance. 0. Il entame un 2ème mandat d'une durée de 6 ans. [42] Presidential candidates Sergei Cherechen, Andrei Dmitriyeu, and Oleg Gaidukevich, Alexander Lukashenko's confidant, took part in the nationally televised debates. Ce lundi 4 janvier, les élus de la toute nouvelle région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ont tenu leur première assemblée plénière. Reports of injuries and the use of stun grenades and rubber bullets emerged. On 21 August 2020, a final report by the Voice, partnering with the "Zubr" and "Honest People" platforms[151][154] analyzed polling station results. Later, he was found dead. The event lasted over six hours and ended after midnight. On 30 June the CEC announced that Tsepkalo had only gathered 75,249 valid signatures (out of 160,000 he had submitted). [14] Opposition activists are often pressured or detained by the government, and Lukashenko or those loyal to him control (as of 2020) all of the seats in both houses of the National Assembly, all judicial appointments, the media, and the CEC (which has the power to approve or deny candidates for political offices). "[89][90] The leader of the United Civil Party, retired lieutenant colonel of the Belarusian police, Mikalai Kazlou, noted that during his speech at Minsk Tractor Plant, Alexander Lukashenko "gave the command to screw, twist, throw in jail, and the minister immediately seized this opportunity and created a provocation". People took photos of the protocols, which testified that in many stations in the Minsk capital, and in foreign consulates, the support for Tsikhanouskaya was roughly equal or even several times higher than of Lukashenko. Soon police appear and a number of people are detained. The headquarters of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Babaryka and Tsepkalo unite, asserting need for general control over the course of voting and holding fresh elections if they win. The line stretches for over a kilometer. The CEC denied blogger Tikhanovsky the registration of the initiative group. [148], Although the voting papers should be kept for 6 months, a Brest-based human rights activist obtained a big bale of partially burned voting papers a few days after the election: according to him, they were to be burned in the boiler room.[149][150]. He was detained. [citation needed] Several thousand people also attended the picket of Tsikhanouski in Homiel. 0. [119][120], Demonstrations in solidarity with the Belarusian opposition have been held in more than 20 countries and in more than 30 cities around the world. [94][95], Local governments cancelled several campaign events that Tsikhanouskaya had planned to hold in the run-up to the elections. This was announced by the search and rescue squad "Angel". 19 June — Yuri Gubarevich and Alexander Tabolich withdraw from the presidential race after working hours in many cities of the country (Minsk, Homel, Mogilev, Orsha, Pinsk, etc. The below figures are widely disputed by opposition figures, including Tikhanovskaya. Лукашенко проиграл, но не уходит: гранаты и ОМОН, столкновения и пострадавшие {Lukashenka lost, but does not leave: Grenades and riot police, clashes and injuries}. [86] Then supporters then went to the police station in Hrodna to demand the blogger's release. ФОТА, Выборы прошли — что дальше? The number of deaths was estimated somewhere between 17 and 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million worldwide. ", "Belarus: EU imposes sanctions as Lukashenko orders police to clear the streets", "Belarus to hold its presidential election on Aug. 9". [162], On 16 November 2020, BBC reported that more than 1,000 people were arrested during the demonstrations in Belarus, over the disputed presidential election. One of the police officers was attacked. Наблюдатели говорят о нарушениях", "Belarus police arrest Deutsche Welle correspondent before vote", "Belarus election: Protesters clash with police after disputed presidential vote",, "Voter turnout in Presidential Elections in Belarus amounts to 12.75% for 2 days if early vote", "Президентские выборы в Беларуси состоялись - ЦИК", "Lukashenko wins Belarus presidential vote, according to official exit poll", "Belarusan election officials say exit polls favor Lukashenko", "Читатели присылают десятки протоколов с участков по всей Беларуси, на которых Тихановская побеждает", "На каких избирательных участках победила Тихановская?

président de région élection

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