Apoyó a los Hohenstaufen y fue apodado y conocido como “Tomás el Ghibelline” debido a su carrera como vicario imperial de Lombardía. Children (8) Reginald de Savóie. Décédé le 19 mars 1060 - Aiguebelle, 73002, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, France,à l'âge de 37 ans. Amedée IV Comte de Savoie granted money to "Beatrici juniori, filiæ suæ e Cecilia prognatæ", at the request of "Cæciliæ uxoris suæ", by charter dated 28 May 1253[336]. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. et march. The testament of "Beatricis relictæ Raimundi Berengarii comitis Provinciæ", dated 14 Jan 1264, confirms her previous testaments appointing "…fratrum suorum Bonifacii archiepiscopi Cantuar. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "alter filiorum eius [comitis Thome de Sabaudia] Guilelmus" was elected bishop of Valence[368]. quondam comitis de Kiburch"[465]. She is not mentioned in either the 19 Sep 1252 or 24 May 1253 testaments of her father[345], which suggests that she may have born posthumously, in which case she must have been the twin of her sister Constance. On the emperor's death in 1250, Comte Amedée's reconciliation with Pope Innocent IV was sealed by the marriage of the Pope's niece to Comte Amedée's brother Thomas[292]. The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records the death "XV Kal Aug apud Baleys" of "Bonifacius Cantuarensis archiepiscopus"[442]. From an onomastic point of view, it is surprising that a daughter of Duke Guillaume VI would have been named Agnes. Her birth date is estimated from her sons being named in 1090, and bearing in mind her father's estimated birth date. He faced the continual opposition of his niece Beatrix Dauphine de Viennois, daughter of his predecessor, who claimed Savoy for her grandson Hugues de la Tour. He was seized and imprisoned in [1237] by the sons of Guillaume II Comte de Genève, for which Pierre was later compensated with the castle of Arlod and 20,000 marks of silver (reduced to 10,000 marks in 1250). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death in 1232 of "comitis Thome de Sabaudia"[265]. If this is correct, the betrothed must have been his daughter Beatrix, the only one whose name began with the letter b. "Thomæ comitis et marchionis…et…Nichola [presumably a transcription error] filia comitis Gebennarum" granted privileges to the citizen of Susa by charter dated 25 Feb 1198[268]. 1134-1205. et marchionis in Ytalia" confirmed donations to Hautecombe abbey by charter dated 26 Feb 1231[369]. The Istoria of Saba Malaspina records that "Manfredus" married "natam Amadei comitis Sabaudiæ…Beatricem"[315]. This may appear unlikely considering that the son of Graf Friedrich cannot have been born much earlier than [1086] and therefore would have been no more than 10 years old at the most at the time of King Pedro's marriage in 1097. El Conde Humberto buscó consejos de San Anselmo, que bendijo a Humberto tres veces, y predijo una profecía que fue verdad, cuando Tomás nació poco después Anselmo murió el 26 de junio de 1178. ...avoy, Thomas II Count of Savoy, William of Savoy, Peter II Count of Savoy, Philip I Count of Savoy, Boniface of Savoy, Margherita of Savo... 1178 - Aiguebelle, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France, Humbert Iii of Savoy, Beatrice of Viennois, 1177 - Carbonne, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France, 1232 - Aoste, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France, ...mbert de Savoy, Philip de Savoy, William de Savoy, Peter de Savoy, Thomas de Savoy, Amadeus de Savoy, Beatrice de Savoy, Marguerite de Savoy, Peter of Savoy, Philip of Savoy, Thomas II of Savoy, Amadeus IV of Savoy, Beatrice of Savoy, May 27 1178 - Charbonnières,69,Rhone,Rhone-Alpes,France, Humbert Iii de Savoie-Maurienne, Béatrice de Macon, Umberto 'Il Beato' Iii di Savoia, Béatrice de Bourgogne-Comté, May 27 1178 - Aiguebelle, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, France, Mar 8 1233 - Moncalieri, Torino, Piemonte, Italy, Umberto Iii de Savoie, Beatrix de Bourgogne, Béatrice de Savoie, Amadeus IV de Savoie, Thomas II de Savoie, May 20 1178 - Aiguebelle, 73002, Savoie, France, Humberto Iii "Le Bienheureux" de Savoie, Beatrix de Bourgogne de Macon, Montmélian, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France, Château de Charbonnières, Aiguebelle, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, France, Ancestors of Robert Harry Chapman - Carpenter's Son, Marguerite Beatrice of Geneva, countess consort of Savoy, Peter II, count of Savoy "the Little Charlemagne", Béatrice de Savoie, comtesse consort de Provence, contessa Sophie Eléonore de Savoie, de Maurienne, Thomas Too Many Ancestors Comte De Savoie, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%C3%A1s_I_de_Saboya, Birth of Thomas de Savoie, I, Comte de Savoie. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 1090 under which "Adelais comitissa filia quondam bonæ memoriæ comitis et marchionis Amedei" confirmed the donations by "Manasses dominus de Coloniaco quondam maritus meus" to Nantua, for the soul of "patris sui Manassis", signed by "Humbertus et Manasses filii mei"[120]. Some details about the earlier history of the Aguillon family near Chartres are set out by the editor of the cartulary of Notre-Dame de Josaphat[490].]. Thomæ, ill. Sabaud. 7. Sabaud " and the bishop of Sion, witnessed by "ipse Thomas comes, Amedeus primogenitus illius, Comitissa uxor Thomæ, eorum quatuor filii clerici…Willelmus, Thomas, Petrus et Bonifacius"[281]. A charter dated 1224 records an agreement between "Thomæ com. A fourth testament of "Amedeus comes Sabaudie" is dated 19 Sep 1252, appoints "Bonifacium filium meum" as his heir, under the tutelage of his brother Thomas, substituting "fratri meo Thome de Sabaudia comitis…Beatricem filiam meam uxorem quondam Manfredi marchionis Salutiarum et Margaretam filiam meam uxorem Bonifacii marchionis Montisferrati", and names "Cecilie…uxori nostre…Beatrix filia mea minor"[332]. et Albonis comitis", dated 27 Jun 1267, confirmed donations made by "…matertera Margarita vel Domina Ducissa avia mea…meæ amitæ quondam comitissæ Sabaudiæ"[297]. Geni requires JavaScript! 9) Pierre II, dit le Petit Charlemagne, (1203 † 1268), comte de Savoie. "Hugo dux Burgundie" requested the abbot of Cluny to recognise the rights of “Ph Sabaudie et Burgundie comiti et A. comitisse uxori sue” in “comitatu Burgundie…cessionis nobis facte a domina B, comitissa Orlemunde, sorore dicte A. comitissa”, by charter dated Apr 1270[455]. He succeeded his father in 1060 as PIERRE I Comte de Savoie, Aosta, Maurienne et Chablais, Marchese di Susa, under the regency of his mother until 1064. Margarete Comtessa de Savoie. “Berta regina” donated “almunia...inter Berbegal et Monte Rog” to the monastery of Alaon by charter dated to [1105], the dating clause of which records “Antefonso cognato meo in Pampilona et in Aragona, in Superarvi et in Ripacurcia, me autem regnante in Murello et in Auvero et in Aierb...”[110]. Les titres de comte, puis de duc de Savoie sont des titres de noblesse rattachés au territoire de la Savoie propre (dite également Savoie ducale), inféodé au royaume de Bourgogne, puis d'un territoire plus vaste, au sein du Saint-Empire. A fourth testament of "Amedeus comes Sabaudie" is dated 19 Sep 1252, appoints "Bonifacium filium meum" as his heir, under the tutelage of his brother Thomas, substituting "fratri meo Thome de Sabaudia comitis…Beatricem filiam meam uxorem quondam Manfredi marchionis Salutiarum et Margaretam filiam meam uxorem Bonifacii marchionis Montisferrati", and names "Cecilie…uxori nostre…Beatrix filia mea minor"[335]. "Dominus Petrus Marchio filius quond. Avoie is not mentioned in the 11 Oct 1264 will of her supposed brother Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury which made bequests to "sorori suæ comitissæ Provinciæ…sorori suæ alteræ comitissæ de Quiborc…"[488]. Her origin is not known. Il est le fils de Thomas Ier († 1233), comte de Maurienne et de Savoie, et de Béatrice-Marguerite de Genève3 (dite aussi Béatrice de Genève ou Marguerite de Faucigny) († 1257), fille du comte Guillaume Ier de Genève4,5,6. The use of "matertera" and "amitæ" as two different terms to express the relationship "aunt" suggests that they may have been different individuals. B. COMTES de SAVOIE et de MAURIENNE 1060-1417. Amadeo IV, el sucesor inmediato Humberto, muerto entre marzo y nobiembre de 1223 Tommaso, señor y conde de Piamonte y fundador de una línea que se convirtió en Saboya-Achaea Aimone, muerto el 30 de agosto de 1237, señor de Chablais Guglielmo (Guillermo de Saboya), Obispo de Valence and Decano de Vienne Amadeo de Saboya, Obispo de Maurienne Pietro, quién residió mucho en Inglaterra, llegó a ser Conde de Richmond, y en 1263 se convirtió en en Conde de Saboya Filippo, arzobispo de Lyon, quién dimitió, con su amtrimonio se convirtió en Conde Palatino de Borgoña y en 1268 se convirtió en Conde de Saboya Bonifacio que fue Arzobispo de Canterbury Beatriz de Saboya, muerta en 1265 or 1266, se casó en diciembre de 1219 con Ramón Berenguer V de Provenza,(1209-1245) y fue madre de cuatro Reinas consortes Alasia de Saboya, abadesa del monasterio de San Pierre en Lyon Ágatha de Saboya, abadesa del monasterio de San Pierre en Lyon Margarita de Saboya, muerta en 1273, casada en 1218 con Hartmann I de Kyburg Avita de Saboya, Predecesor: Humberto III Conde de Saboya 1189-1233 Sucesor: Amadeo IV, Obtenido de "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%C3%A1s_I_de_Saboya". Children (12) Elisa Savoia. "Hubertus comes" donated property to the canons of Saint-Jean and Saint-Urse by charter dated 1040, signed and consented to by "Oddo, Amedeus comes, Aymo Sedunensis episcopus, Brochardus filius Huberti comitis, Petrus marchio filius Odonis marchionis et commitissæ"[84]. The testament of "Filippo Vescovo de Lione" dated 26 Jul 1256 names "Pietro di Savoia e Beatrice Contessa di Provenza, di Lui fratello e Sorella…Conte Tommaso di Lui fratello" and chooses to be buried "nella Chiesa de Haute Combe"[452]. He had reached his majority by August 1191. et marchio in Italia" repeated the nomination of "Thomæ, Flandriæ comiti, fratri suo" as his heir to "totius comitatus sui Sabaudiæ marchionatus Italiæ et ducatus Chablasii" if he died without male children, on condition that he satisfied all the debts of "Thomæ comitis patris et Humberti fratris ipsorum"[290]. It is assumed that she was the daughter of her mother's third marriage but this is not certain. Majeur, il soutint l'empereur Frédéric II contre la papauté : il reçut alors le titre de vicaire impérial. 11) Boniface (1207 † 1270), évêque de Belley (1232-1241), archevêque de Canterbury (1246-1267), 12) Alice, abbesse de Saint-Pierre à Lyon en 1250, 13) Agathe, abbesse de Saint-Pierre à Lyon, 14) Marguerite (1212 † 1270), mariée en 1218 à Hartmann Ier († 1250), comte de Kybourg, puis à Eberhard de Laufenbourg († 1284), comte de Kybourg, 15) Avita, peut-être illégitime, mariée en 1237 à Baudouin de Reviers († 1262), 7e comte de Devon. Thome fratris mei…Alienore filie predicti comitis Thome…filie Contissone de Medullione…filie domini de Camera…Beringarie filie Dom. Comte Oddon & his wife had five children: 1. Bertha of Savoy, Countess of Moriana (d. 1087) married Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor. Thomas Ier de Savoie, né le 27 mai 1178 au château de Charbonnières à Aiguebelle, mort le 8 mars 1233 à Moncalieri en Italie, fut comte de Savoie, d'Aoste et de Maurienne et seigneur de Piémont de 1189 à 1233. An indication of the precarious financial position of the counts of Savoy is provided by a third testament, dated 2 Nov 1240, made by Thomas´s son "Amadeus com Sab. Adélaïde est dite avoir gouverné de fait les Etats de son mari, puis de son fils et même de son petit-fils.dont il a1°/ Pierre I, 4° comte de Savoie, décédé en 10782°/ Amédée II, 5° comte de Savoie, décédé en 10803°/ Othon (Odon), évêque dÕAsti (décédé vers 1088-1102 ? filiam Amedei comitis…fratris nostri quondam…"[341]. Zurita records the betrothal of “Infante Don Iayme” and “una hija del Conde Amadeo de Saboya...Beatriz” in 1263[337]. Dies brachte ihm zahlreiche Territorien im Piemont und den Zugang zum Mittelmeer ein. It is not clear from this document whether "matertera Margarita" and "meæ amitæ quondam comitissæ Sabaudiæ" refer to the same person as they are named in the context of two separate donations in different parts of the testament. Elle fut enterrée dans l'église de l'abbaye de Cherlieu. The testament of "Alis de Sauoye et de Bergoigne, Contesse Palatine" dated Nov 1278, made with the consent of "nostre…Signor et Mary Philippe de Sauoye et de Bergoigne Comte Palatin", appoints "nostre…fils ainsnés Messire Othes de Bourgoigone Sires de Salins soit Cuens de Bergoigne" as her heir in the county, makes bequests to "nostre…fil Renalt" and names "nostre…fils Iohans"[456]. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Comte Philippe was able to reaffirm his authority over Turin by defeating Guglielmo VII Marchese di Monferrato[451]. Her second marriage is confirmed by the agreement dated 15 Dec 1284 under which "Gastone Visconte di Bearn Signore di Montricher e Castelvecchio" and "Beatrice figlia del Conte Pietro di Savoia Dama di Faussign sua Consorte" reached agreement with "Umberto Signore di Thoire ed Anna Delfina sua Consorte" concering Comte Gaston's claim to the county of Vienne[422]. The disagreement must have persisted, at least in the case of Aymon, as he was disinherited under the testament of "Amedei comitis Sab. 5. Guichenon states that Berold and Benoît were illegitimate sons of Comte Thomas I, adding that they swore homage to Pierre I Comte de Savoie at Aiguebelle in Jun 1263 (without citing the corresponding primary source)[476]. "Aymo dominus Agaunensis frater comitis Sabaudie" confirmed a donation to Hautecombe abbey by charter dated Oct 1235[361]. Humbert Iii de Heilige de Savoie, Béatrix de Bourgogne, Amédée Iv de Savoie, Thomas II de Savoie, Humbert Iii de Savoie, Beatrix de Vienne-Macon de Bourgogne, Amadeus IV de SAVOIE, Thomas II de SAVOIE, Pierre II de SAVOIE, Beatrix de SAVOIE, Mar 1 1233 - Aoste, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France, Count Of Maurienne And Savoy, Marquess In Italia, Beatrice of Viennois,Umberto III Count of Savoy. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[474], Marguerite de Savoie married secondly Eberhard von Habsburg-Laufenburg, son of Rudolf III Graf von Habsburg-Laufenburg & his wife Gertrud von Regensberg. It is unlikely that this second Amedée was the legitimate son of Comte Thomas. She was still alive in 1100[97]. 4) Thomas II, (1199 † 1259), prince de Piémont. He was crowned Emperor at Rome 31 Mar 1084. Otto von Savoyen (* um 1030; † 1060) war der jüngste Sohn von Humbert I.. 1046 heiratete er Adelheid von Susa, eine Tochter Ulrich-Manfreds Markgraf von Turin aus der Familie der Arduine. m (Turin May 1080) FRIEDRICH Graf, Herr von Lützelburg, son of LOUIS de Mousson châtelain de Montbéliard & his wife Sophie of Upper Lotharingia heiress of Bar (-29 Jun 1091, bur [Canossa]). "Amedeus comes Sabaudie et in Italie marchio…cum…genetrice sua et fratribus suis B. Bellicensi Electo et Philippo Metensi Primicerio" granted "villam S. Mauritii de Chablaisio" {Saint-Maurice de Chablais} to "soror illorum Margareta comitissa de Kiborch" by charter dated 24 Feb 1240[469]. ], 2. The absence of any reference to Beatrix´s current husband King Manfred suggests a breakdown in their marriage. ", as his heir in default of male heirs, and reserves the dowry of "alterius filiarum suarum Beatricis"[402]. Duke Guillaume VI, who died in 1038, is also probably excluded, as Agnes would have been over 26 years old at the time of her marriage if she had been his daughter, which seems improbable as noble girls often married when aged 12 to 15 at the time. Robert Ier de Dreux, dit le Grand, naquit vers 1125 et mourut le 11 octobre 1188, comte de Dreux, cinquième fils de Louis VI le Gros, roi de France et d'Adèle de Savoie. Hijo de Humberto III de Saboya y de Beatrice de Viennois. "Amedeus comes Sabaudie et in Italie marchio…cum…genetrice sua et fratribus suis B. Bellicensi Electo et Philippo Metensi Primicerio" granted "villam S. Mauritii de Chablaisio" {Saint-Maurice de Chablais} to "soror illorum Margareta comitissa de Kiborch" by charter dated 24 Feb 1240[447]. "Adelegida…comitissa" donated property to Pinerolo, for the souls of "domni Manfredi marchionis genitoris mei et Adalrici episcopi Barbani mei et Bertæ genetricis meæ et…domni Odonis marchionis viri mei", by charter dated 8 Sep 1064, signed by "Petri, Amedei, Vitelmi qui Bruno vicecomes vocatur…Henrici qui vocatur Marchio…"[114]. Europäische Stammtafeln[353] shows two sons of Comte Thomas I both named Humbert, without any dates of birth or death for the second. [m secondly (Papal dispensation 26 Jan 1255) as his second wife, AYMAR [III] Comte de Valentinois, son of GUILLAUME II Comte de Valentinois & his wife Flotte de Royans (-[6 May/17 Jun] 1277, bur Bonlieu).] The testament of "Beatricis relictæ Raimundi Berengarii comitis Provinciæ", dated 14 Jan 1264, adds bequests to "…Margarithæ matri marchionis Montisferrati nepti suæ…"[331]. Half brother of Alicia of Savoy; contessa Sophie Eléonore de Savoie, de Maurienne and Eleonore de Savoie, http://www.friesian.com/lorraine.htm#savoy, Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Maurianæ et filii mei Amedeus et Aymo", by charter dated Dec 1227[355]. Bonifacii marchionis Montisferrati"[323]. Adelaide de Maurienne (de Savoie, di Susa), Amedee I "la Queue" Comte de Maurienne et de Chablais, http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAVOY.htm#_Toc359741802, Otto, count of Savoy worked at Count of Savoy, "Oddone de Maurienne", "Marquis Oddone of /Savoy-Chablais/", "Otto", "Count of Maurienne", "Eudes (Odon II) Count de Savoie", "Oddone di Savoia Marchese di Susa", "Comte de Savoy-Chablais", Margrave de Suze 1046, , 3° comte de Savoie, Maurienne, Aoste 1030, margrave, Marquis, d'Italie, 1045, Comte, de Savoie, de Suze, de Chablais, Count of Savoy, Conte di Savoia, Conde de Saboya, Margrave de TurÃn. The contract of marriage between "Amedeum comitem Sabaudiæ" and "Cæciliam Barralis domini Baucii filiam" is dated 18 Dec 1243, witnessed by "Humbertum de Seyssel dominum Aquarum…Raymundo de Baucio principe Aurasiæ, Guillelmo de Baucio nepote illius…"[302]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 26 Oct 1078 under which "Agnes filia quondam Guillelmi Pictaviensis comitis et relicta…marchionis Petri" donated property to Pinerolo[90]. Geni requires JavaScript! After this acquisition the House of Savoy concentrated their expansion efforts towards Italy instead of outside the Alps as they had done before. The testament of "Beatricis relictæ Raimundi Berengarii comitis Provinciæ", dated 14 Jan 1264, confirms her previous testaments appointing "Reginarum filiarum suarum Margarethæ Franciæ et Alienoræ Angliæ, fratrum suorum Bonifacii archiepiscopi Cantuar.
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