Fair for Life gains additional ethical credibility points by extending certification right through the entire supply chain of a product from pickers out in the field to packers in the warehouse. We look at the greenest way to wash, clean and cook and how to recycle your old appliances. After opening, its shelf life is the same as ordinary milk and should be consumed within 14 days and kept refrigerated. Plus, FLO's model of fair trade was largely geared towards small-scale producers in Africa, southern Asia and South America. Until December 2019, The Coca-Cola Co owned a 42.5% stake in Fa!rlife LLC. Die Stiftung ist in den Bereichen Bio-Landwirtschaft, Umweltbewusstsein, soziale Gerechtigkeit und Fairer Handel aktiv und setzt sich für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt ein. When people are selfish, impatient, or greedy, then they tend to act in ways that secure an advantage for themselves, with no thought of others. How does Fair for Life stack up ethically? 38% Zutaten aus fairem Handel, nach dem Fair for Life Standard zertifiziert - Süssholz, Holunderblüten, Hagebutten, Holunderbeeren, Hibiskus. Fair for Life is a brand neutral third-party certification program for fair trade in agricultural, manufacturing and trading operations. On January 3, 2020 The Coca-Cola Co announced that it acquired the remaining 57.5% equity stake in Fa!rlife LLC. We caught up with Ruth Anslow from HISBE about the challenges of being an ethical small business during the coronavirus pandemic, and their ‘Back to Better’ campaign. Life Science and Biology Science Fair Projects Education.com's team of professional scientists, science teachers, and educational consultants has put together a fantastic collection of free life science fair projects, life science experiments, and biology science fair projects for kids. night time. Fair for Life on the other hand wanted to work globally including countries in eastern Europe. New! These include the key issues of safe and decent working conditions and pay, the right to freedom of association and the banning of forced labour and child labour. Covering everything from fruit to fashion and crafts to cosmetics, there are now over 3,000 Fair for Life certified products on shop shelves right across the world, including the US, France, Germany and increasingly here in the UK. Het keurmerk heeft betrekking op de hele textielketen: van teelt van de (natuurlijke) vezels, de verwerking ervan, de naaiateliers tot de winkels. Die Nacht wird lang, wenn du nicht zur Ruhe kommst. So given that Fair for Life looks like it's genuinely the real ethical deal, is it necessarily better than mainstream Fairtrade? But what about large multinationals, would they ever pass the Fair for Life eligibility test? fair for life certification. The question now is will Pukka be able to keep its Fair for Life accreditation? Fair for Life promotes an approach of Fair Trade that allows all producers and workers who are at a socio-economic disadvantage to access a wider range of social and economic benefits. That gives fairlife much longer shelf life unopened. (Hello Cadbury's recently launched Cocoa Life, we're talking about you.). We look at the brands proving that technology can be made ethically, from Fairphone to Green ISP. In this section we look at some of the complex issues in the Energy industry, from the murky world of carbon offsetting to the latest on fracking. Fairlife, stylized as fa!rlife, is a brand of ultrafiltered milk distributed in Canada and the United States by The Coca-Cola Company. Bio-Kräutertee: Gute-Nacht-Geschichte mit Haferblütenspitze, Lavendel & Lindenblüte Träume süss. Major brands are exploiting garment workers and harming the environment in the production of shoes and clothing. High transparency is a key element of the Fair For Life Programme. Ashland is committed to providing products that are ethical, responsible and sustainable. The aim of the new scheme, like all fair trade schemes, is to improve the lives of small-scale producers around the world by giving them a leg-up in the cut-throat global marketplace. Fair for Life Social & FairTrade certification and labelling has gained quick acceptance in high quality markets worldwide, as it offers many complimentary benefits to existing fair trade systems. That includes all Social Responsibility standards with fair working conditions, environmental performance and community relations, but focuses additionally on fair trade relationships, fair prices and direct support of marginalised groups by means of a Fair Trade Development Fund. Conditions for farm workers in southern Spain have become yet more dire as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread through the area. Fair for Life Certification ensures human rights are safeguarded at any stage of production, workers enjoy good and fair working conditions, and smallholder farmers receive a fair share. Then significantly in 2014 Fair for Life was bought by Ecocert, the respected global French-based organic certification organisation whose ethical credentials aren't in any doubt. So to the nitty-gritty: how does Fair for Life certification actually work? Fair trade improves the livelihood of thousands of smallholder farmers and workers by providing the means for social community projects and empowerment of people. If you're an eagle-eyed ethical shopper then you may have noticed a new product label quietly appearing on a range of products in shops around the UK. Fair for Life Social & Fair Trade Certification 9 Scope of Certification (Who is it for) –Smallholder organisations and smallholders contracted by companies or NGO’s; –Eligible Hired labour farms –Traders, processors and brand companies (handling operations) - All … The first clue to look for when judging the ethical credentials of any product label is to check out who owns it: if it's owned and run by big business then you know pretty well instantly that chances are it's going to be an ethical turkey. FFL_90796_2017_3 ECOCERT SA hereby confirms that the following operation Jalles Machado SA The performance and certification status of above listed operation are published on www.fairforlife.org. Le programme Fair for Life : Référentiel d’Attestation Pour le Commerce Equitable et les filières responsables Fair for Life promeut une approche du commerce équitable qui permet à tous les producteurs et travailleurs défavorisés sur le plan socio-économique d'avoir accès à une gamme plus large d'avantages sociaux et économiques. "I'm never going to say one scheme is better than another as the Fairtrade Foundation and Fair for Life are equally good projects," concludes Lousie Green. As part of the Fair For Life certification, Jojoba Desert confirms traceability of all certified products, from production to sales. For Life: Référentiel & documents Référentiel d’Attestation For Life pour la Responsabilité Sociétale 2017. BRUSSELS, Belgium. However, there has been a rise in sustainable fashion brands, making everything from sportswear to underwear who are putting people and the planet before profit. As the carbon crisis intensifies, growing numbers of companies are now starting to label their products with their carbon footprint, says Simon Birch. The Fair for Life Social & Fair Trade Certification Programme offers operators of socially responsible projects a solution for brand neutral third party inspection and certification in initial production, manufacturing and trading. "It’s very robust and covers far more products in our supply chain, as it's not limited to specific countries or ingredients.". The basic reason that life is not fair—that is, life is not guided by truth, reason, and justice—is that we live in a sinful world occupied by sinful people. A world where trade is a driving force for positive and sustainable change benefiting people and their environment. absolutes PHYTOPROD acerola green Fazenda Amway Nutrilite do Brasil acerola juice Fair for Life (FFL) is a fair trade label operated independently from the mainstream Fairtrade Labelling Organisation (FLO), the global fair trade governing body which … Unfortunately the companies that provide your outdoor gear & transport are often harming the environment; from car companies cheating emission tests to outdoor gear companies using toxic chemicals that damage the environment. Anna Clayton speaks to Heather Masoud of Zaytoun about their upcoming session at Ethical Consumer Week: Join the olive harvest in Palestine. Fair For Life was thus created in 2006, a rigorous and reputed certification program through which Ecocert has become a key player in the international Fair Trade scene over the past 15 years. ... Fair trade premium Domestic trade Environment Working conditions Social company Fair product Living wage Ethical production Fair for Life For Life . >> We invite you to explore the Fair for Life certified companies: zoom in and click on the orange points. Following a joint investigation by Ethical Consumer and The Observer, the British Retail Consortium, representing UK supermarkets, has called on the Spanish Government to launch an inquiry into conditions for migrant workers in Almeria. Fair trade improves the livelihood of thousands of smallholder farmers and workers by providing the means for social community projects and empowerment of people. Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Browse below to find out which products or product groups are certified and who produces them. FAIR FOR LIFE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE No. This is done by using one standard that covers all products rather than a different standard for individual products. Insight into impacts Daarnaast zijn er eisen om energiegebruik te minimaliseren, lucht- en watervervuiling te beperken, en natuurlijke ecosystemen te beschermen. Life is Fair - The Law of Cause and Effect book. "Both schemes offer different things and what they are about is supporting producers who need that extra premium and help.". The fashion industry is the second biggest polluter in the world. Therefore the performance ratings of all operations which have been certified according to the Fair for Life - Social & Fair Trade Certification Programme are published in the section "Certified operators" of this website. C’est la labellisation par un organisme certificateur indépendant comme Ecocert, qui permet d’afficher le logo Fair for Life sur les produits lorsque 80% des matières premières qui les composent sont issues du commerce équitable. Fair for Life (FFL) is a fair trade label operated independently from the mainstream Fairtrade Labelling Organisation (FLO), the global fair trade governing body which overseas the more familiar Fairtrade Foundation. For agricultural raw materials, foodstuff, cosmetics, detergents, textiles and handicrafts. Just click the BUY NOW button below! February 7, 2018 – The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform) and Fair for Life and For Life announced today the outcome of a benchmarking effort with the Fair for Life and For Life standards and SAI Platform’s Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA); with both standards reaching ‘Silver’ equivalence. Use our Product Locator to find out where to buy fairlife ® ultra-filtered milk products and Core Power ® protein shakes online and at a store near you. Fair for Life heeft eisen die het gebruik van chemicaliën beperken, het toewerken naar biologische teelt wordt sterk aanbevolen. We look at this new certification scheme. Fair trade has become so much more than a commerce model: it's now a social movement in its own right, as a growing number of people choose products characterized by a commitment to improving conditions for vulnerable producers around the … Many of the issues from our homes & garden are often hidden from the consumer, from toxic chemicals in our cleaning products to pesticides in our garden. You are a producer, co-operative, processor, importer and/or exporter, brand or distributor? We provide practical information for consumers on how to keep your ethics while you travel. Fair Trade is part of a broader context of sustainable development within a region that safeguards and supports the local social fabric, particularly in rural settings. en / fr. The booming beauty market is far from pretty. The programme complements existing fair trade certification systems. Sign up now to our email newsletter for a free digital copy of Ethical Consumer magazine. The possibility to recognize other schemes that can be complementary, enabling synergies and a wider sourcing, An internationally recognized programme, based on key baseline reference standards (International definitions of Fair Trade, ISO 26000, ILO conventions, social criteria of IFOAM, etc. "If a company which has the label then becomes part of a bigger company then we have to assess the whole group and not just the smaller company," explains Louisa, "we'll be reassessing Pukka in the autumn so we'll have to wait and see.". The milk comes in four varieties: reduced fat, chocolate, fat-free, and whole milk. The performance rating offers incentive for companies to further improve their performance beyond minimum requirements … ), An approach of continuous improvement, and the possibility to assess overall performance with regards to fair trade, The ability to source Fair Trade ingredients from any country (South & North). Certification Programmes for Fair Trade & responsible supply chains and Corporate Social Responsibility. Givaudan announces ‘Fair for Life’ certification of clove leaf oil collection network in Madagascar. In the case of Fair for Life however, it was launched in Switzerland in 2006 by the Bio-Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that promotes eco-friendly products, and the Institute for Market Ecology, which certifies a wide range of organic, sustainable and socially-responsible consumer goods. Reassuringly Fair for Life rules dictate that a hefty 80 per cent of a product's supply chain must be certified before companies can put the Fair for Life label on the front of their product's packaging. The tech sector is plagued by reports of tax avoidance, corporate lobbying and the use of conflict minerals. "We have a stringent fairwashing policy in place and if a company has been involved in previous scandals then we carefully consider whether we really can accept them," says Louisa. Operations certified according to Fair for Life get access to the worldwide growing fair trade market. The Fair for Life Social & Fair Trade Certification Programme offers operators of socially responsible projects a solution for brand neutral third party inspection and certification in initial production, manufacturing and trading. Fair for Life program: Certification standard for Fair Trade and responsible supply chains. Fair for Life (kleding) Fair for Life is een keurmerk voor eerlijke handel dat ook milieucriteria kent. Plus crucially, just like regular fair trade and unlike other product label schemes such as Rainforest Alliance, Fair for Life operates a minimum pricing system which includes a fair trade premium. Looking for Your Favorite fairlife Brand? The labelling by an independant certification body like Ecocert enables to display the logo Fair For Life on the products when 80% of its raw materials come from Fair Trade. As food & drink prices continue to rise across the world, it is often the producers and workers who are losing out to big corporations. "We simply don't just rubber stamp an application.". The two programmes apply worldwide and multi sectorial. LEVA Foundation is Fair for Life Certified. Click on the name of the company to find out more about its achievements. “The farmer committee then decides how to use the premium,” says Miquel, whose company supplies specialist vegetable oils to the cosmetic and food industry. "Fair for life" is a brand neutral third party certification programme for social accountability and fair trade in agricultural, manufacturing and trading operations. However an interesting case has recently arisen as Pukka Herbs, one of the first companies to sign up to Fair for Life, was bought by the massive multinational Unilever last year. 23-Jan-2017 . We always check the ethics of our advertisers, Copyright: Ethical Consumer Research Association Ltd, 2020. Ingredients. A Fair Trade Expert to assist you anywhere in the world. Fairlife … Fair for Life Certification assures that human rights are safeguarded at any stage of production, workers enjoy good and fair working conditions and smallholder farmers receive a fair share. Fair for Life. We pasteurize our milk at an even higher temperature for less time. From the use of toxic chemicals to the prevalence of animal testing, we find that the ethical issues in this sector are often hidden from sight. Also like conventional fair trade, Fair for Life also builds in environmental standards: “If the product isn't already certified as being organic, then clear ecological targets must be set in order to reduce impacts on both the environment and human health,” says Louisa, adding that: “progress towards more organic production practices is encouraged.”. Fair for Life – A social & fair trade certification. There are more than 500 "for Life" and "Fair for Life" certified products. Fair for Life promotes an approach of Fair Trade that allows all producers and workers who are at a socioeconomic disadvantage to access a wider range of social and economic benefits. “We're able to distribute the fair trade premium to the 760 workers who work on our tea tree farm in Kenya,” says Miquel Boix Tomas from Earth Oil Plantation, one of the first Fair for Life certified companies in the UK. “The premium has been used to provide scholarships for the workers' children, as education isn't free in Kenya, so this makes a big difference.”. We look at shops or online platforms that sell a range of products, and how they tend to dominate the market by implementing a profit-first business model and by having a lacklustre approach to ethical practice. Sie wurde 1987 gegründet und ist eine nicht-profitorientierte Stiftung, die umweltgerechte Produkte und alternatives Konsumverhalten fördern will. Labelinhaber ist die Bio-Stiftung Schweiz. If you are looking for fairlife Light Ice Cream, click HERE. As part of this commitment, we continue to partner with farmers in Mexico to ensure our aloe is harvested in an ecologically sustainable fashion and under fair working conditions. "We currently don't have any certified multinationals on our programme," states Louisa Castro, adding that, "companies have applied in the past but we turned them down.". We spoke with workers and union representatives in August to hear how businesses have dealt with potential virus outbreaks and safety measures in the region. However, a growing number of ethical alternatives makes it easier than ever to switch to a sustainable bank account or pick an insurance company with an ethical policy. For which category of products? Committed to sustainable practices, Jojoba Desert guarantees a pesticide-free product with low use of herbicides, low carbon footprints and low greenhouse gas emissions. The good news is that Fair for Life gets a big thumbs up from the UK companies who've already signed up to the scheme: "I’m a big fan of the Fair for Life scheme," says Louise Green from Neal's Yard Remedies, one of Ethical Consumer's Best Buy Label companies, which is also certified by the Fairtrade Foundation. Louisa then goes on to outline how Fair for Life is very aware of fairwashing, the fairtrade equivalent of green washing where companies acquire an environmental product label to try and improve their image. Whilst mainstream fair trade focused on popular consumer items such as bananas and coffee, Fair for Life was designed to help provide companies with more specialist fair trade products such as herbal teas and essential oils. We also celebrate ethical companies offering an alternative, from online retailers to sustainable fashion brands. Ordinary milk is pasteurized at a high temperature for 15-20 seconds. Like conventional fair trade, Fair for Life has an extensive list of different social and environmental criteria that must be met before a product can be certified. The FAIR Toolkit for Life Science Industry Use cases and methods have been collated by data science professionals from leading companies in the pharmaceutical, agrifood and biotechnology sectors Quick View. Are you a lover of the outdoors? The Ethical Supermarket Building Back Better, Workers fired for talking about coronavirus on Spanish farms, Supermarkets call on Spanish Government to act, Ethical Consumer Week 2020: Join the olive harvest in Palestine. “At the time, small, dedicated companies were telling us that existing fair trade schemes were limited to certain products and models of fair trade,” explains Louisa Castro from Fair for Life. It’s simply in the processing. The mainstream banking & insurance industries continue to invest in shady investments such as fossil fuels and nuclear weapons. We shine a light on the food sovereignty movement pushing for a fairer food system that supports local business and we comment on the rise of veganism.