Is my tank too big for only 8 guppies? Thanks, Robert. You have to clean the tank with juveniles often to avoid food leftovers rotting. If there is anything else important that I should know as a beginner please also tell me, thank you. Fancy Guppy was specifically developed to meet the nutritional requirements for your Guppy fish. I’ve also just noticed today the angle fish is missing his 2 long stick things ☹️ As you might tell our family is new to the whole keeping a fish tank so any advice would be appreciated. Hi Kerrin, I feel the same when I see one of my fish getting bullied and if it were me I’d be putting her in a 10 gallon tank with a couple of other females. Your Free Bonus: Download the complete Guppies guide and learn how to care for this fish, what to feed them and their tank needs. Évitez … You may see the male haunting the female one for a long time, but this is ok and there is nothing you have to do about it. La cohabitation des guppys avec d’autres poissons est intéressante pour créer un aquarium … They have this crazy behavior of dashing straight up and speed diving back down. At low temperatures fishes grow larger, live for about 3—3,5 years, but at that they can easily get ill. Gestation period of female species gets longer and the juveniles are born rather large. Thanks and I really appreciate all the work put into this site! Quel que soit son volume, un aquarium qui mêle plusieurs espèces de poissons et/ou d’invertébrés est qualifié d’ aquarium communautaire. You should also avoid strong water flow in a tank. I really feel bad that she’s suffering. Ce sont ces poissons qui cohabitent dans mon aquarium. Havent added any fishes yet. Simple question qui n’est pas dès plus facile à résoudre. These are — tiger barb, black skirt tetra, red-eyed tetra. And guppies are social and would probally like to have a little more company than they are currently being provided. Provided with good tank conditions it grows very fast. They only live there until they get big enough to we can sell, trade or give them away It's a X-mile 19L/4.9G aquarium There are a castle a small "old" greek vase, two small green plants (don't know what they are called) two moss ball's and some decorative colored stones. Voici une liste non exhaustive des poissons pouvant vivre ensemble dans un aquarium communautaire. Views: 4. Il est donc recommandé de prendre en compte la taille de l'aquarium … thank you , your information are great ! We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. They should still be able to swim against the flow of water. Le guppy est devenu si commun que son nom scientifique, Poecilia reticulata, n'est plus employé alors que son nom commun est utilisé partout dans le monde et dans toutes les langues. Posted by Omar at 6:24 PM. As a rule, guppy breed quite successfully in a common tank. Hi I have a 40 gal breeder and I was wonder how many guppies can i house in it alone? Fancy guppy have low immunity and require special care. Il peut vivre en appartement sans chauffage (sauf si la pièce est sujette à de brusques variations de température) … Communautaire. Thanks. Hi Sophia, I would stick to feeding them treats only one or twice per week. Nb. My girlfriend doesn’t want them to die what should I do? Le guppy est un poisson qui vit naturellement à une température comprise entre 18 °C et 28 °C. aquaxelalex Communautaire - 100 litres. Thus, regular water renew will save you from this problem. There may be many reasons for this, but the most spread one is old water in the tank. They can also be kept with other peaceful community fish such as Mollies, Platies, Gouramis, Corydoras and peaceful tetras. Water temp is 78F, light pebble substrate, 1 back filter, 1 small sponge filter, some plants and decor… all readings look good regarding chlorine, nitrites, nitrates, ammonia levels, alkalinity, etc. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. You can also give them vegetables such as peas, lettuce and cucumber. 1 week after all of them were dead but 1. Keep them away from species such as Red Tailed Sharks, Barbs and aggressive Tetras. They come in all different types of colors, sizes and tail shapes. Males are much brighter colored and they also have gorgeous tails and fins, while females have rather pale coloring and short fins. However, if guppy lost its tail, this is a warning sign – either someone is nipping its fins and you have to study carefully the tank mates again, or the fish is ill with some infectious disease and you must examine other fishes in the tank even more closely. Smooth snags and stones will make the tank look natural. The idea is simple – the more guppy you have in a tank, the more impressive and beautiful they look. Thanks, Robert. Hi Person, Roughly 4-6 weeks. Thanks, Robert. This ensures you have the appropriate bacteria’s which will convert harmful compounds into less harmful ones. Can live even in a glass of water, but this will be a survival, not a real life. I have a 60 gallon African Cichlid tank which has been going for 2 months, no deaths, everything looks good. I also made a mix of flakes and bug bites(larvae) I crush them because they’re so small. Abrupt changes of tank water temperature and parameters (pH, gH) take toll on male fins. Would guppies work? Hi, I’m getting a 20 gallon tank. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Or recommended to have at least a couple together? In the wild males are more brightly colored than the females, though their colors is a far cry from those tank species obtained after selective breeding. When choosing a tank, you should take into account their high fertility. 1. What is your pH? You could also include some plants to help them feel more comfortable. I saw a previous comment you made abut a 5G holding 3-4 guppies. I have a 5G tank and got one male Guppy today. Hi Ruth, ideally Guppies like to be kept in small groups. Mais avec poissons peuvent-ils vivent… Contenu1 Rappel2 L’aquarium … Although, they can stand living in brackish water, they’ll die in seawater. They will nip at their fins. 400 L net , 400 L brut . And I don’t have a good place to put them alone. Are Guppies Suitable for your Aquarium? Dans un contexte d'aquarium communautaire, il convient de le maintenir dans un volume minimum de 60 litres. L’aquarium communautaire d’eau douce. La taille du bac étant un facteur limitant pour les espèces devant cohabiter avec le Betta, mieux vaut choisir 60 ou 70 litres. If your fish are constantly hiding, it could be an indication that they are stressed or ill. Die Jungbrut schwimmt zwar schon frei zwischen den Großfischen im Aquarium herum, jedoch halten sich einige vorerst noch beim großen Stein links im Vordergrund auf. Pour un aquarium communautaire de 100 à 300 litres d'eau douce, une bonne combinaison pourrait comprendre plusieurs variétés de Tétra et Barbus compatibles.Par exemple, vous pouvez mettre les espèces suivantes de Tétra : Tétra néon, Tétra citron, Tétra rayons X, Tétra néon noir, Tétra cuivré, Tétra coeur saignant et Tétra fantôme rouge. This one will tell you how to clean it: Thanks, Robert. Placez les guppies dans l'aquarium de reproduction. Pour éviter cela, associez-le à de petits poissons pacifiques. Feed them around four to five times per day. I’: planning on cycling it for at least a month or more but I’m wondering what household items I can put in to keep the cycle going to feed the bacteria. We have articles on each of these species, so feel free to have a read of their particular care needs. Apologies if it’s been posted somewhere else, I’ve been flicking through a bunch of your guides and haven’t seen specific mentions yet. But I’m just wondering about diet. Which means that the juveniles are born fully formed and ready to swim. Thanks, Robert. Males are typically 1.5–3.5 cm (0.6–1.4 in) long, while females are 3–6 cm (1.2–2.4 in) long. Guppy get along well with peaceful and small fishes like dwarf gourami, bristlenose pleco, white cloud mountain minnow, harlequin rasbora, cherry barb, molly and platy. Anal fin of male was modified into a reproductive organ – gonopodium. See more ideas about aquarium, aquarium fish, fish tank. To supplement the fish flakes you can feed your fish either live or frozen foods such as shrimp and bloodworms. Stay calm, be happy, enjoy your guppies and get to know them..I’m sure they will surprise you soon. guppy, néon, labeo, coridoras, corridas, molly, - 115 Litres ... Volume min Ce volume est le minimum recommandé par notre équipe pour la maintenance de ce poisson dans un aquarium communautaire, avec le nombre d'individus minimum recommandé (âge adulte). Suite à mes recherches j'ai vu que les guppy … Whilst it can be challenging for novice keepers to keep healthy, its unique characteristics makes the challenge worthwhile. Again, this can be treated with medication, and prevented by choosing suitable tank mates who won’t nip. If the fern grows next to the tank bottom, it means that tank conditions are good. 10.11.2020 - Erkunde Klangräumes Pinnwand „Welse“ auf Pinterest. This is a freshwater fish. The thing is, that this fish is a live-bearing one. It is longer and narrower than a female’s anal fin. I was told at the store that it was. Like I could have veggies Monday, bloodworms Tuesday. Mais ces cohabitations sont-elles possibles ? I started this hobby about a month ago, I bought some plants and 12 baby guppies. Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) Platy - a hardy community fish available in many colour varieties Loaches. Tous les poissons tropicaux ne sont hélas pas compatibles entre eux : certains sont plus belliqueux ou solitaires, d'autres demandent des cachettes, qu'ils s'accaparent et dont ils défendent les abords, y compris vis-à-vis de leurs congénères. L’aquarium communautaire d’eau douce En ce qui concerne les aquariums d’eau douce communautaire, de nombreuses espèces cohabitent parfaitement. If you choose to keep both males and females, keep them at a ratio of 2:1. They are very popular in the aquarium trade for their truly unique look and their bright coloration. Modified anal fin; males have a modified anal fin which is known as a gonopodium. Guppy adapt better to hard water and they stand brackish water quite well. Hi Jack, have you tried an oxidation filter? Guppy is easy to feed. How long does a 5 gallon tank have to run for the nitrogen cycle and how many guppies can it fit? So now that I’ve bored you all…guppies hovering at a bottom corner either single or pairs…females losing some color but not seeming pregnant also at the bottom…only tankmates are corycates and they seem to enjoy each other. A propos Photos Relevés Faune & Flore Equipements Maintenance. that was 3 weeks ago, we have since added 2 air stones and pump…. 3.Could water alkalinity be stressing them? Water, ph/ammonia/nitrate/nitites are good. Good luck! You’ll need to use a heater to keep the water in between 75 to 82OF. Keep in mind, if you have bought a filter and installed it high (to make the tank water surface move), you don’t have to buy aeration – you don’t need it at all. As a rule, this is an inborn defect. Normally, female spawns juveniles once in a month, but the terms may vary depending on the tank water temperature and conditions. Your email address will not be published. 58 talking about this. I keep it at 81.2 degrees. During many years of keeping guppy in tanks and after thorough selective breeding there were obtained lots of strains that require specific and quite complicated care. There are many different types of gouramis, coming in different sizes and colors. If all fishes in a tank are of one color, males have long and uniformly colored fins, then these are demanding guppy fishes. Examples include:eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_31',114,'0','0'])); Again, the tail can also be either a solid color or patterned. They have a number of tell-tale signs: It is thought that males are able to determine which females are virgin and which are already pregnant. Apr 14, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Nathalie Delpierre. If not do you have other potential recommendations for me? If I move her to another tank should I get another female or two to keep her company? Portail des communes de France : nos coups de coeur sur les routes de France. I’ve had 3 batches of Guppies come in over the last month and all have died in a 3 to 4 day period. Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. Would it be fine? The female also has elongated body, but its back side is more flattened from sides. You can put some snails into the tank – apple snails or ram’s horn snails, for example. Tuxedo: front and back half and two different colors. also do we maybe have to many fish in our tank? Ideal plants to keep these fish with include Hornwort and Amazon Sword Plants. Possibly, some laws of nature get on the stage, when there is an exceeding number of males in the tank and the population compensates the female number to save itself. I have a 100L(29G) planted tank (60x40x40cm) that I have a thick bed of substrate in. Thank you for your advise. 19L/4.9G Guppy fry aquarium This i our fry tank with some guppy fry and some brown great ramshorn snail. Si non pourrais-je y mettre une femelle betta ?Je sais que les betta et guppy font mauvais ménage Hi Kraitos, you can read our guide on ‘What do fish eat’ and ‘The Best Betta food’ for more information on feeding your fish. Discover (and save!) They are not fussy eaters and will eat whatever you give them, including mosquito larvae.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_18',120,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_19',120,'0','1'])); Their main diet should be good quality fish flakes. Un aquarium communautaire est un aquarium dans lequel cohabitent plusieurs espèces de poissons que l’on choisit généralement selon leur taille et leur couleur pour créer un environnement intéressant à regarder. Pour un aquarium communautaire, compte tenu de sa taille, le Guppy Endler peut rapidement faire partie du menu de ses colocataires. We can’t call guppy a schooling fish, but there is almost no point in keeping just one fish couple. Thanks, Robert. For the rest of the gestation period, the fish develop organs. Note that some other species of loach can be aggressive. Le guppy est un joli et vaillant petit poisson, facile à vivre, tolérant sur les paramètres de l'eau. We can’t give you just one right answer for this question. The spot on the abdomen of guppy that is ready to spawn becomes darker (these are juveniles eyes). They add plenty of color to tanks, are peaceful, relatively cheap and very … I was thinking some fancy guppies, neon tetras, swordfish, maybe Cory catfish and an Amano or cherry shrimp. Towards the end of her pregnancy you may be able to see the eyes of the babies through her translucent skin. One of my guppies, a female, is hanging out at the top of the tank and avoiding all of the other fish. Plein de photos de Khulis, Guppys, Black mollys, crevettes, corydoras, pimelodus, betta splendens... Nous deux! But it’d also be nice if I had some colourful mid to upper water column fish so I wanted to see how you would stock this tank. Why? Each of them has surely had a guppy fish in a tank even just once. Is this enough room for my guppies? Include holes for the fry to swim out of. Le Guppy est l’un des vivipares les plus populaires et on le trouve souvent dans les aquariums de débutants.. Il est considéré comme étant le plus facile par les aquariophiles qui ont un … Hi Ethan, the nitrogen cycle will establish itself naturally so you don’t need to add anything. Had 10 guppies in 20 gallon tank every 2 weeks one or 2 died nitrite and nitrate were good want more guppies but I’m scared new to fish, Hi Melody, how long was it since your last guppies died and how old is your set up? It depends on tank conditions and water temperature. It means that the fish carries eggs inside its abdomen and spawns fully formed juveniles. The spot near the female anal orifice gets darker and the darker it is, the sooner the fish will spawn. Fishkeeping world was created by a school of fish fanatics. It is thePoecilia reticulatathat we’ll be discussing in this article.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',109,'0','0'])); There are almost 300 varieties of Guppies. Guppy got its name in the name of English priest and scientist Robert John Lechmere Guppy, who in 1886 made a report to Royal Society, in which he told about the fish that spawns juveniles instead of eggs. I bought them because they were cheap and the guy told me they were harder to kill, so good for a beginner. We’ll discuss more on how to do this in the breeding section. Some species even have a. Poecilia reticulata habitat is in freshwater and brackish water basins of Venezuela, Guiana, to the North of Amazon river, on the North of Brazil, Barbados islands and Trinidad. Two canister pumps well established. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River), with Echinodorus and Angelfish. How often should I change the water? Nous voyons souvent la cohabitation de poisson rouge avec des poissons « tropicaux » (guppy, neon, platy, ancistrus, …). Actuellement il y a 7 néons, 4 danios et 4 guppy. Something like that. Therefore, the best thing is to feed 2-3 times a day with portions that the fish can eat in 2-3 minutes. Gestation period of the female lasts about 21-40 days depending on the tank water temperature. At high temperatures lifespan is about a year or less, they don’t grow large. You see, although Guppy fish are said to be one of the easiar fishes to care and breed for some reason so many people still don't know how to breed Guppy Fish successfully. into the tank with fishes. Mais avec poissons peuvent-ils vivent… Contenu1 Rappel2 L’aquarium type2.1 Les paramètres d’eau2.2 Le volume2.3 Le décor3 Maintenant rentrant dans le […] They add plenty of color to tanks, are peaceful, relatively cheap and very easy to maintain. Intraspecific variety of the fish colors, ability to breed fast and easily, allowed breeders to create unbelievable diversity of breeds with all possible types of patterns and color combinations. En plus des plantes et une population de poissons, l'harmonisation plus ou moins bien, l'accent souvent la collecte de l'expérience pratique dans le fonctionnement d'un aquarium détient. Since then, the fish has undergone a few name changes, including Lebistes reticulatusand is now known as Poecilia reticulata. So, don’t forget to turn on aeration and water filtration. I read a lot about it since and now they are really healthy, I bought a Bala Shark(Supposed to have a small mouth and don’t eat small mate) and an ancitrus since then. They are also known by a few other common names such as The Millions Fish (because of their amazing breeding rate) and The Rainbow Fish (because of the wide variety of colors they come in). Cohabitation combattant, Guppy, néon, ancistrus et altum 16/05/2014 à 19h14:02 . Yes, you can, but it looks pretty sad…since, this is an active and joyful fish that likes company. Again this is either due to dirty, old tank water or some infection. Time: 05:02: More in Pets & Animals: cheapest Texas insurance. Guppies stay small, under 2-1/2 inches in length, and will add interest and color to the small community aquarium. Pour une bonne cohabitation des organismes aquatiques vivants dans l’aquarium… What do you need for breeding? 75 Gallon Guppy, Neon Tetra, Glowfish Aquarium - Duration: ... Aquarium planté communautaire type amazonien aquascaping tank 300 litres - Duration: 1:07. guppy. Possibly, it is too hot in a tank or you haven’t cleaned it for a long time or maybe the tank is too crowded. C’est un critère primordial pour assurer la survie de l’une ou de l’autre espèce. Each case is a unique one. The female is supposed to eat them, they have some space to hide but not a lot. Comme le guppy, c'est un excellent nageur et son caractère est paisible et pacifique. (Summary), Pictus Catfish: Size, Care and Tank Mates, 18 Most Beautiful Gourami Fish and How to Care for Them, Bichir Complete Care Guide: Varieties, Tank Mates and More…,,,,,, The Ultimate Hermit Crab Care Guide: Habitat, Food And Much More…, How To Take Care Of A Box Turtle – Ultimate Breed Guide List, 15+ Best Freshwater Shrimps For Aquariums, Eastern Box Turtle Complete Care Guide: Diet, Habitat And More…. These fish grow very large and need a huge tank (min 150 gallons) You can read more about caring for them here: As for the guppies, they’ll need their own tank and the food you’re feeding them is fine. The most common tank mates for a Guppy, is more Guppies! Il existe deux manières pour se lancer dans la maintenance des guppys : l’élevage en spécifique ou la mise en place d’un aquarium communautaire. Thus, except common food flakes get some flakes with vegetable supplements and feed with them twice a week to ensure healthy gastroenteric tract of the fish and high immunity. Poecilia reticulata) is a renowned tank fish. Just got my 1st guppies – 8 males in a 20 gal tank with one nice size cory-cat and 2 apple snails. Some of them we have already mentioned above, but also you may read the article, – every fish that is in the list will do as a tank mate. I’d have one or two groups (of either Guppies, Tetras or Swords) and have 4 or 5 fish in each group. That’s why you should renew water more often, but in small values (not more than 1/3 of the whole volume). 43, F, Toulouse. Most people choose a ten gallon tank to keep Guppies in, but you can keep them in a 5 gallon, or anything upwards of a ten gallon. The female has a bit enlarged abdomen and you can see eggs in its anal region. Asia Communautaire - 100 litres. Feeds on worms, larvae, bloodworm and various small insects. They’ve nipped her tail and one fin. Main parameter used for classification is the color of its body (mainly it’s male coloring), then comes the size, shape and color of its fins. If you want to keep them with other non-fish animals, you could house them with Ghost Shrimp or African Dwarf Frogs. These hardy fish might not [Continue reading …], My tank is 125gal. Thanks, Robert. Their name derives from Robert John Lechmere Guppy, who found them in Trinidad back in 1866. I live in an area where my water is not only hard but also has a high content of red iron oxide. The higher the temperature is, the shorter is the lifespan. They were sold as feeder in my local pet store. Try to renew 20% of water once a week and monitor state of other fishes in the tank. The food that fish eat depends on what’s available in their natural environment as well as their anatomy. It’s important to keep in mind, that guppy has small mouth and stomach and the food should be also small sized. Hi Gian, how strange!