Submit, Assuring integrity in checking compliance, Producer networks and producer organizations, European Commission Framework Partnership Agreement, European Commission Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme, European Commission SWITCH-Asia Programme, Cost of Sustainable Production for Coffee Farmers, Fairtrade International Constitution / Satzung des Vereins, Fairtrade certified tea in the hired labour sector in India and Sri Lanka, Promoting living incomes in the cocoa sector: policy options, Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Overview 11th Edition, Fairtrade West Africa Cocoa Programme Monitoring Report, Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Cotton, Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Summary 10th Edition, Evaluation: Youth-inclusive approach in Belize, Standards review on Living Wage in Hired Labour with focus on bananas 2020, Cocoa Household Income Study in Côte d’Ivoire 2020, Orange juice limited review standards (2019), Cocoa Fairtrade Minimum Price Differential announcement, Fairtrade Premium in view of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, Transition period of SPO requirement 4.1.10 on Fairtrade Premium use reporting, Changes to the Standard for Small-scale producer organizations (SPO), New certification requirement for cocoa and coffee producer organizations and traders, Young plant material Premium announcement, Prepared and preserved fruit and vegetables, Lynette Thorstensen Elected as Fairtrade Board Chair, Ecuador: Virtual Training on Climate Change Leadership for Producers is well underway, Valentine Growers: The future looks rosy for Fairtrade flower growers in Kenya, Fairtrade Delegation Meets with Pope Francis on Trade, Climate Change and the Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture, World Children’s Day: Investing in our future means investing in our children, Leadership Change at Fairtrade International. The convergence of labelling initiatives in Europe results in the creation of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations, now known as Fairtrade International. Sie ist mit anderen international tätigen Dachorganisationen im Netzwerk FINE zusammengeschlossen. Implements all the commodity facing work, as well as programs on living income, living wages, and climate change. Fairtrade International provides leadership, tools and services needed to connect producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and work towards sustainable livelihoods. FLO (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International) (2005) Annual Report 2004– 05: Delivering Opportunities , Bonn: Fairtrade International. The Fairtrade Mark is owned and protected by FLO, on behalf of its 25-member and associate member labeling initiatives and producer networks. Organizations from all parts of the fair trade supply chain, can apply to become members. Fairtrade International works to share the benefits of trade more equally – through standards, certification, producer support, programmes and advocacy. Fairtrade's work is guided by a global strategy [citation needed] focused on ensuring that all farmers earn a living income, and agricultural workers earn a living wage. requirements of the Fairtrade Standard for Small Producer Organizations with which the outgrowers have to comply over time, in a maximum period of 6 years after initial certification. Submit. (FLO) is a product-oriented multistakeholder group aimed at promoting the lives of farmers and workers through trade. As the U.S. branch of the Fairtrade International, we have the experience, network and targeted support … 1997: Fairtrade Labeling Organization (FLO) is formed. FairTrade Labeling Organizations International. These initiatives were joined in 2007 by three Producer Networks: Fairtrade International is divided into six units: The coordination of all global activities in led by a Global Leadership Team, made of the CEO, the COO, and the CVO (Chief Value Officer). Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning- Data governance and management, research and impact. Where can government play a role? What is the main criticism of the "normal" trade for producers? Your donation helps the people who produce your food, furniture, and clothing protect their families and build better lives, now and beyond the pandemic. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (Organización Internacional de Certificación de Comercio Justo, FLO en sus siglas en inglés) es un organismo cuya principal actividad es crear y controlar los estándares de certificación del comercio justo. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO), in der Außendarstellung Fairtrade International, ist eine 1997 gegründete Dachorganisation für fairen Handel mit Sitz in Bonn. See how Fairtrade can benefit you and how to get started. 1994: Fair Trade Federation is formed as the first network of fair trade organizations in North America. If you want to trade or retail Fairtrade certified products and show The crops must be grown and harvested in accordance with the International Fairtrade Standards set by Fairtrade International. They work with companies as well as citizens and community groups to promote Fair Trade Certified products. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) est une association mettant en réseau des initiatives de labellisation équitables situées dans plus de 21 pays. The full report analyses the … Branding, Trademark, and Licensing. International Fair Trade Association (IFTA), now WFTO, is established by fair trade pioneers as the first global fair trade network. Fairtrade covers over 500 types of products – from favourites like bananas and coffee, to spices, sports balls and precious metals. As certified customer, use the tool to ensure your business partners are actually Fairtrade certified. - Only a tiny % of the retail price makes it back to the producer. the activities of the Association “Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International e.V.” located in Bonn shall be selfless (i.e. A product with the FAIRTRADE Mark means producers and businesses have met internationally agreed standards which have been independently certified. Fairtrade helps 1999 External Relations - In charge of resource mobilization, communications and advocacy. µ Carried Out By: FLO (Fairtrade Labeling Organization) µ Any org that meets Fairtrade standards allowed to apply: µ small farm, co-op, plantation µ Accredited inspector will visit site & compare to Fairtrade standards µ Follows International Labor Organization guidelines µ Ie. Fair Trade Enterprises are born for impact. Fairtrade Advent Calendar. Promotes the integrity of the Fairtrade Mark and relationships with licensees. Fairtrade sets economic Standards for manufacturers to more equitably distribute the benefits of trade. Membership of the WFTO is limited to organizations that demonstrate a 100% fair trade … For some products, such as coffee, only fair trade standards for small farmers' organizations are applicable. Guide to Fair Trade Labels. In the following years, similar non-profit Fair Trade labelling organizations were set up in other European countries and in North America. Fair Trademark Canada hires its first employee. Le Label FAIRTRADE original a toujours été synonyme de produits obtenus et commercialisés équitablement. Fair Trade USA helps producers access better wages and safer working conditions—things that fair trade farmers and workers relied on this year more than ever. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) est une association mettant en réseau des initiatives de labellisation équitables situées dans plus de 21 pays. They host events, conferences, campaigns and advocate for fair trade. Your donation helps the people who produce your food, furniture, and clothing protect their families and build better lives, now and beyond the pandemic. Welcome to Fairtrade What is Fairtrade and why should I care? (Finlande) Föreningen för Rättvisemärkt (Suède) Max Havelaar Stiftung Schweiz (Suisse) TransFair USA; Fair Trade Association of Australia & New Zealand (Australie) Fair Trade Association of Australia & New Zealand (Nouvelle Zélande) Fax: +49 (0) 228 2421713 Behind products on the supermarket shelves and in stores are people: farmers, workers – families. Fairtade Labelling Organisation International (FLO) are 24 organisations working to secure a better deal for producers. The main products promoted under the Fairtrade label are coffee, cocoa, banana, flowers… Fairtrade Labelling Organization guidelines for coffee grown by small-farmers' organizations. Labeling of fair trade products was instrumental in raising consumer awareness. Fairtrade International, or Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International e.V. In the first decades Fair Trade products were sold mainly by Fair Trade Organizations that had Fair Trade as the central ethos guiding their activities. Fairtrade changes this. To make progress in eliminating poverty amongst cocoa farmers, governments in chocolate consuming countries must enact policies that support living incomes. The supply chain is also monitored by FLOCert to ensure the integrity of labelled products. La asociación no gubernamental, establecida en 1997, congrega a 20 organismos de certificación de comercio justo, encargados de … Fairtrade Labelling Organization guidelines for coffee grown by small-farmers' organizations Long Term and Stable Relationship Buyers and sellers will establish a long-term and stable relationship in which the rights and interests of both are mutually respected. In 1994, a process of convergence among the labelling organizations – or "LIs" (for "Labelling Initiatives") – started with the establishment of a TransMax working group, culminating in 1997 in the creation of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, now simply known as Fairtrade International (FLO). Posted on September 18, 2014 by WFTO Europe | Leave a reply. Learn more about Fairtrade for your business. Fairtrade offers farmers and workers a better deal and an opportunity to improve their lives and invest in their future. By choosing and supporting Fairtrade you can make a real difference across the world this Christmas. Fair Trade Enterprises are born for impact. Farmers and workers have a strong voice at every level of Fairtrade, from how they invest in and run their local organizations to having an equal say in Fairtrade’s global decision-making. To ensure compliance with the Fairtrade standards relating to labour standards, cooperative organization, and the governance of the Fairtrade benefits, the organization was divided in January 2004 into two independent organizations:[4], The following are National Fairtrade Organizations and Fairtrade Marketing Organizations:[5]. Given the development focus of fair trade, related standards contain minimum requirements that all producer organisations must meet to become certified as well as progress requirements in which producers must demonstrate improvements over time. Advantages of "fair trade" standards for producers? Fair trade standards are set in accordance to the requirements of the ISEAL Code of Good Practice in standards setting and are in addition the result of an extensive consultation process, involving a variety of stakeholders: producers, traders, external experts, inspectors, certification staff etc.[6]. About Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) Fairtrade is a global movement and product certification with a people first approach to trade. Fair trade standards and procedures are approved by the FLO Standards Committee, an external committee comprising all FLO stakeholders (labeling initiatives, producers, and traders) and external experts. For a product to carry the Fairtrade Mark, it must come from FLOCert inspected and certified producer organizations. Now when I get ill the coop looks after me. (FLO)[1] is a product-oriented multistakeholder group aimed at promoting the lives of farmers and workers through trade. Today, Fairtrade America announced it has partnered with five Fairtrade certified brands to encourage ethical gift giving and entertaining this holiday season. Fairtrade's work is guided by a global strategy focused on ensuring that all farmers earn a living income, and agricultural workers earn a living wage. The Impact of Hurricane Eta and Iota on Fairtrade Producers and Workers, Koperasi Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan (Indonesia), Oromia Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union (Ethiopia), Cooperativa de Caficultores de Antioquia (Colombia), Guidelines for the use of the FAIRTRADE Mark, Investing in our future means investing in our children. 1998. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO), in der Außendarstellung Fairtrade International, ist eine 1997 gegründete Dachorganisation für fairen Handel mit Sitz in Bonn. In 1997 their worldwide association, Fairtrade Labelling International (FLO), was created. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) est une association mettant en réseau des initiatives de labellisation équitables situées dans plus de 21 pays. FAIRTRADE LABELLING ORGANIZATIONS INTERNATIONAL (FLO) This organization, which itself is comprised of 24 organizations, is involved with international coordinating of the Fairtrade (Fair Trade Coffee) labeling standards with the goal of empowering coffee producers and garnering a … Customer Search. Dario SotoAbril, CEO, Producer Business Development, Standards Development, Network of Asian and Pacific Producers (NAPP), Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo (CLAC), Standards and Pricing—sets and maintains fair trade standards, Finance, Operations and Central Services—ensures coordinated communications, finance, human resources, fundraising, and IT services, Global Products, Programs, and Policies. 53129 Bonn Germany, Tel: +49 (0) 228 949230 Cocoa farmers don't earn a living income. In 1994, a process of convergence among the labelling organizations – or "LIs" (for "Labelling Initiatives") – started with the establishment of a TransMax working group, culminating in 1997 in the creation of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, now simply known as Fairtrade International (FLO). These include things like paying the Fairtrade Minimum Price as well as the Premium, requiring traceability of the product through record-keeping as well as transparency in trade relations and providing pre-finance if requested by producers. In the seventies and eighties, Fair Trade products were sold to consumers mainly in world shops or Fair Trade shops. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International está dividida en dos organizaciones: - Fairtrade International e.V. These enterprises transform local communities, pioneer upcycling, empower women, champion refugee rights and practice organic farming. [3], Fairtrade International was established in 1997. They are social enterprises that fully practice Fair Trade. Small farmers' organization standards include requirements for, Hired labour situation standards seek to ensure that employees receive decent, This page was last edited on 18 November 2020, at 09:32. See the impact we can make together. 1999 Fairtrade International è l'organizzazione internazionale non profit responsabile del Marchio di Certificazione del commercio equosolidale FAIRTRADE® e capofila del sistema Fairtrade. Neelam has 3 jobs listed on their profile. They impact 1m livelihoods, 74% of whom are women. The Max Havelaar label, created in the Netherlands in 1988, was named after a fictitious character who battled government corruption and the exploitation of local coffee farmers by Dutch colonialists in 19th-century Java. µ Carried Out By: FLO (Fairtrade Labeling Organization) µ Any org that meets Fairtrade standards allowed to apply: µ small farm, co-op, plantation µ Accredited inspector will visit site & compare to Fairtrade standards µ Follows International Labor Organization guidelines µ Ie. WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Fairtrade America is the U.S. member organization of Fairtrade International, an independent, third party certification that betters the lives of farmers and workers in developing countries. - Only a tiny % of the retail price makes it back to the producer. National Fairtrade Organizations exist in 16 European countries as well as in Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. As certified customer, use the tool to ensure your business partners are actually Fairtrade certified. not be for the financial or material gain of the Association). Stiftelsen Fairtrade Max Havelaar Norge (Norvège) Reilun kaupan edistämisyhdistys ry. Fairtrade Certification is a powerful way to prioritize the lives of farmers and workers in your supply chain, all while strengthening your relationship with shoppers. Description. International Fairtrade Certification Mark, Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Asociación del Sello de Productos de Comercio Justo, Fundacja „Koalicja Sprawiedliwego Handlu” – Fairtrade Polska, International Resources for Fairer Trade (IRFT), Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand, Environmental, social and corporate governance,, International organisations based in Bonn, International organisations based in Germany, Articles with a promotional tone from June 2018, Articles that may contain original research from June 2018, All articles that may contain original research, Articles needing additional references from April 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles lacking reliable references from September 2019, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, All Wikipedia articles needing clarification, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2009, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Jean-Paul Rigaudeau, Chair of the Board,