Blue denotes counties that voted more Democratic. [38] Ron Paul officially remained in the race, but he stopped campaigning on May 14 to focus on state conventions. [142] Obama is the third Democratic president to secure at least 51% of the vote twice, after Andrew Jackson and Franklin D. Les électeurs blancs ont représenté 72 % de l'électorat (en baisse par rapport à 2008), l'électorat noir est resté stable autour de 13 % tandis que les électeurs latinos ont représenté 10 % de l'électorat (en hausse)[14]. [76] Super PACs constituted nearly one-fourth of the total financing, with most coming from pro-Romney PACs. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Ce dernier avait réalisé en 2006 une réforme du système d'assurances santé du Massachusetts proche de la réforme fédérale promulguée par Obama en 2010. Après une longue domination d'Obama dans les sondages, Mitt Romney refait une grande partie de son retard après le premier débat télévisé entre les deux candidats où, de l'avis général, Barack Obama paraissait impréparé. Les autres candidats ne se sont une fois de plus pas montrés capables de remettre en cause le bipartisme. Red denotes counties that voted more Republican. How to move on after the US election. [145] Romney lost his home state by more than 23%, the worst losing margin for a major party candidate since John Frémont in 1856. Find the latest news, photos and videos from the 2020 United States presidential election. But What Will They Really Add Up To? Gary Johnson, 59 ans, ancien gouverneur du Nouveau-Mexique (21 avril - 28 décembre 2011)[9]. Romney lost his home state of Massachusetts, becoming the first major party presidential candidate to lose his home state since Democrat Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee to Republican George W. Bush in the 2000 election. However, Venezuela and some other states had tempered reactions. The incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama, and his running mate, Vice President Joe Biden, were re-elected to a second term. Obama, qui s'est déclaré candidat à un second mandat dès le 4 avril 2011, ne devait donc rencontrer aucune difficulté pour obtenir cette investiture. Read headlines covering the presidential debates, results, and more. Candidates with considerable name recognition who entered the race for the Republican presidential nomination in the early stages of the primary campaign included U.S. Representative and former Libertarian nominee Ron Paul, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who co-chaired John McCain's campaign in 2008, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the runner-up for the nomination in the 2008 cycle, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The 2012 election marked the first time since 1988 in which no state was won by a candidate with a plurality of the state's popular vote. Les autres candidats investis par des partis mineurs ou dits « indépendants » recueillent des scores mineurs. Elle voit la réélection du président démocrate sortant Barack Obama, opposé à Mitt Romney, choisi par le Parti républicain. Rick Perry, 62 ans, gouverneur du Texas (13 août 2011 - 19 janvier 2012). The nomination process consisted of primaries and caucuses, held by the 50 states, as well as Guam, Puerto Rico, Washington, D.C., U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Democrats Abroad. USA 2020: Donald Trump réussit à instiller le doute sur l’élection présidentielle à défaut d’en inverser le résultat Gilles Sengès 04 Décembre 2020 à 12h45 Cependant, il s'est retrouvé en peine face à la base et aux candidats populistes qui la représentaient : Newt Gingrich, WASP et héraut de la victoire de 1994, Rick Santorum, ultra-catholique, Ron Paul, libertarien, furent ses trois derniers adversaires à rester dans la course, le dernier ne cessant sa campagne qu'en juin sans se désister. In the 2012 election, all four of Maine's electoral votes were won by Obama and all five of Nebraska's electoral votes were won by Romney. The campaigns focused heavily on domestic issues, and debate centered largely around sound responses to the Great Recession. [153][154] This was later surpassed by Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Au niveau des sondages conduits dans les États pris individuellement, la plupart d'entre eux ont anticipé correctement l'issue du scrutin. On May 29, after winning the Texas primary, Romney had received a sufficient number of delegates to clinch the party's nomination with the inclusion of unpledged delegates. The 2012 United States presidential election was the 57th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. [131], The United States has a population of 50 million Hispanic and Latino Americans, 27 million of whom are citizens eligible to vote (13% of total eligible voters). Results by state, shaded according to winning candidate's percentage of the vote. Hansen, Wendy L., Michael S. Rocca, and Brittany Leigh Ortiz. For the first time in modern Republican Party history, three different candidates won the first three state contests in January (the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire primary, and the South Carolina primary). The incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama and his running mate, Vice President Joe Biden, were re-elected to a second term. Mitt Romney, multimillionnaire en dollars, de religion mormone, Gouverneur du Massachusetts, fils d'un Sénateur, était le favori avant même le début des primaires. Bachmann withdrew after finishing sixth in the Iowa caucuses,[32] Huntsman withdrew after coming in third in New Hampshire, and Perry withdrew when polls showed him drawing low numbers in South Carolina.[33]. Le décompte en voix (51,0 % des voix pour Obama, 47,3 % pour Romney) est anecdotique dans la mesure où c'est le nombre de grands électeurs qui décide de l'élection. They defeated the Republican ticket of businessman and former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. Ces États sont l'Ohio (18 grands électeurs), la Floride (29), le Colorado (9), le Wisconsin (10), le Nevada (6), l'Iowa (6), le New Hampshire (4) et la Virginie (13). Seuls les portraits des principaux candidats sont présentés, par ordre de déclaration de candidature. With an incumbent president running for re-election against token opposition, the race for the Democratic nomination was largely uneventful. Latest on the 2012 National Elections from the CNN.com Politics team. Blue denotes counties that went to Obama; red denotes counties that went to Romney. Il s'agit d'un scrutin indirect: les citoyens votent pour des grands électeurs qui à leur tour voteront, Etat par Etat, pour l'un ou l'autre des candidats. Romney secured his party's nomination in May, defeating former Senator Rick Santorum, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and Texas congressman Ron Paul, among other candidates. This meant, typically, that people without driver's licenses or passports had to gain new forms of ID. Santorum won Kansas and three Southern primaries, but he was unable to make any substantial gain on Romney, who became a formidable frontrunner after securing more than half of the delegates allocated in March. [129][130], Foreign leaders reacted with both positive and mixed messages. PRESIDENTIELLE USA. The United States presidential election of 2012 broke new records in financing, fundraising, and negative campaigning. Le dernier président américain réélu avec un vote populaire moins important que la fois précédente est Franklin Delano Roosevelt en 1944, c'est-à-dire pour son 4e mandat (il avait aussi perdu des voix en 1940 par rapport à son élection précédente)[13]. At the time, Green Party candidate Jill Stein's popular vote total made her the most successful female presidential candidate in a general election in United States history. À quelques jours de l'élection, les sondages donnent à Obama et Romney le même résultat national, mais aucun n'a donné d'avantage au scrutin indirect. A look at how the states stacked up in the 2012 election and how they have shifted over past elections. The Commission on Presidential Debates held four debates during the last weeks of the campaign: three presidential and one vice-presidential. Depuis que son ancienne concurrente lors des primaires de 2008, la Secrétaire d'État Hillary Clinton, a déclaré qu'elle ne se présenterait pas à celles de 2012[4], seul un petit candidat de témoignage, le militant anti-avortement Randall Terry, a annoncé en janvier 2011 son intention de se présenter aux primaires démocrates, ainsi que Tiffany Briscoe, laquelle est également candidate à l'investiture du Tea Party. United States presidential election, 2012, laws requiring voters to have government-issued IDs, 2012 Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2012 Democratic Party presidential candidates, Nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage, 2012 Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 Republican Party presidential candidates, Third-party and independent candidates for the 2012 United States presidential election, 2012 Constitution Party National Convention, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, International reactions to the 2012 United States presidential election, White evangelical or born-again Christian, most successful female presidential candidate, Planned presidential transition of Mitt Romney, 2012 United States House of Representatives elections, 2012 United States gubernatorial elections, Nationwide opinion polling for the 2012 United States presidential election, Statewide opinion polling for the 2012 United States presidential election, Timeline of the 2012 United States presidential election, "Federal Elections 2012: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives", "David Callahan: Ohio's Voter ID Law and the 2012 Election", "New SC voter ID requirements clears Senate", "Rick Perry's agenda may signal run for W.H. All other candidates were on the ballots of fewer than 10 states, 100 electors, and less than 20% of voters nationwide. Roosevelt. [citation needed], The first major event of the campaign was the Ames Straw Poll, which took place in Iowa on August 13, 2011. Obama was the first incumbent since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944 to win reelection with fewer electoral votes and a smaller popular vote margin than had been won in the previous election, and was also the first two-term president since Ronald Reagan to win both his presidential bids with a majority of the nationwide popular vote (50% or more). A negative number indicates a favorite, but in the case of two positive numbers, let’s say +125 and +250, the +125 would be the favored candidate. Les électeurs américains sont appelés aux urnes ce mardi 8 novembre pour dire qui d'Hillary Clinton ou de Donald Trump deviendra leur nouveau président. Il remporta finalement ces primaires avec environ 88 % des suffrages exprimés, obtenant la majorité dans tous les États fédérés. [128] The polls had made Romney and his campaign team so confident of their victory that Romney did not write a concession speech until Obama's victory was announced. This is also the most recent presidential election when the Democratic candidate won the states of Iowa, Ohio, and Florida, along with Maine's 2nd congressional district. Thaddeus McCotter, 47 ans, représentant du Michigan (2 juillet - 22 septembre 2011). Despite public polling showing Romney behind Obama in the swing states of Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, and New Hampshire, tied with Obama in Virginia, and just barely ahead of Obama in Florida, the Romney campaign said they were genuinely surprised by the loss, having believed that public polling was oversampling Democrats. [149] Romney won the popular vote in every county of three states: Utah, Oklahoma, and West Virginia; Obama did so in four states: Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Hawaii. Le président sortant Barack Obama compta peu d'adversaires sérieux dans son propre camp lors des primaires démocrates. L'élection du président des Etats-Unis aura lieu le 6 novembre 2012. It is also the only presidential election where there are no white Protestants on either major party ticket. [35] Throughout the rest of March, 266 delegates were allocated in 12 events, including the territorial contests and the first local conventions that allocated delegates (Wyoming's county conventions). Comme les États fermement républicains apportant moins de grands électeurs, Romney devait pratiquement tous les remporter. Elections USA : Le résultat de l’élection présidentielle américaine 2020 s’annonçait serré. [152] Johnson would go on to beat this record in the 2016 presidential election, winning the most votes for the Libertarian ticket in history. Tim Pawlenty ends White House bid", "Fred Karger officially ends 2012 presidential campaign", "Libertarians nominate ex-Governor Gary Johnson for president", "Judge Jim Gray Is the 2012 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Nominee", "Mass. [111][112], Popular vote totals are from the Federal Election Commission report. Suivez l'actualité des Élections Présidentielles Américaines 2020 & retrouvez les programmes des candidats aux primaires : Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton… Reste l'option du vote en ligne faite par plusieurs pays européens. Jump to Latest Follow 901 - 920 of 1007 Posts ... il y a eu trop d'irrégularités lors de la présidentielle de 2016, à tel point qu'ils ont dû revoter pour le second tour. A presidential election was held in France on 22 April 2012 (or 21 April in some overseas departments and territories), with a second round run-off held on 6 May (or 5 May for those same territories) to elect the President of France (who is also ex officio one of the two joint heads of state of Andorra, a sovereign state). Additionally, high-ranking party members known as superdelegates each received one vote in the convention. Primaires présidentielles du Parti républicain américain de 2012, Liste de sondages sur l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2012, la clause 5 de l'article 2 de la Constitution des États-Unis, Présidentielle américaine 2012 : les républicains tardent à se lancer face à Obama, Hillary Clinton ne se présentera pas aux présidentielles de 2012 et 2016, Le mouvement des "Tea Parties" bouscule la classe politique américaine, Barack Obama perd sa majorité qualifiée au Sénat, Bloomberg présenté comme un possible candidat à la présidence US, « Victoire d’Obama : l’Amérique divisée », « États-Unis : un électorat désillusionné et mécontent », « Les hommes blancs ont voté Romney, les minorités Obama », Élection présidentielle américaine de 2012, Geoelections - Cartes explicatives par comtés du vote 2012, dont celle de la participation, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Élection_présidentielle_américaine_de_2012&oldid=176379905, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Politique aux États-Unis/Articles liés, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Tiffany Briscoe, 36 ans, femme d'affaires du, Jonathon Sharkey, 46 ans, ancien catcheur et vampire autoproclamé de, Tiffany Briscoe, femme d'affaires et ancienne candidate à l'investiture du. [144] Romney also became the first Republican since Gerald Ford's narrow defeat to Jimmy Carter, in 1976, to fail to win a presidential election while earning a minimum of 200 electoral votes. Candidat ayant renoncé avant les primaires : Tim Pawlenty, 44 ans, ancien gouverneur du Minnesota (23 mai - 14 août 2011). Donald Trump a recueilli plus de 73 millions de voix, un record pour un président finalement battu. The delegate estimates for the other candidates were Santorum at 261 delegates, Paul at 154, Gingrich at 142, Bachmann at 1, Huntsman at 1, and all others at 0. Le processus de désignation du candidat, via des élections primaires et des caucus, fut cependant plus long que prévu. Seuls Bill Clinton et George W. Bush sont dans ce cas, car deux autres anciens présidents encore en vie au moment de l'élection présidentielle de 2012, Jimmy Carter et George H. W. Bush, n'ont été élus qu'une fois et pouvaient donc théoriquement se présenter à cette élection. CNN's final delegate estimate, released on July 27, 2012, put Romney at 1,462 pledged delegates and 62 unpledged delegates, for a total estimate of 1,524 delegates. Due to a number of scandals, Cain withdrew just before the end of the year, after having gotten on the ballot in several states. Avec un taux de participation plus faible qu'en 2008, Barack Obama perd 4 millions d'électeurs tandis que Mitt Romney obtient 1 million voix de plus que John McCain. Ne peuvent se présenter, selon l'article II section première de la Constitution[2], que les citoyens américains: Les présidents qui ont déjà été élus deux fois ne sont pas éligibles. On trouve différents exemples de cette fracture. Yet in the past, many more states shifted between the Democratic and Republican parties. [80][81] Americans for Prosperity spent $8.4 million in swing states on television advertisements denouncing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 loan guarantee to Solyndra, a manufacturer of solar panels that went bankrupt,[82] an advertising campaign described by The Wall Street Journal in November 2011 as "perhaps the biggest attack on Mr. Obama so far".[83][84]. Pakistan commented that Romney's defeat had made Pakistan-United States relations safer. Former Governor Mitt Romney meets with President Barack Obama at the White House after the 2012 presidential election. Romney lost all but one of nine battleground states and received 47 percent of the nationwide popular vote to Obama's 51 percent. All states were won with over 50% of the vote. President - House - Ballot Measures. Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont had all counties go to Obama. Ron Paul, 77 ans, représentant du Texas (13 mai 2011 - 26 août 2012). [40] Romney formally accepted the delegates' nomination on August 30, 2012.[41]. Dépassé sur sa droite par un mouvement populiste Tea Party qu'il peinait à canaliser à son profit[5], le parti de Lincoln était en mauvaise posture jusqu'en 2010. Obama won 332 electoral votes and 51.1% of the popular vote compared to Romney's 206 electoral votes and 47.2%. Can he do the same in Florida? Newt Gingrich, 69 ans, ancien représentant de la Géorgie (11 mai 2011 - 2 mai 2012). "The effects of Citizens United on corporate spending in the 2012 presidential election". Santorum, who had previously run an essentially one-state campaign in Iowa, was able to organize a national campaign after his surprising victory there. A total of thirteen debates were held before the Iowa caucuses. [8][9] Rolling Stone magazine criticized the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) for lobbying in states to bring about these laws, to "solve" a problem that does not exist. "Press Coverage of the 2012 US Presidential Election: A Multinational, Cross-Language Comparison". [6] The Obama campaign fought against the Ohio law, pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal it in time for the 2012 election.[10]. Alabama election results 2012. Four other parties nominated candidates that had ballot access or write-in access to at least 270 electoral votes, the minimum number of votes needed in the 2012 election to win the presidency through a majority of the electoral college. Results by county. They defeated the Republican ticket of businessman and former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. Jump to Latest Follow ... En Autriche, ils ont eu une élection présidentielle en 2016. In 2011, several state legislatures passed new voting laws, especially pertaining to voter identification, with the stated purpose of combating voter fraud; the laws were attacked, however, by the Democratic Party as attempts to suppress voting among its supporters and to improve the Republican Party's presidential prospects. It became clear at around this point in the nomination process that while Romney was considered to be the likely nominee by the Republican establishment, a large segment of the conservative primary electorate found him to be too moderate for their political views. [79] The tax-exempt non-profit Americans for Prosperity, a so-called "outside group", that is, a political advocacy group that is not a political action committee or super-PAC, ran a television advertising campaign opposing Obama described by The Washington Post as "early and relentless". [150], Romney's loss prompted the Republican National Committee to try to appeal to the American Latino population by concentrating on different approaches to immigration. Enfin, les électeurs protestants ont marqué leur préférence pour le candidat républicain (57 %) et si les juifs, les athées et les autres confessions votent pour le démocrate, l'électorat catholique se partage à quasi égalité entre les deux candidats (50-48)[15]. See maps and real-time presidential election results for the 2020 US election. [25] Around the same time, Johnson, who had been able to get into only one other debate, withdrew to seek the Libertarian Party nomination.[26]. [12][13][14] Ultimately they did not do it, leaving their winner take all format intact as of 2020. On April 10, Santorum suspended his campaign due to a variety of reasons, such as a low delegate count, unfavorable polls in his home state of Pennsylvania, and his daughter's health, leaving Mitt Romney as the undisputed front-runner for the presidential nomination and allowing Gingrich to claim that he was "the last conservative standing" in the campaign for the nomination. Happiness expert Tal Ben-Shahar has some advice. Déjà pressenti en 2008, Bloomberg a cependant déclaré en juillet 2010 qu'il ne serait pas candidat[7]. Through grassroots campaign contributions, online donations, and Super PACs, Obama and Romney raised a combined total of more than $2 billion. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 8 novembre 2020 à 15:49. ", "Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com", "Ryan pick cements lack of military service in presidential race", "Obama's 3 Million Vote, Electoral College Landslide, Majority of States Mandate", "Final Tally Shows Obama First Since '56 to Win 51% Twice", "Obama first presidential candidate since Eisenhower to top 51% twice", "Presidential Results By Congressional Districts: Obama is reelected but Romney carries a majority of districts", "Romney poised to lose home state by wider margin than any other candidate", "20 Presidential Tickets That Lost Both Home States", "2012 Presidential General Election Data â Massachusetts by County", "Presidential Election of 1856 â Map by counties", "Donald Trump Takes Advantage of a Republican Party Pitted Against Itself.
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